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Date Posted:02/02/2010 6:18 PMCopy HTML

"So Steve what's his name keeps on a spewing shit quicker than Diamond Dogg can eat it up, HEY, a perfect pair!"
Steve Weigel is who he means and quite a true statement, but if he was such a legend, why is it not everyone in the wrestling world as heard of him. As for Dogg, well he's just a shock jock. One talks too much shit and one eats too much of it! As for Gabriel, he's out to put Mack down, he says he'll take the mans advice and do it, step up and make himself, but does Mack think he will or just that Gabriel has a little of that shit syndrome Steve and Dogg have?
"Ya know something Gabriel, at least you got the balls enough to spew it unlike Dante and Midnight!"
True, even Ravyn spewed some shit saying he's end Mack, dominate him, oh, wait, that was last week and he failed to back up those words, so wait a second, what did Ravyn do?
"Oh yea, maybe that was that Oliver dude, oh, it was, he wants to meet with me badly it seems...why?"
Good question, why would anyone want to meet with Mack? Maybe he wants to learn the ropes from one of the greatest there is? Maybe he wants to get to know an enemy or perhaps he wants to work together? Maybe he is another spoiled egg like Dogg and wants to get intimate?
"In that case I'll give him Steve's and Dogg's numbers, they'll go for that in a heartbeat!"
Seriously though, why does Oliver want to meet Mack so bad?
"Ok, so Oliver, man, like I said, I'll meet ya son, just give me a good reason to alter my schedule and I will otherwise do what ya said and come see me, I ain't some bitch boy who hide sin shadows and surrounds himself with worthless lackeys in fear of confrontation. I am out in the open seeing all around me, so c'mon and chat or stay your ass hidden, makes no difference to me. As for Ravyn, well son, you and Midnight just ain't got it apparently, ya don't get it, ya may never get it or will ya? I hope so, but ya have yet to show any reason why ya will get it and until ya do, check mate, your out, fuck you, have a nice day assholes!"
Well, ok, guess they got told, so no what?
"Back to Gabriel again huh man, yea, ya wanna step, so Wednesday night we'll see if ya can, we'll see if ya can work together with your three partners who have shown no alliance yet. Maybe their all just waiting to try and throw me off my game, heh, ok. Problem is I thought of that already, I am ready for what ya wanna bring, whether its gonna be as straight up as it can be or if its just gonna be a wild fucking brawl. Personally I hope for a straight contest cause then you four could actually accomplish something, make an impact, but in a wild brawl, well, I just may have something in store to even the odds, just a little!"
Hmmm, Mack with a plan, now that is a dangerous idea for sure! He don't plan much, doesn't count on many besides himself, but when he does he never fails. So what is it he means, who is it perhaps is the real question?
"Alright, Dante Davlin, another talker and not a walker. Wow, ya laid me out for sure in that one match, um, so now what? What ya stepping up to do Dante, anything? You gonna lay in wait in the shadows and try to throw me off as well, heh. Silly little tricks, don't ya realize thems for kids or skanks in the ghetto and if ya don't believe dat, just ask Steve and Dogg, heh!"
Damn, more rips on those two, Mack must be in a good mood, that's good. Of course, he typically don't have bad moods, so yea, whatever.
"Now to the most important player against myself on Extreme, to you Ric E or what ya really are, DICK! You do have a plan and not just what is seen by us all for the booked match, the odds against me, no, you got a plan in case this one fails, I know you Dick! Thing is, your not gonna get your way, not this time, I'm gonna kick it all down yer throat ya son of a bitch and when its all said and done your gonna wish ya just laid low, stayed out of the big picture and ran the S...EF'NW from corporate headquarters where ya belong!"
Nice shoot on Ric, almost as nice as Vince's last night on RAW, oh, uh, not supposed to say that, right?
"Fuck that, McMahon's shoot was the shit and its hard to find one better, he's the man, but I'd kick his ass too! Now as for Chris Orton, yea brotha, we are gonna both...BOTH be in for a long night, a long fight, an extreme match and yea, I know ya do like it extreme and hardcore, but you fail to realize who I am apparently. That Chris is gonna be your downfall. You speak of extreme like some smalltime rookie who gets a taste of his own blood and gets that fresh look in his eyes like he wants more. Chris, I have had more than you can imagine, I spilled more blood in one state in this country than you have around the world and that is a real fucking shoot!"
True, it was, Chris has a lot less experience compared to Mack and shows it far too much, but perhaps, maybe, he can somehow pull off the upset?
"Anyone has the potential to do anything! The problem is not many use that potential to its fullest extent. Chris needs to realize his errors and focus on me, focus on stepping up to Mack. He is a great talent, he's been a loyal guy just like I have been, he can go in the ring and he is respected, however, he has never reached this level yet and at this point the hasn't proven he will reach it. The guy is a friend and its hard to speak honest about friends, most can't do it, but I am content enough to do so and also, I can handle the truth about myself which is why I don't fly off the handle when hearing it or lies because I know who I am. I won't explain it to anyone else for most who listen wouldn't understand and I ain't just saying it to sound cool. I have observed al who came into SEF and continue to do so and I just know what I know. Call me full of myself, tell me I got an ego, tell me I'm wrong, but until ya prove it, it all means shit! Ya all can spew what ya like time and time again, but if ya go the route of the DSS, ya begin to fade away and lose the fire from your words. So again and again all ya all, step up and take me out or don't even both trying!"
And there ya have it, another rip on them all by the man of t\he company, the face of the ol' S E F and the face of the EF'NW! Like it or not, ya all better learn to love it because like Ric Flair in his day, Mack is the best thing going today!
So now, how many haters will call him a rip off for that? For speaking the truth!

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