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Iron Men Are We pt. 2 (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 08:37:50 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:02/02/2010 7:39 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades into to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg standing outside the Owensboro Sports Center. ItXXX late in the day and Dogg looks pissed off. The camera zooms into a shot of Diamond Dogg.

"So Diamond Dogg doesn't know hard work huh? Diamond Dogg does know hard work. Do you have any idea how hard it is to street fight? Do you know how hard it is to rob convenience stores when you need money for crack? ItXXX all hard work. You think you know hard work? Try fending yourself off from numerous guys trying to have their way with you in prison. Diamond Dogg can proudly and honestly say he was never anyoneXXX bitch in prison. But Diamond Dogg did have himself some prison bitches. They were a good fuck too."

"Diamond Dogg doesn't consider you a challenge to his championship. Why should he? Diamond Dogg doesn't represent the so called EFNW International Championship. Diamond Dogg represents the SEF Iron Man Championship. To Diamond DoggXXX knowledge, his Iron Man title isn't on the line. As far as Diamond Dogg knows we aren't in a Iron Man Match. Diamond Dogg will only defend his title in Iron Man Matches. So yes, Diamond Dogg doesn't consider you a challenge."

Diamond Dogg pauses to think.

"Diamond Dogg DOES NOT fuck grandmas or just skanks. Diamond Dogg fucks beautiful women too. He just has their teeth pulled so they can better suck his cock. Diamond Dogg has no problem buying sex slaves and selling em to someone else when heXXX tired of them. Also Diamond DoggXXX life hasn't always been an abyss. Diamond Dogg was a happy child until people put him in a hospital after he tried to bash his mommyXXX head in with toy wooden blocks... or so they all tell Diamond Dogg. But Diamond DoggXXX life wasn't always horrible."

"Diamond Dogg didn't descend into an abyss until late in his teen years. Diamond Dogg got into street fighting, and eventually Diamond Dogg went down for manslaughter. Diamond Dogg got out soon for good behavior though. But then after Diamond Dogg left GWO after less then a full year, Diamond Dogg got locked up again for soliciting prostitution and assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Diamond Dogg enjoying beat the pigs ass though. Now Diamond Dogg is back and looking to redeem himself. Diamond Dogg wants to make a good life by hurting people in SEF."

Diamond Dogg pauses again. Diamond Dogg looks around at the empty parking lot of the arena.

"Diamond Dogg was never abused as a child, but Diamond Dogg will sure abuse your asshole when heXXX done with you in our match. Diamond Dogg promises no lube for you. Diamond Dogg will enjoy your screaming and crying. Diamond Dogg cannot forgive you for all the hurtful things you know. Diamond Dogg is not for the last goddamn time gay. Diamond Dogg loves men and women. Diamond Dogg loves transsexuals and hermaphrodites. Diamond Dogg loves water melons and animals. Diamond Dogg doesn't just love guys."

"You say your thriving? You are not thriving. You've already lost two matches, and you'll lose tomorrow on Extreme too. Diamond Dogg cannot lose to you. Diamond Dogg will hurt you bad. You say bring on the tables and chairs and ladders? Diamond Dogg will bring you everything. Diamond Dogg will bring Mr. Cheese Grater too. Diamond Dogg is going to shred you up bad. Diamond Dogg will watch your blood spill and will enjoy every last second of watching your blood spill out."

"Enough, cut the camera."

Fade out...

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