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ranting from the man who matters,plus a promo for Extreme & Crossing The Line

Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 08:43:16 PM

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Date Posted:03/02/2010 2:20 AMCopy HTML

Alright, alright, the bullshit is getting a little deep in here, time for an actual fact to be told now, so listen up girls!
"First of all, there ain't no legend in SEF today and there ain't no legend on Aimoo nor was there on MSN or the other circuit or any circuit. Legend is a term used to much today, it loses its meaning when no name guys are labeling themselves such, even being labeled as such by someone who idolizes them because that's what they are then, an idol!"
Indeed, idols are not legends.
"Steve can use it all he likes, but he has yet to earn and I am in the same boat, I haven't earned it either and the same goes for Nikky Venom and all names he mentioned because none of the names are known by all for being one of the absolute best at their craft!"
And that's a shoot, a true blue fucking shoot, no disputing, but many may try.
"Now Steve my boy, ya still going the same ol' route that every nook and cranny wannabe star tries, ya still nipping at my coattails refusing to take a bite. Ya want me, do as I said, lay out the challenge and ya got the match, simple as that. I haven't refused to fight anyone, hell, for sixteen years I have been stepping to everyone who challenges me and I've won as much as I have lost I'd say, but I have had some great fucking memories and nothing would change, no matter how much bullshit came with it"
And there was a lot of it, but there always is for everyone.
"If ya wanna face me so bad, ya name the date and place Steve, its on you to step up and prove yourself. I've done it here for years, I've done it in the XWF for years, the IWF, the JPW, IWC, EMW, WWO, hell, W2K and they hated me, plus so many more along the way and of course the S...no, EF'NW. I rolled through companies looking for my home, a place to make my own, to carve my niche and create my legacy, like Ric Flair to the NWA...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Oh great, there go the Flair comparisons again, next thing Mack will be showing up in suits, limos, well he already uses limos.
"Fact is son, I been around the block, you may have as well, but neither one of us can limitedly lay claim to the status of legend and besides, if I'm such a nobody, why you gotta target me to make yourself?"
A good point, but alas anyone will argue anything for the sake of it, not because their right.
"So again, I repeat myself as I have had to, step up and make yourself or lay by the side and be a nobody thinking your somebody. C'mon on Steve, step up and prove to me that everyone knows who you are, get yer name out there like ya want it to be. Stop living a lie and start living your dream or end up in a world of nightmares being bitter and pissed off cause ya never made it. Don't be that guy, be me..ha..ha...no, be yourself and for the fucking millionth time, step up son!"
Maybe he'll understand now, maybe he'll get it, then again maybe some people just can't get it, so what now, what else is there to do?
"Ya know, there seems to be to me that its time to let go of some things and move on to what really matters, so Wednesday I think is gonna be a make or break, then Sunday will be the night EF'NW begins its real takeover of S E F! Chris Orton, brotha, its over for ya! Cocky as it sounds, it's the damn truth, so if you even fathom one tenth of a picture of you winning and retaining that World strap, you better step up like no one else can! I busted my ass in 'extreme' matches before I was legally able to smoke or drink in the is fucking country. I reinvented what a deathmatch is, I spent the time earning my stripes, my respect in Japan, but I also earned it right here in front of American fans and all fans in between them. And I ain't talking about pops for being liked, I mean the raw fucking energy these diehard son of a bitches pour out because they know when Mack is on a card that its always more than the price of admission. I never set out to please the fans alone, hell, when I started I was hated, ridiculed, torn apart, had garbage thrown at me for years, but after so much hard work I got over and I became loved for my hard work, for being myself. I started an arrogant prick and I am still one today, but the biggest difference is that all these people who see me know I can back it all up. That's why this Sunday is an upset win for you Chris, but upsets can happen at anytime. Of course, if it happens, maybe its not an upset?!"
Well its an arguable point really.
"Now tomorrow night, well rather tonight being its around two am, its gonna be a different story. I got four people to face, one wants to kick my ass, one preached some dark bullshit and made no sense while his wife or ex or whoever she is remains hiding in the shadows. Their daughter is gone doing some kinda bondage with Stevie and Dante, he is nowhere to be seen, yet. Gabriel seems to be the one focused, but he alone ain't gonna get the job done, he better worry about bonding his team together. Now of course, Ric E, Dicky, ticky tic tock, ya big fat cock! Ya wanna try to keep me down, ya better back off before ya really do end up dead!"
Whoa, what a shot that was since Ric did fake his own death and is this even the first time, or was, whatever?!
"MACK was SEF and MACK has always been EF'NW, like it or not boys and girls, it's a fucking fact, so get used to it cause it's the hottest thing today in the sport of pro wrestling! Dispute it all you like, trash Mack all you want, spew all the shit you can, but until ya prove a damn thing your all not gonna go anywhere!"
He ain't exactly a liar and if ya got a problem with that ya can...

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