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Talking Titles -Extreme Part 3 - Crossing The Line

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 08:44:17 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:03/02/2010 2:55 PMCopy HTML

Bobby James is walking out of a local restaurant called Niko's Italian Cuisine and while trying to enter his Dodge Charger just as Nick Miller rushes towards him.  Bobby rolls his eyes and shakes his head no.  Nick just motions with his shoulders why not.  And James motions to his watch indicating that he doesn't have time for him and opens the passenger side door.  Nick reluctantly gets inside while Boston's Best enters the drivers side.  Tuning the engine over he pops a CD in and suddenly the speakers are filled with sounds of the piano which seems to confuse Nick a little bit.  Bobby laughs a bit at the look on Nicks face as he pulls away from the curb and down the street.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Whats the matter Nick?  Never thought that a wrestler would listen to classical music?  All we listen to his rap and metal huh?

" Nick Miller " -- Well that's what I assumed.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Well you know assuming makes an ass out of you and me.  See just because alot of the low class low life wrestlers in The EF'NW want to poison their hears and minds with heavy rock and hip hop doesn't mean that I do that too.  Sure I listen to rock and rap occasionally but I wouldn't say I love it by any stretch of the imagination.  It's kind of like dealing with The Diamond Dogg tonight.

" Nick Miller " -- How so?

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- He assumes alot much like you.  You assume that I'm just so simpleton who listens to rap and rock.  And he assumes that I'll be a cake walk tonight.  That I'll just roll over and " take it ".  But he'll find out that's just not the case.  Its not gonna be that simple.  He can bring a cheese grater with him.  He might even make me bleed with it.  So what.  He thinks I wont put up a fight?  That I'll just let him beat me down.  Pummel me into submission like some sort of bitch.  I'm not a kid that has his sucker stolen.  I'm Boston's Best Bobby James and tonight Nick he'll know just why I call myself that.

" Nick Miller" -- Why is that? 

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See he doesn't know about my past.  He thinks that because he had street fights it made him tough.  Well what did it do for a man like Kimbo Slice?  He got his ass handed to him by a UFC reject like Seth Petruzelli in like ten damn seconds.  A street fighter.  A youtube legend.  But when he got in the ring with a real fighter he got a real beatdown.  Tonight Diamond Dogg is gonna be Kimbo to my Seth.  Everyone looked past Seth like he didn't have a chance.  He proved his doubters wrong.  Proved that just because a company like Elite XC tries to build up a man like Kimbo that the whole place will fail if they put their faith in someone with no talent.  Diamond Dogg is the one that would drag this company down.  I'm the one to stop that from happening.  See Nick he thinks hes knows hard work because he stole money from stores to get crack?  How is stealing money from stores hard work?  Any asshole can steal money.  Especially when there is a drug problem involved.  A crack addict rushes in and steals money.  Wow what a shocker.  That doesn't make for hard worker and it certainly doesn't make anyone tough.  Diamond Dogg may be a crack addict willing to steal and suck cock for money but it doesn't make him tough.  It just makes him a pathetic piece of shit.  Kind of like when he was in prison regaling his cell mate with tales of animal fuckery.  Yeah I know hes Jewish so he cant be a pig fucker.  Can't fuck the unclean swine.  Don't want to get worms or something like that.  He loves to fuck horses.  Jews don't fuck pigs I remember that much.  And cows.  Gotta get it in Bessie.  But I'm not here to talk about his pig fetish or lack there of.  Or about his shitty childhood life with daddy dearest.  How he needs to bring it all for the match tonight.  Yeah I lost my first two matches.  One was a tag so I don't really count it but I do remember it.  Another was just a fluke victory for Camaro but it does go down as a win in the record books.  But its now time to look towards the present.

" Nick Miller " -- A present is a gift for today.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Wow.  Thanks for that Hallmark moment.  Damn your a fucking tool.  But yeah standing in my way is a present. A gift as you put it is the chance to make amends for my previous matches.  Diamond Dogg is in my way.  He wants to prove that he is worthy of holding the gold in the federation.  Prove that he represents The SEF.  I want to prove that I can hang with him.  Go past him and win that championship.  It is about showing I can do what I say.  That no matter what the cost to my body I'll come back and bloody or bruised in the end I'll be the one walking out as champion.  See what Diamond Dogg failed to realize is I don't care about his past abuses and his life in prison.  It doesn't impress me and it doesn't make me scared to get in the ring with him.  He wants to knock my teeth out?  He wants to try to violate me?  I say go for it.  Try to see what happens to you.  Prove me wrong.

" Nick Miller " -- I'm sure he'll do just that.

Suddenly Bobby veers the car off next to a curb and looks dead at Nick.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- What?  Do What?  You think he's gonna rape me?!  Knock my teeth out?!

Grabbing nick my the collar of his dress shirt he pulls him to the left.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Don't you think for one moment that a low life piece of shit like Diamond Dogg is gonna walk all over me.  I won't be an easy win.  I refuse to.  I always put up a fight.  No matter what he dishes out.  I'll be one step ahead.  One move ahead.  I'll claim victory and leave his battered and bloodied body in the ring.  Like a pile of used garbage.  Walking up that ramp with the gold tossed onto my shoulder.  His gold which will then be mine will be such sweet victory.  Don't you forget it Nick!

James pushes Nick back into position and continues to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See Nick don't think that Diamond Dogg is the better wrestlers because he won a title here.  Just think of the guy who is gonna take it away from him.  And when I do it will be just another stepping stone for Boston's Best.  See I won't be happy with just taking the title from him.  Oh no I have things on the Horizon.  Crossing The Line is coming up.  At Crossing The Line it is a chance to headline Wrestle X.  To take it to the next level.  When I enter that ring with almost all of the stars from The SEF or EF'NW or whatever its gonna be called in a few weeks.  Win I enter that rumble match I will show that Bobby James is here to make a statement.  I'm a Predator and everyone who stands before me is truly my prey.  So whoever wins between Mack and Orton.  I'll be laying in wait ready to strike.  So relax until the time.  Tell yourselves that I'm a pushover Diamond Dogg included.  But you all will soon realize that no matter how hard you push Bobby James always comes back hungry for a fight. 

Moments later the Charger pulls into the Owensboro Sports Center.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Were here Nick time for you to split.

Boston's Best pops the passenger side open and shoves Nick unceremoniously out onto the parking lot as the camera goes black.

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