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The End is near (Steel Cage Match) R/p #1

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 07, 2023, 08:46:39 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Date Posted:02/02/2010 9:34 AMCopy HTML

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Can you believe that guy Bobby boy? Talking shit about me. Like he thinks he run all over me. Well he better think twice. Does he know who I am? I'm The Legendary Steve Weigel. I'm greatness. I'm holyness. HeXXX just another sucka in the way of my run to the world championship. But this wendsday me a the emo fag boy will go one on one in a four sided steel cage match.

Bobby James starts to laugh as the camera circleXXX around Weigels house. You can see his basement and one lonely couch in it. Megan is sleeping on the couch and Steve and Bobby are staring at her.

{Bostons Best Bobby James} - Hahaha! You call him a emo fag yet you don't consider her one? What are you thinking taking this bitch?

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - I was blinded by the truth. I thought maybe I could save her. I thought maybe I could get her to love me. But I realize that she is a lost soul and its to late for her. To late to save her and to late for her to love someone. She doesn't love Nikky because she doesn't know how to feel. Whats really fuck up is that Nikky doesn't love her he is just using her to get what he wants.

Bobby starts to laugh some more as Weigel just looks at him and walks over to a mini ice box and pulls out two beers. He tosses one at Bobby who caughts it in mid air and they both open them. Steve and Bobby both take a drink.

{Bostons Best Bobby James} - Thats funny Stevie boy. You thought you could make her love you? Why do you need someone to love you dude? Isn't my love for you enough? Hahaha! Just kiddling sonny boy. Anyway didn't I tell you that she was a lost soul. I told you that you can't save a person who doesn't want to be saved. So what are you planning to do to her know. Just let her go?

Weigel smirks a bit before talking again.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - I plan on doing something trust me. But it will happen tonight before our match tomorrow. I will take out Megan and leave Nikky hurtting before our match together. But anyways your going for a championship tomorrow. This could be the start of The Predators big shot in here. What did faggie fag Mack change the name to... E F'N W. "Emo F'N Witches? Well if thats the case then it fits Mack. He is always looking for another piece of ass since everyone and I mean everyone has been in his wifes pants. Come on she has suck more dick then Pamela Anderson. Hell Pamela has better standards then Macks wife. But back to the point. Diamond Dogg has another thing coming this week if he thinks he can beat you in the ring. Your a Predator. You need this Bobby. This is your chance and maybe your last chance.

{Bostons Best Bobby James} - I'm not worried about that pig fucker. I can beat him on my worst day. He walks around saying that if they don't have teeth they suck better. Hell the only reason he would know that is if his mommy or grandma had given him a blow job because no woman besides them would ever love a loser like him. Tomorrow will be a walk in the park for me. But you need to get this win.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Dude I haven't lost a match yet unlike you. Hahaha! Anyways back to the Emo bitch Nikky. Tonight in that steel cage I will end NikkyXXX career. He will know when I'm done why I'm simply The Legendary Steve Weigel and why always in the end its always My Suicide.

The Camera fades to break.


The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:The End is near (Steel Cage Match) R/p #1
Date Posted:02/02/2010 4:21 PMCopy HTML

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Well well well its closer to the time. The time of making Nikky my bitch. My question is why did NikkyXXX mom and dad name him that unstead of Nikki. We all know he is nothing but a fag. He uses Megan as a cover up. We all know the out come of this steel cage match and thats me outside the ring with my arm held up high in victory. I will show him why I'm a predator.

Steve is seen walking through his house holding a black body bag in his hand.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Now I have been fucking with this guy name Mack since I walk in this federation. Calling his wife names and saying she does more rim jobs then Tom green and she gives more anal then Jenna Jameson. Hell I have even said that she gives more blow jobs then Ron Jeremy. That she has fucked everybody from Micheal Jackson to Ben Moody. But the truth is that I'm trying to piss Mack off. See when he gets the world championship. The hunt begins. He becomes The Prey and The Predator in me comes out.

Weigel is seen walking through his kitchen into his basement.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - But what if Chris Orton keeps the world championship. Well then I make him my bitch too. See I want one thing in this federation and thats to become the world champion and why you might ask? Well thats easy. Because my ego is to big for any other championship. I am a Legend in this world of wrestling and I'm not stopping there. I'm going to be known world wide when I retirer again and I will be put in the hall of fame. I am The Legendary Steve Weigel and nobody better every forget that.

Steve is seen standing over Megan now as she is sleeping.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Nikky you don't have a idea whats coming tomorrow night. When that ring comes down its no longer a game for me. It bussiness. And its about to pick up. Don't ever think you are better then me Nikky or that I'm some kind of push over. You couldn't walk a day in my shoes. Notnetheless clean my shoes. See what I got plan might interfere in our match. I might not make it to tomorrow and Megan might not too.

Steve begins to have a tear run down his face.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - As I sit here looking into your soul. I now no there is no soul. The nights fly by when your by myside. But there is no love in your heart because there is no heart. As the rain hits the ground my heart cries out. As the lighting flashes through the sky my heart starts to thunder. Megan all I ever wanted was to be loved and not even you could give me that. You women have drove me to this point. A point of no return. Now it really is My Suicide... But don't worry your coming too.

As Weigel was saying that he put something over her mouth and then handcuffs on her hands and placed her in the body bag. You see Steve outside putting her into his truck and getting back into the car.

TBC: Noone but me...dont worry nothing bad will happen maybe!

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:The End is near (Steel Cage Match) R/p #1
Date Posted:02/02/2010 10:35 PMCopy HTML

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - The Ultimate Rebel he calls himself. I just heard what the jobber had to say about me. He says I'm not a legend but outside of this federation noone knows of Mack. Mack who? My point! I'm known in alot of federation. Hell the legend himself teach me everything I know. Burnout!!! Even Mack knows who that is. See he walks around saying shit but never gets in the ring with you to back it up. Unlike me who I will face anyone anytime anywhere. So Mack what do you says? You going to put your tail between your legs or face me like a man and get knock down like a bitch. Your putting me and Diamond Dogg in the same sentence. Yet he isn't even in my league. Diamond Dogg couldn't even lick my balls and give me a rim job. And he calls himself a champion. He's not a champion. He is just a sorry exuse for a wrestler. Mack our time is coming when I'm going to beat you and then you will understand why I'm a legend and your just another jobber trying to make a name for himself.

Weigel is behide the wheel of his green Mustang 2010 GT going down the road.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Now to Nikki. Nikki have you listen to my music that plays when I come out. Its me! I know I maybe be done with this outlet but I can't give up on this. Its my love. You think you know me? You have no clue about me. Sometimes I wake up wondering if I can make it through the day. Hoping that I can put on one more show. I know I'm not the same person I was four years ago and I may never be that person again. But I will die trying. See everytime I walk out to that ring I give it my all and more. My blood, sweet and tears for this company. I will die for this company if thats what it takes to be number one. See your just another stepping stone in my way to the top of this federation. See you don't know me but soon you will learn fast. See I took my lumps and falls in this business to get where am at today.  See I know I have Bobby James to help me if I need it, but I have learn to never to count on help. If your going to get the job done you do it yourself.

Weigel starts to tear up.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Nikki its your fault. You couldn't just let her go. Now look at this. I'm driving down the road with her in my truck. Yeah thats her screaming in the background. And to think you could have stop it all just by letting me have her. If you really loved her you would have. Now I'm going ninety and I'm going to make sure My Suicide finally ends it all. I guess after all I win huh? Another victory in my belt loop. Away to go out huh? Remember by the whole world. It will be all over the news and I become known to everybody. Not the way I picture it happening. But its all your fault. I'm so fucking depressed right now. Tell me are you going to miss her? I wont! Because women always treat me like seconds. I'm spolly seconds to them. But not anymore. I will be the last person on megans mind when she dies and she will be the last on my mind.

Steve starts to go sideways towards the river.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Megan can you here me. This is it. All you had to do is let me save you. All you had to do is love me. Why? Was it that fucking hard to do? Was I not your type or just not good enough for you? Your all the fucking same. Women are nothing but whores. And tonight I put a stop to Megan being a whore and Vampire. I guess I saved you after all. Tonight its Our Suicide!! Hahahahaha!

You can see the car going under the river as the camera fades off.

TBC: only by me!!!!!!!!

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:The End is near (Steel Cage Match) R/p #1
Date Posted:03/02/2010 7:22 PMCopy HTML

The scene opens to bobby James sitting in his home on a chair. The tv is right in front of him.

{Jack OffMcgee} - Welcome to the news at Noon. I'm Jack and the person sitting next to me is the lovely Jenny Handjob.

{Jenny Handjob} - Well thank you Jack Today we have breaking news. Lets go to Jerry Playwithself.

{Jerry Playwithself} - We have some bad news today. It looks like Steve Weigel from E F'N W in wrestling comminted suicide. They have been out here for hours trying to find anybodies but no one has found him or anyone else. But back to you guys in the station.

{Jack OffMcgee} - I feel for his family.

{Jenny Handjob} - Sad case there Jack.

Bobby stands up looking mad.

{Bobby James} - I know how he feels but this is taking it to far. I have a championship match tonight and now my friend has took his life.

The scene fades to black as Bobby says that.

Two hours later.

Steve Weigel is standing at the porch of Nikkys house. He is standing over Megan who is all wet sleeping on the porch. Steve is also wet from head to toe.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - You desever better then him and me. Sleep tight young lady. What was I thinking. This has become fuck up. Your free now. Now its up to you who you pick. Win or not tonight it will be you who picks the true winner. Bye for now my lovely angel.

Steve runs off and jumps on his motorcycle and takes off as the scene fades to Megan laying there sleeping.

Four hours later.

The scene opens to Steve walking down the street.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - You know fourteen years ago I had a shot at a chance of a life time. My dream. And I ran with it. At first I suck and didn't understand how to make myself any better. But I became a wrestler and became a legend, but not overnight. It took me ten years to get to that point and then retirment came. Now four years later I stand here with my one shot. My last shot to become more then a legend. See tonight I'm in a match. At first it was just about a girl. But now its about alot more then that. Its about becoming better. Making myself a better person. Not only in that ring but a better person inside me.

Steve stops in front of the arena.

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Right here in this arena am going into a steel cage. It can be a scarey place to be at sometimes. Nikky I want to talk to you. Not joking about your name or calling you names. I want to talk to you as wrestler to wrestler. Tonight one of us will walk out of that cage and well the other well be carried out. Hell truth be told I know I have a fight tonight its not going to be a walk in the park. But it will be a fight. See you want to keep the one thing that matters to you and I want her. But I know win or lose you have her heart and I wont fight that. I will see you in the ring because I have nothing more to say besides I wish you the best of lucky and wish Megan a very happy life with you and hope its a good match. But just remember one thing and thats in the end its always My Suicide!

Steve walks into the arena as the scene fades away.

TBC: By anyone I'm Done! Hope everyone enjoy!

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