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Across the Galaxy

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 08:50:21 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:02/02/2010 12:37 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! ItXXX your choice. Just remember I warned you!

Living Large
And Kicking Ass.
Nikky Venom is in the ring doing what he feels and rocking shit as normal. "Diamond Dogg, the wannbe with the Double D...Cups that is." Nikky said. "BostonXXX Best Brat. And finally, Stomping Steve." Nikky finishes his hitlist of humour. "All these competitors have important matches on Extreme, Stompin Steve especially. Stompin Steve has the biggest threat, Nikky Venom. ThatXXX right, me, I'm the biggest threat in the bizz right now." Nikky says with a big smirk across his face. "Steve, you are the least of my worries right now. You see, I have a rematch to get and it doesn't matter who wins at Extreme because I am going to get the bullshit Ironman title or whatever you degraded it to. When I'm done that, I will change it back to the title that I've recently lost." Nikky starts to laugh but more of a sarcastic, forced laugh. "I will get back the title that you took and claimed to give prestige and made it a mid-card title once again. Damn Dogg! I've learned how you do in the ring and I've learned your tricks. Next time we meet-and trust me it will be very soon- I will hold my title high above my head and I will once again show why I'm the only threat in SEF."

"James. Bobby James. I shouldn't count you out yet. You could win, but even if you do I will be able to beat you. My first oppertunaty I will take you out faster than Kane and Chavo Geurrero. Just like my friend, Camaro, I will beat you. Maybe on a tecnicality. Maybe on pure will and greed." Nikky looks around as the fans support what heXXX saying. "Bobby, you may defeat Diamond Dogg but it will only last as long as DoggXXX reign did." Nikky gets a bit of a responce and is glad. "But I digress."

"Steve, I am facing you tonight and I should focus on you. You have kidnapped my girlfriend and that screwed me out of MY International title. That is one thing you NEVER wanted to do to me. You NEVER EVER want to piss me off 'cause when I'm pissed, I hit ten times harder than I usually do." Nikky gets ready to go but lifts the mic one more time. "Steve, Extreme, Cage Match, Nothing is going to save you."

Nikky walks out of the ring and to the back as his music hits.
RP Title
Across the Galaxy
People Used/People Mentioned
Diamond Dogg, Nikky Venom, Johnny Camaro, Bobby James, Steve Weigel
Diamond Dogg, Bobby James, Steve Weigel
Johnny Camaro/ Depends
OOC Comment(s)
Ahhh McNuggets. How I love thee
Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Across the Galaxy
Date Posted:03/02/2010 12:17 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
"Can you believe that guy? Steve Weigel calling me a "Emo Fag Boy"? One, hasn't your mother taught you never to judge a book by it's cover? Or in this case, a man by his tattoo's." Nikky said, the camera shows his surroundings. It looked rather normal, like any other house on the block. "You also said I was using her to get what I want? What am I trying to get? The International Title? Nope had that before we started dating. Even if I was, why would I be fighting you on Extreme?" Nikky walks to his fridge and the camera follows him. He grabs a glass from the shelf beside the fridge, then opens the fridge and pours himself a glass of Orange Juice and drinks it. "That's good OJ." He puts it back and places the glass in the sink.

"Where was I going with this? Oh right. You say you haven't lost a match here, well they were all no talent losers who haven't learned the harsh reality of the wrestling business. Me, I have and I have excelled in my area. Steve the truth is, you have little to no more talent than all the other losers you've faced." Nikky puts on a black leather jacket and continues to talk. "You call yourself Legendary, you are no legend. Matt Vadon is a legend, Adam Blake is a legend, Matt Mattlock is a legend, you are no legend. The fact that you concider yourself of legendary status is a joke." Nikky pulls out a pack of cigarettes, pulls one out and lights it.

"You comment on my name when you don't even know it. Nikky Venom. Sounds right, but something's missing, the words Stage and Name. Just like Nikki Sixx, or Alice Cooper those are both stage names." Nikky takes a drag and blows out the smoke. "You question my sexuality. Real original. That isn't used by EVERYONE. Also you verbally attack the World Champ and Mack. You should really keep you're sights set on the Panic of the Motorcity. I will take you out and beat you both physically and mentally." Nikky takes another puff and continues to talks as the smoke floats out of his mouth. "You are going to bring someone out with you to help? Go ahead, it's probably going to be Bobby James, and as proved by Johnny last week. It won't be hard to take him out." Nikky puts on a pair of sunglasses and pulls out his car keys. "I'm done with this interview. I'm going out." Nikky shows the camera crew out as he goes to his Mazda. It starts and he backs out and speeds down the road.
TBC: Anyone


Johnny Camaro

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Re:Across the Galaxy
Date Posted:03/02/2010 9:51 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:I'm sorry I've got terrible writers block.
 I also feel dirty about my rematch excuse

"You are a sick man Steve Weigel. Comitting suicide, trying to kill Megan Sorrow. How dare you. You say we will go in and only one comes out, truth is neither of us will be leaving the cage. The fact of the matter is, even if you win it will be by someone dragging you out. Steve I will kill you in that cage and you will bleed til you reach a new level of the Muta scale." Nikky looks over at Megan who's still hudled up and in the bed of his spare room. 

"Steve, you and me at Extreme and it will not end there. Not by a long shot. As for Diamond Dogg, have you forgotten about my rematch clause? That unstabled murderer Steve Weigel isn't the next one to get a shot because I am. Diamond Dogg I am the man who will be the next International Championship. I am the man that will take you out, make you bleed and most importantly leave you in the ring deader than Mitsohara Misawa and Owen Hart combined." Nikky looks back at Sorrow. "DSS, you want me to stay away fine. I was trying to make you happy, but she just keeps coming back. Seems the only ones that will be happy are myself and Sorrow. You all can rot in hell. Now begone."

Nikky throws the camera crew out and slams the door in their faces.

TBC: Anyone


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