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I Will Beat Mack!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 07, 2023, 09:02:35 PM

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Date Posted:05/02/2010 12:07 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I Will Beat Mack!
Roleplaying for "Crossing The Line"
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Crossing The Line" is on the air live on pay per view from Freedom Hall, and a video aired showing the history betweeen Mack and Chris Orton, because they are biggest names in the company will meet in the ring for World Heavyweight Championship in "Hardcore" match, so many people have been talking about this might be the end of Orton holding World Heavyweight Championship, or some people feel Chris Orton will beat Mack. "You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies hits the pa system, Orton comes out already in his gear with World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder. Orton stop at beginning of entrance ramp, and he is looking around hearing the major pop reaction that he is getting. Chris Orton has a serious look on his face, and he lifts the microphone which he had in his hand started talking.

Chris Orton: Tonight is a very big night for me, because I finally get another shot at the man who said I will never be in his level, so Mack thinks I haven't been focus on him instead of focusing on other people. Mack doesn't know I been focus on him ever since I heard he going to get a shot at World Heavyweight Championship, and I hear people saying this might be the end of my run as number one man in this company, or I hear people saying this is the time I finally beat Mack. Over the years, Mack said I will be his level, because he feels I'm nowhere near to his level, so I wonder what his level winning more titles, beating big name superstars, or winning lots of matches. I don't need to be in Mack level, because I don't need to prove a damn thing to him or anyone else that I am very best in this business having World Heavyweight Championship on my shoulder means I am the best in this company and everwhere else I been.

Chris Orton licks his lips, and lots of fans are cheering in the background, so Orton continues to speak.

Chris Orton: "Crossing The Line" means people went to far or people might do something that going to shock entire world, and I believe I will be crossing the line doing something shocking like beating Mack in front of everyone watching on pay per view and everyone here in Freedom Hall. Mack, I know you feel this going to be your night prove without a doubt that you are better man than me. Like you said, you going to be a long fighting match, because I'm going to enjoy every shot of pain you deliever to me, and I'm going to enjoy putting your body through hell like no one has done before. You see Mack I see this match getting very bloody once the bell rings, because I'm going to cross the line by using every weapon I get my hands on until you can't take the pain anymore. Tonight on "Crossing The Line", everyone who said I can't beat Mack shouldn't never bet against me, because I will beat Mack retain World Heavyweight Championship, and Mack will no longer say I am not in his level!

"You're Going Down!" by Sick Puppies hits the pa system, Chris Orton lifts World Heavweight Championship in the air, because it could be his last night as World Heavyweight Champion.

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