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As The Buzzer Sounds, I’m Going To Win!

Started by Liz, April 07, 2023, 09:05:55 PM

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 1:28 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{The empty Freedom Hall today is completely dark...24 hours away from a grand show of glitz, glamour, and glory, but for whom does the glory belong to is the almighty question. Which one of thirty hungry, young, individuals will outlast the other twenty nine to go on to Wrestle X for the opportunity of a lifetime? Not only that, but whop will the World Heavyweight Champion be by that time? Both questions shall be answered in 24 hours, but right now, inside the dark Freedom Hall, no set up for a wrestling event, and sitting unseen by anyone is Jordan Brooks, a man not seen by anyone since late last year in the then SEF and now the EF'NW. So how do we know this is Jordan if we can't see him, well, listen up to the man speak and find out for yourself, cause to all twenty nine of you other so called stars in The F'N Rumble...}

Jordan Brooks:
{His voice echoes through the empty hall and when it is silent again, he speaks in a lower, calmer, and almost sadistic voice.}

Jordan Brooks:
A slew of new stars have been coming into what is now the EF'NW all month long of this new year, a couple of them are making their debut match in The F'N Rumble and seem to be under the impression that they have some sort of advantage, that they are good enough to win it on their first night in the company. Maybe in any other rumble in the history, the long history of this company, but tomorrow night it will not be your big night to shock the world, not with me in that rumble, in that ring, fighting for something I have worked years to get. I have been with EF'NW before Chris Orton ever got here and I stepped up before he did yet I was held down because he fit a better image, he played "nicer"!
{A distain is in his voice on that last word, almost a bitterness, but he now speaks again without any, just that sadist voice of his.}

Jordan Brooks:
Chris Orton is a piece of shit and doesn't deserve that title he got, he has nowhere near the talent I do, he is half the man of anyone else on the roster and I am twice that of anyone else here, so honestly, why should he get that belt? I'll tell ya why!
{He shouts out that last line, a small echo sounding, then after silence he speaks again.}

Jordan Brooks:
Politics, ass kissing, fitting the mold, playing "nice"!
{Again, that distain in his voice comes back, but is gone again.}

Jordan Brooks:
I have no care for who I face at Wrestle X because if its Chris, then it shall be easy and I know the belt is mine. Mack, it'll be harder, but I have faith, I have confidence, so I don't really care and that's all I have to say about that, my focus lies solely on winning that rumble, The F'N Rumble, no, The FUCKING Rumble!
{He pauses, silence in the dark air of the Freedom Hall, then he breaks it again.}

Jordan Brooks:
All of you new blood, every one of you thinking you have some sort of advantage because your new, unknown, surprise entry, but realistically, I was the real surprise of this years rumble and not only that, I have the most experience in a rumble match here in EF'NW. Only two people in this years have been in past rumbles here, Midnight in last years and Sandman a few years back, neither won nor lasted very ong. I however have lasted, gone the distance and proven I can go further. Now is my time and not any one of you can stop me, take it away, none of you. Johnny Camaro, a pretty boy who tries to act like he isn't at times to try and be more "real", but fails miserably because he is a joke compared to the likes of me. Drew Stevenson and The Rocket...who?
{Silence fills the air again, then it breaks.}

Jordan Brooks:
You two are supposed to be experienced wrestlers, been around, but here your rookies and Drew, you did note that, you understand that and that is good because you are not setting yourself up for the disappoint that will happen when you DO NOT win! Is it unpredictable, is the rumble a hard one to claim victory in with any honesty? Yes it is, we agree on that, however, Drew, you don't know what I know, you have no clue what I know about all of you and this F'N Rumble and I am not dumb, so I won't reveal shit to you except tomorrow night when your sent flying over the top rope, crash to the floor and have to pick yourself up to go to the back a loser. You sound like you won't cry, piss, or moan over that, so that's good because it will be happening, say what ya want, but you just don't know!
{Another pause to let that sink in, then he speaks again.}

Jordan Brooks:
Bobby James, you seem to think you have it all figured out on how to win the rumble, but what I just said goes for you as well, so you better learn what Drew has learned, not to let the loss disappoint you because it is inevitable for you! Sure, many of you may pass me off as a windbag full of myself and not having a clue, but you did that once, don't make that mistake twice because I do not make mistakes. I have a plan that I have been working on for a very long time, this rumble belongs to Jordan Brooks and no one else. SEF is no more, so EF'NW needs a new face and I will be that new face, I will be the representative for EF'NW because as I said, it is my time, no one else's. Step up all you like because it seems to be the latest theme, but understand this, I have been stepping up a lot longer than any of you in this company. I have the second longest active tenure to only one man and that man is the man around here...MACK!
{Silence to let that sit in, then he speaks once more.}

Jordan Brooks:
So I leave you all with that to think about, to tear apart and come back on me with something to try and put me down, but no matter what is said, nothing will change the fact of who is gonna win...Jordan Brooks!
{And silence once more, then in a few seconds footsteps are heard echoing through the Freedom Hall and fade as he must be walking to the back and so this is a sign, it is over, just darkness, the unknown lurking in the silence waiting, ready to strike just like Jordan will do when it comes to win the rumble. You won't realize he is there and by the time you do, your done, its...over!}
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz Decker

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