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The F'n Rumble

Started by The Rocket, April 07, 2023, 09:13:05 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 9:21 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following roleplay contains elements known to the state of California that may cause birth defects in some children, including foul language, violence, and even sexual situations. You have been warned...

Location: Houston, Texas
Date: February 4th, 2010
Setting: My mind
New life.
That's the only way for me to be able to describe the events of last night. As I ran down that stage and into the ring and hit that guy with my biggest weapon and then tossed him out on to the ground. I came back and stood in the center of the ring and let every single fan, if they knew or if they didn't know just who I was and the reaction that came from those people in that arena was simply all the fans letting me know that it's ok to breath and that's where my new philosophy comes from. I need to earn my way back into the fans graces and the perfect way to do that is fight until I have nothing left and win the F'n Rumble on sunday night and from there go on to Wrestle X and become the EFn'W World Champion.
Getting there is the problem.
The mountain that i've got to climb is stacked twenty-nine high. Some are faces that i've seen before and some are new to me. The one's I know though will not be easy espically the one known as Drew Stevenson. We've never actually faced each other and while we won't really be facing each other on sunday night we will be in the same ring fighting for the very samething. The things i'm going to have to do in my debut with this new company are surely stacked against me. The one thing that I have to keep in the back of my mind is that what hangs in the balance is a shot at the World Title at the biggest event of EFn'W history. I've climbed the ladder once before, the real question is can I do it all over again?
Since I signed with EFn'W/SEF I have done nothing but train and build myself back up to peak physical condition. Being back home kind of has a 'back to basics' feel to it and that's something that I like but, it's all too fimiliar and that's exactly what i'm trying to get away from. I have perfected the finishing move I showed to the world on Wednesday night and for that very reason i've given it the simple name "The.End." because for the person that falls victim to that move will no doubt experience a sense of darkness and loss as if it were 'The End' for them. For twenty-nine other men it is going to be an End and that is the end of their main event and World Championship dreams.

I have known darkness and I have known the light but more often then not I have seen more darkness in my seven years then I have light. This match, for me anyway, is about digging myself out of the grave that a couple of people dug and once it was filled with my body, left me there to simply die and never be heard from again. My wife has turned her back on me and that is the biggest point of darkness in my life at the current time. She has forbidden me to even step foot in our home or to see my child, she told me before I left for the All State Arena in Chicago that I had better not come home without the World Championship then she would put me out and, that's exactly what she has done. Winning the F'n Rumble on sunday night is the one ticket I need to turn on the light and let it shine over me as I go on to Wrestle X and re-claim the glory that I lost eight months ago. Sunday i'm going to overcome the darkness and shine like the gold that I no doubt will soon hold.

That is exactly what this whole event on sunday night is about. climbing the mountain top and grabbing that ticket to main event Wrestle X and once they have gotten there, they want to win that leather strap and gold. I want to be able to look at the Championship and see it shine in the lights as I enter arena's throughout the country. I want to once again, much like i'm going to this sunday night when my number comes up, hear the roar of the crowd as I take my place as THEIR Champion. The F'n Rumble is about the Gold.
It TRULY does matter.
Some the boys that enter this match on sunday will come in and not even care about where they measure into the BIG picture and they'll go out and get tossed over the ropes and go about their business like it doesn't matter. To those boys, I say this, grow a pair and at least act like care if you win or lose. This match is about more then just a main event at some event that's maybe two months away. To some of us, this really does matter and your going to see that when we're throwing you out on your asses. Not only do you have me to worry about but I know for damn sure that Drew Stevenson throws one hundred and ten percent into his matches and i'm going to do the exact same from this point on. Trust me, It Matters.
The one and only thing that matters is the WIN.

It is time for me to step back up on top of that proverbial mountain and once again take my place as the top dog in this company. I'm hungry for it, I need it and I refuse to let anyone step over or on top of me to get to my food. That Championship is the only thing that matters, it feeds the heart and soul at least to me it does.

It's time to close out this log entry.As I do, I leave something to think about.What is to happen if I overcome the twenty-nine obstacles that are before me sunday night? The answer is nothing short of simple, I walk step over the line i've drawn in the sand and take my place in the main event at Wrestle X and once i'm there I do what everyone else would do in that position and that is try their hardest no matter what comes their way or gets in the middle of their road. Sunday night there are going to twenty-nine bodies that fall to the floor and I plan on being the cause of that.
We'll see what happens next...
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.

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