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Revenge Will Be Sweet pt. 3 (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 09:25:33 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:07/02/2010 7:00 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades into a shot of Diamond Dogg standing backstage at the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. He looks pumped up for tonight's pay per view.

"Double D? Diamond Dogg likes that name. After all there are two D's in Diamond Dogg. But Diamond Dogg isn't stupid. Diamond Dogg knows what your really getting at. But Diamond Dogg doesn't mind. Take your pop shots at Diamond Dogg all you want. Your not hurting Diamond Dogg through words. Just as Diamond Dogg knows he's not really hurting you through words. Diamond Dogg will however hurt you tonight. Diamond Dogg is going to hurt you bad. Diamond Dogg is going to hurt you with fists and wrestling moves. Diamond Dogg is going to hurt you with weapons."

"Diamond Dogg knows that disqualifications still count in an Iron Man Match. But Diamond Dogg doesn't care. Diamond Dogg will be handing you the first wins of the night when he smashes light tubes over your face. When Diamond Dogg smashes your skull in with a steel chair. So yeah, Diamond Dogg knows. But Diamond Dogg doesn't care."

"What is ovbious is that you and Diamond Dogg have a different view what of makes an Iron Man. Diamond Dogg considers himself an Iron Man in that he can take incredible punishment, and still keep going. You however view an Iron Man as someone who can simply wrestle for 30 minutes or an hour. Diamond Dogg will wrestle with you, but Diamond Dogg has a different view then you of what makes an Iron Man. Diamond Dogg sees his Iron Man Title as a hardcore title."

"Diamond Dogg isn't going bitch or moan if you win cleanly. He'll certainly come for his guaranteed rematch as you did, but if he loses that too, well then Diamond Dogg will just make a new title. You talk about stipulations, but Diamond Dogg doesn't agree to yours. Tonight is your last chance at Diamond Dogg while he's champion. Diamond Dogg isn't giving you another rematch, as your already cashing in on your rematch clause tonight. There are no multiple rematch clauses for a champion last time Diamond Dogg checked. Now that you've had your rematch, or rather are soon to have it, once its over and Diamond Dogg has won, he as champion is not obligated to give you a second or third chance. "

"Diamond Dogg is stupid because he burned your title? Your hideous belt? Don't make Diamond Dogg laugh. That belt was nothing special. And Diamond Dogg doesn't care how much the title cost. Diamond Dogg isn't as concerned with money as he once was in life. So no, Diamond Dogg isn't stupid for burning the title. To hell with that ugly belt. And finally you keep saying the belt is coming home to you, but you make it sound like it was once yours. It's not. The SEF Iron Man Championship IS NOT EFNW International Championship. It never was! It's an entirely new belt. So stop talking as if you've held it before."

"Diamond Dogg is ready for tonight. Diamond Dogg is ready and willing. Diamond Dogg is prepared to go for 30 minutes. Diamond Dogg is ready for the fight of his life. But then again, every fight is the fight of Diamond Dogg's life. Diamond Dogg takes all challenges as serious as the last despite all the naughty things that Diamond Dogg says. Diamond Dogg cannot lose tonight. Diamond Dogg will not lose tonight."

"Cut the camera!"

Fade out...

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