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PPV/Challege {Stepping Up}

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 07, 2023, 09:26:30 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:20
  • Posts:14
  • From:USA 
  • Register:04/11/2009 10:38 PM
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Date Posted:07/02/2010 7:36 PMCopy HTML


{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Tonight is the night all us wrestler's fight to get to. Because if we can just win tonight then our dreams come true. Now you might ask what is that dream. To go to the biggest stage of them all and fight in the main event for the world championship. But see I have already live that dream in my career. So what does it mean to me? The dream never leaves. Because once your a world champion you never want to stop being a world champion. Tonight the best of the best are in this match. But there can only be one in the end. I have been sitting back here healing from my cage match that Nikky took me to the limits and listening to people talk. So its my turn to speak up. Tonight I'm not one hundred percent. Doctors say I shouldn't even be here tonight. But that hasn't stop me in the past. Then why should it now? Let me talk about the main event first. Mack verse Chris Orton. I hope you win tonight Orton because no matter if Mack wins or not I'm coming for Mack. Mack your time is up. I can careless about the title if you win. Shove it up you ass as for as I care. I dont want it. I want you one on one in that ring. But not in any match. I'm challeging you to a street fight. If I win you get in that ring next ppv and tell the whole world that Steve Weigel is a legend and if I lose then I will stand in the ring and tell the whole world that Steve Weigel is nothing but a jobber. You say there is no legends? On last weeks show you said people with a couple of years under their belt aren't legends and your right. I would agree one hundred percent with you on that. But I have over a decade of years under my belt. I have held world championships and many other titles. You say the word legend is given by the people. Well one of the greatest wrestlers of our time gave me that title. I retired as world champion. I have done everything in my career. You also said you can count how many legends their is on your figures and I disagree again. When did you learn to count? Last time I saw you were dumber then a blonde female that shows up to these shows to see Nikky Vemon wrestle. I was shock that you even knew my name. I mean you been so busy doing shit since I came here you haven't had anytime to laern my name. One word Mack is a LAZY piece of shit. Your right your not god or jesus. Your just another bitch. And soon you will be my bitch. So you can take that to the bank. Now bobby we need to talk. I'm sitting back here in pain and your out their talking shit. Saying your even going to throw me out of the ring. God I'm shaking in my boots. Do you remember who even told you about this federation? I did. Do you really want to get in that ring and fight against each other? Its up to you but remember son when god said bitch... You said yes! Because after tonight I will even show you when it cames to a world championship there is no friends. Its all about me..me..me! And I'm simple Legendary! As for as everybody else in that match. Well fuck them because one after one they will all we why in the end its always My Suicide!

As the scene fades you see Weigel soaking in a hot tub.

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