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The Unknown Will Become Known

Started by Liz, April 07, 2023, 09:29:29 PM

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Date Posted:07/02/2010 9:44 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{He's here, he is here in this arena, the Freedom Hall...he is here tonight for The F'N Rumble, he is soon to be back in that ring doing what he does best, tossing other people out, throwing them to the side, leaving all the rest in his path to the World Heavyweight Championship! Jordan Brooks is here and unlike yesterday, the arena is far from empty. The stage has been set, fans are lined up waiting to get in to their seats, the venue has been sold out for a while now and everyone is here, everyone is waiting, everyone is preparing...in their own way! Jordan still separates himself from the rest, still is staying hidden until game time. He sits somewhere in the arena, watching, waiting, ready to strike and then wait some more until Wrestle X! His face has been unseen since its been known he is returning and still it is as he sits in the darkness and now speaks.}

Jordan Brooks:
So a few more have spoken up, revealed themselves for The F'N Rumble and they have not done one damn thing to impress anyone, especially me, enough to win. They all have one thing in common, they all have one future for the rumble, they all are going over the top rope to the floor and losing, yes...LOSING!
{His breathing is heard, very low, calm, not excited, his voice cold and calculating as he speaks again.}

Jordan Brooks:
If you are here in EF'NW, you want to accomplish what the rumble lets you accomplish by winning, get a  World Title shot, otherwise your not anything to anyone anymore. You're a nobody in EF'NW until you reach the pinnacle of success here, your are essentially worthless until you beat the best, until you become the best, until you become World Heavyweight Champion and that is a fact you all better realize because I do. I am one of the upper echelon in EF'NW, Jordan Brooks is held below very few people here, hell, only two really, the World Champ and the contender for that title tonight!
{He pauses again, his breathing staying the same, his voice the same also.}

Jordan Brooks:
That will be different at Wrestle X! Tonight however is the night I thrust myself to that glorious spot that EVERYONE wants to have, period. Only one man can have and despites claims from Johnny Camaro, The Rock, I mean Rocket, I am the only man who can back up his claim. Johnny Camaro is more concerned with how people view him, he cares too much about image, about being "pretty" and his whole plan for winning tonight, it's a bigger joke than he is! As for The Rocket, he needs to worry about who all is in this match, he needs to worry about EF'NW because if you haven't done shit here, you are shit and not the shit, just SHIT! He and Drew Stevenson apparently come from other indy companies and have accolades there they love to brag about. I heard w2k, whatever that is and wgef, huh? Unless you were in WWE or even TNA, your accolades mean shit around here, so study everyone in this match and get ready to get your ass kicked because its sure as gonna happen as I am gonna win The F'N Rumble!
{Another pause, slightly longer now, still calm breathing and then the same sadistic voice.}

Jordan Brooks:
I am not saying either of you two or anyone new won't pose a threat, that you won't come close to winning, but until you realize your role and learn to prove yourself, earn your place, your gonna end up disappointed. I have prepared for The F'N Rumble since last years, I have waited and watched, bided my time, waited to create my opportunity and here it is, tonight and no one, especially some new blood who thinks their indy accolades will matter here when they don't. Threats you all are, but only because of the unpredictable nature of this match. However, I still know what known of you know and will not know until I hit that ring tonight, until Jordan Brooks comes out, no one will know what I know. And what I know WILL matter because as I said, having a year to prepare gives an advantage over all of you who have had days to prepare, some of you a few weeks. Say all you want, trash me if you like. Tell me I am a nobody, but unless you're the World Champ or his challenger tonight, it means nothing because I am bigger than all the rest of you and soon I will be bigger than everyone! Nearly five years I have been working my way up in the EF'NW and a lot of the length to the struggle was due in part to a broken leg I suffered in the ring and to getting cancer just by the "luck" of it, but I overcame both just as I will overcome The F'N Rumble and every one of you twenty nine rookies!
{He snarls on that last word and then pauses before saying.}

Jordan Brooks:
Its almost time to begin, so enough of this, the rest of you trivial numbers in this match can do some last minute arguing if you like, try to fight a lost cause. I am done now, just going to bide my time, show my patience and wait as I have waited all year, but I will say this. The unknown will become known...and its more of a surprise than just The F'N Rumble alone!
{And so he stops speaking, his calm breathing heard and then a switch is flicked and a glow of a monitor is seen. The very low light given off shows us a pair of boots jutting out from what may be a steel chair Jordan sits on, but the rest of him, a silhouette, nothing else, but his boots are seen and he just sits watching, studying, waiting, focused and prepared to do only one thing, be the best!}
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz Decker

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