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I walk the line.

Started by Drew Stevenson, April 07, 2023, 10:01:11 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 5:44 AMCopy HTML

Drew-3.png picture by AngelicaNight
The first thing in sight was the famous golden, shiny faceplate of the EFW Championship belt. The camera pulled back in a slow, dramatic manner as we caught glimpse of Drew Stevenson standing in the back, right in front of the Crossing the Line backdrop as he had the strap positioned in his right hand. As we could tell, it was obviously a replica championship as it had no nameplate screwed onto it. As Drew stood there; he looked pretty determined and fired up as he wasted no time in getting this promo underway for EFW's pay per view, Crossing the Line.

"This right here is what thirty men are stepping into the ring for this Sunday night. The opportunity of a lifetime; the chance to headline Wrestle X for THEE EWF World Heavyweight Championship and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't motivated and determined to enter the f'n rumble looking to get that opportunity to face either Mack or Orton at Wrestle X."

Drew rested the replica strap on a nearby barstool. He then started pacing side to side, he was gathering his thoughts together as he then spoke out continuing with what he was saying, his deep toned voice slightly echoed throughout the backstage area.

"Now guys such as Salman, Rocket and Bobby have already tossed their names out there as the guys to exit the rumble as the winner and quite frankly, it could happen. When you have thirty men entering, it is EXTREMELY HARD to guarantee a victory because anybody could throw that last person right over the top rope and walk out as the winner of the 2010 F'N rumble. Now I have battled it out with Salman before and I walked out as the winner, however; that was then and in a different environment so I can't really put a lot of emphasis on that win as a whole as quite frankly? It means nothing here in the E... F... W..."

He stops walking; he looks right at the camera as he continues to speak.

"... None of my accolades mean a dang thing here in this company and so I am pretty much starting over, as the new guy looking to prove his worth in the company. I'm fine with that, I'm not such an ass that I think everything should just be handed to me on a silver platter, oh no; I'm cool with earning my stripes around here and what better of a way then to enter the f'n rumble and try to out-last thirty other superstars to earn the opportunity to headline Wrestle X for THEE most prestigious title in this company, the EFW World... Heavyweight... Championship..."

He reached up stroking his chin, he then continued.

"... Now Bobby, you might not know me because I most certainly don't know you and that isn't me blowing smoke up your ass but simply speaking the truth. You might be Boston's best, you might be EFW's Larry Bird and I respect that brother, I really do but you are an obstacle in my way. Now just as you would say that I too am an obstacle in your way, you should be able to respect what I am saying here because I respect the fact that you want to walk out of Crossing the Line as the winner of the 2010 f'n rumble and as the number one contender at the EFW Heavyweight strap but brother? You have twenty nine other superstars looking at you licking their lips wanting the EXACT SAME thing that you want and so you better come ready. I'm not talking ready like you might always come but ready on an ENTIRELY new level like you have NEVER been before. Anybody can say that they're ready but when you got twenty-nine other guys looking to eliminate you for their own self benefit and greed? Even the EFW Icon's such as Mack can't put a certified guarantee on the victory, however; while I'm not going to stand here and guarantee the win here, I AM going to tell you that I am a VERY HUNGRY competitor. I see this rumble as my proverbial golden ticket to the chocolate factory. I am going to reach out and grab the stars as if they were MY fate; I am going to be coming out at WHATEVER number that Dangerously gives me and who knows? Maybe everybody will witness yours truly pulling an HBK, entering at number one and walking out as the winner. Now I know, the talent entering is absolutely amazing, you have guys new and old looking to seize the day, to seize the opportunity and I know that many will look at my status in this industry and want to eliminate me from the rumble but let me tell you..."

He stretches out his index finger pointing directly at the camera; he then continues speaking not missing a beat.

"... I am coming in fired up. I have already put it into my mind that everybody entering has put the bull's eye on my head. They want me gone more than most due to the fact that I am quite possibly the biggest threat walking into this rumble. I went three years, THREE... YEARS... UNDEFEATED in rumble type matches before I finally sustained my first loss so  I guess that you could say that I am quite knowledgeable within the confinements of a squared circle when men and even women are looking to toss me right over the top rope to pull the trigger and shoot the bulls eye. I understand that, I know that many men in the back want to pull the trigger and to put me down because here they have busted their asses to try getting such an opportunity and here a guy like me signs a contract, gets an opportunity of a LIFETIME and could very well be the biggest opportunistic son of a gun here within these four walls. I know that I too would be looking at the new guy ready to rip his head off, ready to eliminate him and to give him a nice welcoming to the company but I am not just any ordinary guy who is debuting, oh no; I am a guy who has been to the dance before. I have headlined Madison Square Garden as the World Champion, I have toured over in Rome, Japan and many other places in Europe and headlined there as both the champion and the challenger. I know what it's like to be on the outside looking in because I am there at this very moment but I am going to take it upon myself to step foot through the door. You might not like me; you might think that I am the biggest overrated piece of crap in this industry but when opportunity knocks?"

Drew made the hand motion as if he was opening a door.

"You open the door. Johnny Cash put it best when he said that he walks the line. Anybody can truly cross the line but it takes discipline and focus to walk the line and this Sunday night? I, Drew Stevenson will walk the line."

With that famous quote being a solid ending point, Drew smirked; he then turned around and walked off out of view as we were left to view the black backdrop for EFW's upcoming event, Crossing the Line. After a few moments, the video footage slowly rolled out to black.


Drew Stevenson

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Re:I walk the line.
Date Posted:08/02/2010 12:03 AMCopy HTML

"Some here in the EFW think that I am a rookie in this industry, personally; I'm going to let them keep thinking that because then things should get much more interesting."

As we opened up, the fans were buzzing. In the center of the ring stood Drew Stevenson, he sported a nice black Armani suit, Oakley sunglasses and looked to be a million bucks as the saying goes. In his right hand was a microphone, he held it firmly as he then brought it up to his lips to continue with what he started to say just moments ago.

"So far everybody who has threw their name into the old rumble hat has said that they will go on to win the rumble and to headline Wrestle X. They might be right, they might be wrong; nothing can be determined until it all takes place and unfolds. In the past, guys like Mack have won this thing and look at him now? He is THEE biggest dog in this yard whether he holds championship gold or not. The rumble has took men and made them Immortal's. Tonight, the seventh of February; thirty men step in-between these ring ropes looking at the chance, the opportunity to walk out saying that they etched their name into the history books. Survival is key quite frankly, I heard Rocket and he was ready to get in there JUST to face me. I am flattered brother; you are a great acquisition and you could quite possibly be leaving Crossing the Line as the 2010 F'N rumble winner but take a good look into these cold, calculating eyes."

The look stretched along his face showed intensity, determination; he then stretched out his index finger and looked up pointing at the Wrestle X banner as he spoke out continuing.

"I have my sights set on headlining that very event right there, THEE biggest show of the year. Now of course twenty-nine other individual's also have their sights set on walking out as the winner of the rumble but can you truly do it? Yeah, I know; I need to ask myself that as well and I have. I thought about it real hard, I watched old tapes of guys like Mack winning, guys like HBK walking out after entering at the number position. I get Goosebumps brother; every time I think about the f'n rumble, I get this urge to lace up my boots and to stand here waiting as long as it takes in-order to walk out as the winner and to headline Wrestle X. You see, I have been in this position before. I have felt success and I have also felt heart-ache and failure. I know what it takes to be the best and tonight in this very ring?"

He points at the canvas.

"I am going to give my all whether I do walk out as the winner or not. Wrestle X is calling my name and I am going to bust my butt to open that door. Best of luck to everybody who enters, you're going to need it just as I am."

With that, he lowered the microphone down to his side and dropped it down onto the canvas. He backed up exiting the ring and then walked up the ramp to get ready for Crossing the Line, tonight, live on pay per view.

The Warforged Warrior

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