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universal6 star tag team

Non - Match R/p {Words from the mouth of a real LEGEND...!}

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 07, 2023, 10:40:35 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Date Posted:11/02/2010 10:46 PMCopy HTML

{The Legendary Steve Weigel} - Yeah I been sitting here for hours trying to get my lazy ass off this chair. But I can't. See hours ago Mack gave me my first lost here in EF'NW. But still no one has yet to beat me in a singles match. Now I didn't do a promo for this week because I have been thinking about things. Like what Mack said and what Bobby James had to say. My best friend and he turns on me by taking Macks side. Yeah I was out of this business for four years Macky. But before I retired I was doing this shit day and night for over ten years. Maybe you right... Maybe I'm not a lege.... No I cant say it. I remember watching HBK wrestling and wishing one day I could be him. To highlight wrestlemania. To be great like him. To make the fans love me. Yeah I said that. I know I'm the one who says it doesn't matter if they like me or not. Hell I hate The Rock. But would it be could to stop the fans on a dime. To just stick out your hand and everyone goes quite for you? I remember wishing one day I would be that good. Thats a legend. Someone would can make the fans never forget them. Someone who will be always remember by someone. I sometimes find myself doing stuff to make people remember me. I dont care if they hate or love me because that doesn't matter. Like kidnapping Megan. I knew she would never love me from the start but I did it to bring in the fans. See you can say I'm no legend but you can never say I dont love this business. I would do anything to keep it going. Now your a world champion and some might say I'm coming after you to get to the championship. But they would be wrong. I DONT WANT IT. Now dont get me wrong I will be coming after that title one day, but just not right now. As a predator I have to do whats good for the team and me and Bobby haven't gave up on winning those tag team titles. I guess deep down I know I'm no legend. But I really want to be. I'm a heel and its my job to piss people off and I'm good at it until now that is. You said a couple of weeks ago you were going to make people earn the title of legend. Well I'm begging you....NO I'm telling you make me. Throw me in anything and I will come out on top. See tonight is a point of no return for me. I will not give up until I'm remembered here in EF'NW forever! So you want the match. A street fight. A non title street fight. Well lets up it a little. A special guess Ref. Or if your scared then thats ok too. But Bobby James is up for it. The Rebel Shane Mack verse The Legendary Steve Weigel. Remember one thing The Predators never walk into a fight without knowing what were going into. So Mack its up to you.

The scene fades away.

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