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The Shoot

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 07, 2023, 10:44:29 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:12/02/2010 7:07 PMCopy HTML

I've had enough of this, no more, fuck S E F....fuck EF'NW, fuck America, fuck it all! I came here a few years ago to work a story as Whitney Marret's father, as the longtime, only owner of the company, but I am done with pro wrestling, I am done for good! I started my career back in the late sixties under the name of Fate, wrestling in a circus in my home country of England, it has been in my blood for years and I will never forget it, I do not hate it, but I do however hate the politics that can come with it. Management is not for me and EF'NW, as great as it is, it is not for me. Maybe I just need a fucking break, maybe I just need to go home and live the rest of my life as an observer, maybe I just don't know right now, but one thing I know is that I am not nor have I ever been the owner of this company and more importantly, I am not Whitney Marret's father. My only association to her is a friend of her husbands, her trainers, for I trained them. I am not the brother of Frank E who died last year, although he and I were close friends, he was a brilliant mind of wrestling and could make you hate him or suck you in to anything he said, he truly did have a MOUTH FOR WAR. As for the true owner of EF'NW, I cannot reveal that for I honestly do not know, I have not been let in that much. This company is very secretive and to be honest, I'm glad they are, it helps the mystique a lot. I just need to go home, get out of this fucking country, out of this business, I am too old to be hanging around here and unlike many older stars, I know when to lay low and take a break, take a leave, retire...maybe? Ah, well who knows in the world of pro wrestling, true retirement could happen, but is highly unlikely, so I won't say you saw the last of Dick E Dangerously, but I will say its gonna take a long time and lot of persuasion to bring me back and a whole lot better shape because I am fifty five years old. Not the oldest man in the business, but close enough to know, yes, I know and I also know that I know, so this is me saying bye, however, it could be just a see ya later.

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