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Keeping up.

Started by Drew Stevenson, April 07, 2023, 11:18:15 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:12/02/2010 6:52 PMCopy HTML

Inside of a brightly lit gym was where we opened up. The banner that hung high along the wall read 'Emerald gym' on it as this was obviously the personal gym of wrestling star, Drew Stevenson. We saw a sweaty Drew in the ring doing some very fancy looking ground work per se as an older looking man climbed up onto the apron screaming at Drew and his training partner.

"STOP! Enough for today."

Drew got to his feet sweating and breathing hard, he stretched out his hand helping his partner up as the main, head trainer spoke out to the guys.

"Great work guys, looking good there Drew."

Drew's in-ring partner slapped Drew on the back then exited the ring to hit the showers. Drew was tossed a white towel as he caught and began to dry himself off before slinging it up and over his neck. He then reached over into the turnbuckle and grabbed an ice cold bottle of water where he twisted the cap off and took a drink before then leaning back into the turnbuckle and starting to speak, he realized that the cameras were rolling live recording him and he wasted no time in speaking out for his match this week on Extreme.

"You know, one of the things that I really like about the EFW promotion is that, it still promotes the pure based technical style that our forefather's paved the road for us with. However, you have an added twist with guys like Rayo and El Psicopata who can pull off some pretty amazing moves within the squared circle. Now, me personally? I can't do that flippy floppy stuff but I never did try to adapt my style to the times because quite frankly? The slow, methodical technical base style works perfectly well if utilized correctly. For instance, guys like Rayo and Psicopata use their legs for speed and agility but if you manage to take out a leg then their style is very limited if not completely useless. A power guy, you simply take out the arm and their power base is headed downhill and fast."

He slightly nodded his head as he took another drink of his water.

"Now this week should most certainly be a great test for me, I mean; here you have two very quick, very agile men stepping into the ring against a man who is not the fastest but instead, the smartest. Rayo, when I saw that a former W2K guy was going to be in this match, I knew that things were headed up hill. We are both guys who did a lot of things over in the San Antonio promotion so if you have that old-school W2K mentality still then you should know all too well about the extreme environment. I don't exactly hold the W2K mentality but I was a former W2K Impact Champion so I can relate to you on how hard things were regarding title defenses as the competition was extremely stiff there. I however started my big things off right where EFW is stationed, in Michigan. PWT is stationed in Michigan as well so my fan support here has been quite impressive and I am extremely thankful for that. I see so much potential in this match that the action in the ring on the sixteenth of February will be explosive..."

He pauses but only briefly, before continuing of course.

"... You will have you and Psicopata amazing the crowd with your guys' highflying moves, you'll have me in there dazzling the crowd with THEE BEST technical wrestling today and there is no championship gold or even an opportunity on the line, oh no; we step into that ring wrestling for pride and for bragging rights. We step in there looking to prove ourselves, we step in there looking to climb up that ladder of success here in the EFW and I must say, I have been off to a great start and the momentum is most certainly on my side currently and if I have anything to say about it then well, I will continue to keep that ball of momentum rolling on my side. There's no denying that you two are phenomenal athletes, none at all. I already expect for the two of you to make my life a living HELL in that ring but just as you will make my life a living hell? I will return that favor. When you leap over my head and try to kick me in the back of the head? You better believe that you'll either regret doing so upon landing onto your feet and feeling your knee about to buckle or, you'll be stunned to see me catch your foot and/or leg and immediately apply a submission that will twist that knee and that leg something severe. This week is shaping up to be one HELL of a week for some fast paced action and boys?"

He slowly stretched a methodical grin along his face as he continued to speak.

"I hope that you come ready because I'll DEFINITELY be ready. See you soon."

As Drew exited the ring to hit the showers, the front door to his gym opened as in stepped his beautiful blonde headed wife, Becca Stevenson. Drew walked over to her; they shared a soft kiss before he said something to her then walked off to clean up.

 The Warforged Warrior

Drew Stevenson

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Re:Keeping up.
Date Posted:16/02/2010 7:44 PMCopy HTML

untitled2.jpg picture by Pride_Fighting

"Catching you will be tricky Rayo, no doubt about that but just as catching you will be tricky, putting me down for the three will be tricky."

The very first thing seen in view was a smiling Drew Stevenson. He was just walking down the street for some odd reason as snow littered the ground, it was extremely cold outside but he didn't really seem to notice as he was looking out in front of himself to see where he was walking but also talking at the same time.

"As you aforementioned, tonight will be explosive. Everybody is getting the opportunity to watch two of the BEST cruiserweight type guys in our industry do what they do best but then, as an added twist I was tossed into the mix to add that strange yet delightful tangy taste per se. I noticed that you are just making your return Rayo and what better of a way then right here in EFW where you get the opportunity to not only prove your highflying supremacy but to defeat quite possibly THEE BEST Technical wrestler alive today, it's HUGE and you and I both know that. Tonight however holds a lot for all three of us, it really does. I mean, Psicopata had this crazy look in his eyes and definitely showed me that he wanted this. He wants to step into that ring tonight, turn into the Hulk and SMASH us into bits but brother, you best bring your best because I am here to win, just as you are, just as Rayo is, just as Mack is, hell; just as EVERYBODY is who steps foot through those doors once they sign the dotted line."

He gave the camera a pretty serious look as he then continued.

"I can imagine that tonight, I'll be hit with pretty much every highflying move in the book between the two of you running around. I accept that, the three of us are not walking into this thing blindly but walking in with knowledge. I know how you two function, you two know how I function, it's most certainly going to give all of the fans in attendance something to talk about while not only going home but for weeks to come. So while you know a small portion of my game plan tonight, you better believe guys that I NEVER walk into a match up with just one formulated game plan, oh no; I come ready and prepared on all level's and tonight I will be tested, no doubt about that but guess what?"

He looked at the camera and pointed at it.

"So will you."

Drew walked up to the arena building; he opened the door and spoke out before entering.

"See you soon guys."

Enter and fade.

 The Warforged Warrior

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