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[Hours Away]

Started by Rayo, April 07, 2023, 11:38:12 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:21
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  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:16/02/2010 8:56 PMCopy HTML

Well this has got to be a first. For once the opponents scheduled for combat arent wasting time with cheap insults and low blows to get under the skin of each other. Drew Stevenson knows what's ahead of him. El Psicopata knows it'll be a close one. Rayo knows that for a debut match this is a going to be what Jim Ross would call a slobberknocker. Respect is what all these three young warriors have for each other. This Triple threat match is sure to steal the show. But with all the respect all three of them truly believe they will be the victor.

The scene opens right on the steps of the arena where Extreme will hold it's anniversary show tonight. Seen sitting on the steps is the masked warrior. The camera moves in closer to the new addition to the roster as nods to greet the camera before speaking.

"Hours away boys, I know your both excited as I am. This is will be a battle. The fans are going to get dizzy trying to follow this fast action. I guess that's what Drew Stevenson is in the mix for. To slow the pace of the match down with his technical style. Really this match can go either way, I remember you said something before Drew that I never touched on...you seem to think your the smartest when it comes to in ring wrestling. I know where your getting your logic. I understand that with the technical style you sport comes with very careful and strategic planning, like immobilizing one of my legs eliminates one if not all of my advantages over you. In doing that you'll be in control of how fast the match goes. You'll be the ring general so to speak and deep down I know that's your plan, hell you even stated it a couple days ago and your logic is very accurate and intelligent I'll give you that but you see with this kind of match your going to have to be alittle bit more thoughtful and wise with your decisions. Because you can't forget your not just going up against one luchador your going against two. You've got to worry bout two times the speed and while your trying to execute your plan of eliminating one's speed you'll have to worry about the other speedster coming at you, now I'm not saying that Psicopata are going to be working together but let's face it everyone is going to want in on the action and I'm almost positive that either of us are just going to stand and wait for you to weaken one of us because after all that'll just increase your chances of a victory and I just cannot allow that to happen, nope not tonight holmes."

"You see both of you have tasted victory here already. Sure you guys are hungry and eager to keep that momentum rolling cause we all know with consecutive victories you'll recieve a shot a one of the titles sooner then later and isn't that what were all here for? Drew you've made it clear you wanted that World Heavyweight Championship and Psicopata I'm sure your desires are in the same boat. But you see for me this is more then just my debut match in EF'NW. This is my return to the sqaured circle since two thousand five. I got a lot to prove not just to the fans but to myself. I've been training intensely for my return for a year straight. I feel stronger, quicker, and more focused then I ever have in my career. I know what awaits me when I walk down that rampway and step into the ring. You see I've had my share of demons in the past and I've danced with the devil so squaring off with another luchador and technical specialists don't seem so bad at all esses'"

Rayo pauses this a very important night for him. In an event where it is monumental in NFW's eight year anniversary Rayo wants this win so badly.

"El Psicopata, your right it seems as if Drew and I are more experienced and being that we have the same type training and style this definetly gives me the edge over you and even if you are some lucha prodigy which could very well be true..but the fact is I know what your going to do, I know what kind of stops and counters you can pull because hell I either use em myself or I've seen it executed many times. Consider this as training Psicopata. Take this as mentoring in your lucha libre training holmes. But don't think I have no faith in you or that I cant see you winning this bout because after all there is such thing as upsets. Don't take it as disrespect though esse. I just think out of everyone in this match I will be able to read you the most. I wrestled guys like you in mexico time and time again. You kind of come across as someone who hasnt truly adapted to the environment which is ok because I am willing to give out a few lessons tonight. I'm afraid you started somewhere last week. Tonight belongs to Rayo. Don't let me stop your conquest to the top though however tonight your just going to have deal with the fact your heading to a bump in the road to your accomplishments and your quest for recongnition."

Rayo stands up looking behind at him at the arena, then looking back into the camera with a proud look on his face.

"I honestly didn't think I would ever step in the ring again. It's all begins all over for me tonight. A fresh start, I wonder if the fans will embrace me? No matter because when I get in the ring I only see my opponents and the referee. Drew Stevenson and El Psicopata may have faced a *high flyer* but they've never faced Rayo. I'm bringing my A game tonight. Extreme is going to whole other level tonight. Drew's stated what he expects as has Psicopata but what they neglected to mention is they should expect greatness itself."

Rayo turns around to walk into the arena where in a few hours he finally returns to wrestling. The scene fades.

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