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Date Posted:02-24-2010 1:42 AMCopy HTML

Walking along a dark side street in the cold city of Manchester is Shane Mack, dressed like usual, bandana, back shirt, jeans, sneakers, hands in his pockets and a relaxed smirk on his face as he stops and leans back against a building, then says.
No one really gets it anymore, no one understands what this is all about and that is why for many, they have to leave this world. No, I speak not of Steven Weigel, who for all I care may be in hell!
Mack shows a slick grin now, then relaxes and says.
I speak of the true greats of this business who get out and live, the ones who cannot stay around these circuits too long or they'll never get out, for many it is too late. Roaming from indy to indy, even from circuit to circuit...circus to circus! Sometimes a little regulation can be good to truly let the greats shine, let them all shine without holding any back.
He looks serious now and says.
I've been told for years I hold people down, I refuse to let others get ahead, I do not help anyone except myself!
Still looking serious, a breath of air and he says.
The thing is, I was hated and held down myself, I was refused entry into many places, and if I got in, I wasn't liked, wasn't worked with despite my efforts, and all for no real reason. Someone must have complained, maybe they felt wrong, but who are they to judge who they do not know without resolving it, just talk to who you feel wronged you and work it. Make sure they can handle and I never shown anyone I couldn't, but ya gotta work with, not against. Shane Mack has helped many people get ahead, get over, all the guys I mentioned last time ya heard me speaking, back in the pub I think, all of them got help from me. I busted my ass for this goddamn company, I was always here for the shows, every damn show done, I was there, whether it be wrestling, being creative, or just being plain helpful. So many wrestlers got my help and they helped me in the process because when ya teach each other, ya both learn!
He pauses taking another breath and says casually.
I learned a lot from these people as I hope they did from me. We all learn from each other every day without trying, its instinct in us to learn, so why deny it, why act like ya know it all when you cannot do that, the one true impossibility, to know everything. Life moves on so constantly that you cannot ever know it all and everything broken down is the same way, just looks differently.
He pauses for a few seconds and looks up to the sky, then back down and smirks as he says.
I came to the conclusion that maybe the jokes I made are true, maybe people really are jealous of Shane Mack!
He chuckles and says.
Ya know, if ya actually knew the truth about me and my real position around here, you'd probably agree or at least disagree with most others. Super Shane Mack, the Lord Shane Mack...yea, got some fucking rings to them for sure, ha ha, yea, I don't know. I really don't know, ya know?
He smirks now and says.
I'm sure most will say they do know, but do ya really or ya just saying it cause ya know, but ya don't know that ya know? Ya know?
Mack just looks serious again and says.
Who knows huh?
He pauses and just leans his head back, shuts his eyes for a few seconds, then he speaks.
Some would tell me that is the way I think of myself, but I already explained myself and tonight was not the first time I have and that is what I am sick and tired of doing. Ya all want a fucking explanation, but ya refuse to open your goddamn eyes and watch what I fucking do, think about what I say, acknowledge what is being said rather than make up your own version because perception may work for image, it does not work for what is said because it goes back to it, were all too different, you have to get to know or just stay away or it don't work. As long as I am here I will seek out to work with everyone who comes in here, I will help as much as I can, and I will learn as much as I can, so if ya don't like that, ya don't want that, then go to some other place, be a nobody among other nobodies, sheep herding for the man with the big stick!
Mack looks back down and sneers now, then says.
There isn't one person in this company today who has proven they are at my level. Some like to say things like they are, to sound cool, they word it so good to make you believe the lie not even they can believe and it ruins the trust for those of us who simply tell it like it is. So c'mon you worthless sacks of shit, do something or do nothing, get out, leave, if ya can't prove it, why bother coming here? Let the ship sink, maybe I can't save it again, maybe...I don't want to!
He looks down, his eyes darting around, his mind racing and he looks up with a smirk now and says.
Maybe that is what I have to do now, maybe so, huh?!
Stroking his chin now and looking away still thinking, Mack lowers his hand and looks back to say.
Well, I think its now time to get back to the hotel and get some sleep, got a get up early, Extreme tomorrow, or fuck, maybe its tonight, I don't know, don't keep a watch, so I don't tell time!
Mack smirks and pushes himself off the wall with his back and walks on down the street off into the city, the view stays behind and slowly fades to black.

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