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Devil Playground Reunited ? Sef TV

Started by The Perry Family, July 23, 2023, 03:27:11 PM

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The Perry Family

Sierra and Cruella perry are shown in their locker room, along with Lexi and Taylor Walker Sierra's cell rings and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry Hello Who, This

The Wolf. It is me the Wolf, Look you Need to Get Devil Playground Back Together with Jade.

Sierra Perry Wait What After What Happend ru Insane Did u Watch

The Wolf. Yeah i Saw But Look You 3 Are Scheduled for a 6 Star Tag Team Championship Match, Against Lbd , Chris Orton and Daddy Mack.

Sierra Perry. Oh Yeah i Know Who Going to Win That Match, Look All Right i Guess we can Co Exist

Cruella Who on The Phone What Going On?

Sierra Puts The Cell Down Looks at her Sister And Begin to Talk.

Sierra Perry. That Was The Wolf, Apparently We Are Scheduled to Have a 6 Person Tag Team, Championship Match With Jade.

Cruella Perry. Wait What No-Way Not After What Happened, What Did She Say.

Sierra Perry, She Just Called and Want us to Reunite Devil Playground Cause Well i Told You About the 6 Star Championship Tag Team Match this Week on Sef-tv

Lexi Walker. Wait What No-Way, Look il Be Your Tag Team Partner We Don't Need Her.

Jade Comes in The Room Looks at Everyone and Begin to talk .

Jade West. Hey Bitches Look i Know we Recently Broke up But Seeing we got A 6 Star Tag Team Championship Match, Soon.

Jade West. and We Are Mad And Upset Due to The Wolf, Not Being Here Anymore.

Jade. West Im Going Be The Bigger person and Apologize for the Way i Acted Before it was my Fault For Bullying.

Jade West. All of You For What it Was Worth i Was Bullied as Well Back in the Day, Let me Say This it Was Not Pretty.

Jade Look we Can Talk and Apologize later first Lets Plan a Strategy on How we Are Going to Defeat these 3 All Right.

{ The Devil-Playground Music Hits, 

Meanwhile During the Night. The Audience, is Waiting to See What is Going Happen, Next The Devil Playground Music and Intro Hits, and Out Comes.

Jade, Cruella and Sierra Perry, With The 2 Walker Sisters in Tow, They Make their Way Down The Ring.

They Get Announced, And Walk To The Ring, Climbs on The Steel Steps in the Ring,

Walks Around Raise Their Arms Up in The Air, Looks Around and Jade Looks on and Begin to Talk.

Jade. All Right Sorry Haters You Thought We Was Finished Nah Sorry We May Fight Each Other.

Jade. But We love Facing Each Other, it is Fun, we Enjoy Kicking Each Others' Asses! It Gets Our Adria Lian Build up!

Cruella Perry. Devil Playground Talked we Apologized We Are a Family.

Sierra Perry. We Are Also Doing This for the Wolf. So Anyway Lets Get This Back To What Brought us Here Tonight.

Jade West. The 6 Star Tag Team Championship Title Match, iF A Miracle Happens.

Jade West. If We Actually Win Tonight then Let me Say this Devil Playground is going to be Celebrating like No Other.

Cruella Perry. So Chris Orton LBD Daddy Mack. First let Me Say This We Have Nothing But Respect for U All,

Sierra Perry. Your The Reason We Stand Here Tonight, And The Reason we Got Careers But This is Just Buisness.

Jade West. We Are Coming For Your 6 Star Championship Tag Team Championships Then August 12th Taylor im Coming for You!

Sierra Perry.  So I Hope Your Ready to Loose Tonight, And Good Luck You Are Going to Need it.

They Stand In The Ring, n Wait for Reply

Jade West

Daddy Mack

(Don't Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck plays over the pa bringing out Daddy Mack just a twirling around in a pair of blue jeans, hi top sneakers, a backwards black ballcap and his 6 Star Tag Team Title around his waist. His hair fanning out as he spins in circles with no shirt and does a few crotch chops cause he can. Mack laughing and high fiving a few fans on his way to the ring skipping up to the ring apron where he steps in commanding the ring as his own to circle around into a muscle pose. The Showsteala jumping up into a crotch chop and drops to his knees flashing the wolfpac sign before standing up to look to the back. Mack spinning around to call for a mic and gets handed one, then steps around the girls in the ring smirking and saying.)
"Whassss uuuupppp all ya all muthafuckas!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
(A huge pop for that old school line Mack never delivers anymore cause he don't have to, but that sarcastic grin blazed on his face as he says.)
"Ah yea, never gets old, but goddamn it, we gotta move on, we gotta a Hell in a Cell in Mexico City, my roots to what made me the man I am today, tonight, and forever, untouchable! Now Jade, no need to worry about anything past July twenty ninth because after Hell in a Cell with Chris Orton, LBD, and I, me, myself, The Showsteala, Daddy Mack, well, you'll be lucky to make out of that cell. But hey now, don't get nervous, ol' Mack got a soft spot for the ladies and after we get down brutalizing you in that cell, I can make a house call, I can make you feel better. Just ask yo girl Sierra, she knows, that's why she be checking me out now, ready for another round and no worries, I got you after the cell, win, lose or draw, you all invited to my pad anytime! Cruella, you too sweetheart, but hey, don't take it from me about what is gonna happen inside Hell in a Cell cause I got two partners just itching to tell you, to show you, so Chris Orton, c'mon on down. And LBD, show these ladies who the true dominant woman of the ring is, was, and always will be!"
(Mack bobbing his head around being a goof and backs up to a corner where he hops up to lay down across the top rope stretched out and a bit arrogant, but its Mack being Mack.)

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry hey mr Mack yeah Remember me im glad you do it has been a while hasn't it.

Sierra Perry. Ido Love Hell in a Cell's ido Really Love Hell in a Cell's Even The Name You Know.

Sierra Perry. I Do Love The Feel of Throwing Somebody Off Of The Cell, and Seeing Their Bodies Break in Half and Blood Run Down Their Faces and Bodies oh Gives me Sexual Feelings Just Thinking About it.!

Cruella Perry. It is Going To Be A Thrill to Throw You , Lbd, And Chris Orton off the Cells and Watch You 3 Scream in Pain! 

Cruella Perry,  This Is A Career Making Match, I Mean It Has Changed Lives! Careers, i Mean Let's Face it This is Going to Either Change our Lives or End Our  Careers

Sierra Perry. And Soon We Can Finally All Reach Championship Gold and Have them Around Our Waist,

Jade West. Yeah Daddy Mack, Tonight's Hell in a Cell Match is Career Changing All Right u3 Just Be Ready For it Cause We Are Going to be.

Jade West. Ready For The Biggest Match of Our Entire Lives Devil Playground Wil Never Go Down Never You Schould Know Us By Now

{ They Relax For a Short While and Somebody Begin to Talk.

Jade West

Daddy Mack

(Mack laying on the top rope still laid back as can be.)
"Mr Mack is my Daddy and he ain't here anymore. Just lil ol' me, mister don't give a fuck and all that stuff ya all said about the cell sounds real fun, I just waiting on my partners, so if ya give them a minute, they'll be along...any minute now..."


(All of a sudden, the camera picks up on a woman dressed in a form fitting red spaghetti tank top and a belted pair of tight black shorts with a pair of black ridding boots comes in the ring and blast Sierra in the back of the head with a black steel baseball bat knocking her down and out. This woman is none other than one half of the SEF Tag Team Champions, the Evolution Women's champion, and one/third of the 6 Star Champions Liz B. Decker. She looks down at the fallen Sierra and then she looks at Cruella and then at Jade. As Liz moves over to the corner where Mack is still laid up on the turnbuckle. Cruella lunges at Liz and Liz the uppercuts Cruella in the chin. Cruella goes down and Jade just looks at Liz a bit paranoid. Liz finally gets to Mack and gets the mic from him and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
Okay, chicas. You ain't getting the SEF 6 Star Championships from The Legends of SEF. No way in Hell are you! You might have your master Satan that guides you with darkness and promises of grandeur to get you to follow him but you are looking at two of the best in this industry that has done what they needed to by busting their asses with no one to guide them.......um....I take that back. I've relied on God's light to guide me to be who I am today. I don't know about Mack but damn it! Not once has he ever made fun of me because I'm a Christian. But that's besides the point. The point is that you will not get these titles from us. No matter if Orton is no where to be found, we're still walking out champions. Each one of you little girls are getting tossed off the cell and I'm gonna love hearing you guys groan and look up at me in exquisite pain. I will show you all just in the who the Hell I am. I'm the one that made and paved the road for you all to be here and I'll do it all again to show how much this company means to me! I made it possible for the women around here to get a fair shake at the World Heavyweight title by beating three men in a fatal four. So don't be thinking your going to pull something over me and Mack. It's not going to work out for you girls. I vow that!

(Sierra starts to get up but Liz aims her bat at her. Jade yells for her to get up like Cruella is starting to. Cruella gets her feet but is rubbing her chin and is a bit doozy. )

Liz B. Decker:
Don't you even think about it! Or we gonna get started right now. I know I'm ready. I know that Mack's leg is a'twitchi' to end someone's show! Yo Orton, get your ass on out here if you're still a Legend of SEF! 

(Liz points to the back waiting for Orton to come out, with a very impatient and slight disgust look in her eyes.)

Daddy Mack

(Mack pops off the top rope to stand side by side with Liz, leg cocked and ready to kick someone's head off as he leans over to the mic saying.)
"I didn't like these girls anyways, they don't come back, just never go away, like a turd you keep flushing and flushing and it ain't never going away. Come Hell in a Cell, we gonna flush you down, straight to hell!"

The Perry Family

Jade Look u Son of a Bitch me and my sisters are here to stay, we are not Going anywhere, This Hell in a Cell Match, is Going to Make History

Jade me and my sisters my family, Are Going Raise Hell! More Then You Ever Imagined We Love Darkness Fear Hurt, people Being Hurt! Makes Us, Happy,!

Jade. I Know Nobody Here Don't Like us we Are Not Here to Make Friends, We Are here to Cause Cahos, Bring Fear to Everyone Around Us,

Jade This Is Our Playground Our Home, This Is What We Do! We Are Going Make the 3 Of U Suffer More Then Anyone has Ever Before!

they wait
Jade West


(Liz rolls her eyes then hands Mack the mic. Liz smiles bright and soon takes her bat and nails it into Jade's stomach. Then as Jade is on her knees doubled over in pain, Liz cracks it over Jade's back. She then takes the mic back squats over Jade and says.)
Liz B. Decker:
Just shut up and gets what is coming at you. You three losers can't touch us, no matter how much you think you can. You just can't! Whys that?! You're nothing like The Legends of SEF and most definitely not like The Impact X Facta!!! So.....
(Liz turns around and Mack smacks her as and says it with her.)
Liz and Mack:
Kiss This!
(Liz turns back around and high fives Mack and both of them smile at Devil's Playground, with no care in the world.)

Daddy Mack

"They ain't even close to us on a ladder of success cause they just plain suck."
(Mack with an arm around LBD hanging on her shoulders laid back and says.)
"You girls aren't fearful, ya all just dreadful to see come out here night after night to not realize nobody cares about what you care about, or don't care about, nobody knows you enough to acknowledge your presence, except us. We are SEF and we will keep SEF alive, together, for these 6 Star Tag Team Titles despite our third man still not out here, like I said before, we don't need anyone else, hell, I'll lay my ass back on the turnbuckle while Liz shows you three a reality you don't know exists, yet you live it out everyday."
(Mack shrugs now and looks at Liz.)
"They are right though, history will be made inside Hell in a Cell when we defend the 6 Star Tag Team Championship against the three most undeserving stars in SEF history and still we will give a show like no one else can."
(Mack smirks sarcastically and winks at LBD who says with him.)
(They each bring an arm down to do a crotch chop together.)

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