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be very afraid! (SEF TV rp)

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 02, 2023, 02:08:18 PM

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Darkness opens the scene laughter is heard very quick Chris Orton is shown then darkness again. Chris Orton continues to laugh starts speaking about tonight Texas Death Match with Six-Man Titles on the line.

Darkness nothing you can see just hear what around you. To our challengers I ask you have you felt afraid not knowing what going to happen to you getting involve in Texas Death Match against three legends like myself, Mack, LBD. You three have no idea what inside our heads right now, because I will tell you what I'm thinking that pain like you never felt before. Tonight on SEF TV, I unleash hell anyone gets in my way be very afraid!

Chris Orton done speaking suddenly another voice is heard.

Daddy Mack

"Hey Orton!"
(The voice yells and out from the darkness emerges Mark Jackson with a big boot to Chris' face. Mark yanking him up to deliver a powerslam, then finds a table setting it up to lift Chris on top of it. Mark stands on the table and lifts Chris up to deliver TGT through the table and just sits there with Chris laying out of it. Mark getting up to shrug and say.)
"Well, I may miss an opportunity to win them tag Team Titles, but it was worth it to make sure your ass don't walk out a 6 Star Tag Team Champion, NEXT WEEK! Maybe Sam and Rob can work out a way to team up and win the gold for The Triad?"
(Mark stomps at Chris before walking off into the darkness.)

Rob Ruckus

(Rob Ruckus finally shows up with Samantha Fame wearing her leggings and stilletos with a leather jacket zipped up and hair in a ponytail carrying a ballbat. Rob in blue jeans, boots, and a grey t-shirt with The Triad in gold letters across the font. He runs up on Chris booting him in the face and yells into the darkness.)
"Mark, get back here, its time to give Orton a preview of the Texas Deathmatch!!!"
(Samantha wailing Chris with the ballbat and Rob pulling up the CKO to walk him into a more open area looking like the loading dock. Mark Jackson coming over with a table he sets up, but Rob holding Chris as Samantha chokes him with the bat and Rob says.)
"Now put a pane of glass on that table from the stack over there and find a roll of barbed wire to lay out under it first. There is a can of gas and matches in the tool room."
(Mark unrolling the barbed wire across the table, then grabs the can of gas dousing the table and barbed wire. He lays the pane of glass on top and grabs the matches lighting one, then tosses it down to set it all on fire. Mark moves over to help Rob rip Chris up in a double powerbomb sending him crashing through the table and the CKO rolling away in pain and agony to lay facedown on the floor. Rob and Mark stand either side of him with Samantha stepping between them to smile sadistically and says.)
"Think he even knows where is now?"
(Rob shaking his head no and laughs maniacally as Mark begins to laugh the same and they throw their arms around each other enjoying this moment as a team.)

Da Gangstas

(Samantha Fame laughing with her Triad partners and steps over Chris with them to look for anyone else looking to avenge their partner. Samantha about to say something when-

Rick Reynolds

(Scorpion shows up in front of his partners wearing leather pants, boots, and a jacket open with no shirt. His long blonde hair hanging down his shoulders and waves his partners over.)
Dressing room is down this way, security out front, who knows what IXF will do. Not sure they care about Chris after his headstart he tried to get, but you guys did good thwarting him. He looks like we're just gonna have to worry about Mack and LBD!

(Scorpion leads the way their room with a couple guards out front and heads on inside sitting on the leather sofa. Rob sitting next to him and Frank Hussar is in a matching chair to the right of the sofa. Mark takes a seat in a chair to the left of the sofa and Samantha plopping down Scorpion and Rob.)
So where's the World Title?

No worries, its safe and I'd love to say the Universal Title will be coming to The Triad, but I have plans for those 6 Star Tag Team Titles that may have to put any other on the backburner!?!

Well then we better win those titles and make good on this advantage we got with Chris on his way to the medic right now. Least I hope someone is checking on him, he looked in rough shape the way we left him!

(Rob grinning as does Mark and Samantha.)
You guys did great, and we are going to do it at Falling Into Hell, we got this. Its time for a change, Chris is letting the team down as we knew he would. They had a great run though, the Legends of SEF have my attention and beating them will truly be legendary. Especially in a Texas Deathmatch, my backyard, Texas that is, but we in Philly now, Falling Into Hell is in the First Union Center and we been through this town a time or two.

(Rob and Samantha nodding as Mark smiles.)

Daddy Mack

(Meanwhile, in the medic room Chris Orton lays on a table with ice packs taped to his back and front looking beat the fuck up. Daddy Mack stands in the doorway wearing his ring gear with an old IX shirt and a backwards ballcap representing the Philadelphia eagles. His long hair hanging down his back in a ponytail and a sarcastic grin on his face as he crosses his arms over his chest loosely leaning against the doorframe to say.)
"So Chris, you gonna make it to the main event on Saturday or do you still think Falling Into Hell was last saturday? After that beating ya took by The Triad maybe you don't even hear me now? I don't know about you Chris? I hope you're ok and if ya can make it to the IXF room I'm a go down that way and help myself to the bar we got set up for us. You're welcome to join us."
(Mack swings around letting his arms down and swaggers on along passing a few doors until he lightly kicks in the one marked with the IXF logo and heads over past the sofa to the back wall where the bar is with a mirror and a couple stools. A chair is on either side of the sofa matching them as they are all black leather. Mack fixing a double shot of Tennessee whiskey, then walks around to plop down on the left end of the sofa kicking his feet up on the table where his 6 Star Tag Team Title belt sits.)


(The door is heard opening and closing. A woman walks in wearing a pair of blue jean cutoff shorts, a tight black Detroit Lions shirt with the name of the team in cursive lettering, and a pair of Detroit Lions blue and silver-white Nike Air Jordans. This woman is none other than Liz B. Decker, one of the SEF 6 Star Tag Team Champions and the SEF Evolution Women's Champion. She's got her bling on and her hair is like how we last saw it. Liz takes a glass that's on the bar and makes a stiff drink then goes to sit down next to Mack. Liz takes a sip and then sighs.)

Liz B. Decker:
This time, I don't think Orton is able to go. God, could we do Freebird Rules and have ANA step in and help us win tonight?

Shane "Daddy" Mack:
I don't think so. He'd be the one to ask.

(Liz growls and rolls her eyes as she takes another drink from her glass.)

Liz B. Decker:
Why? Why the fuck did he not notice we weren't here yet?

(The door opens from the side of the bar and out walks a man dressed in a gray T-shirt, baggy blue jeans, and a pair of brown boots with a black bandana on. This man is A Native Americano aka Norman. Liz's face lights up and looks up at ANA.)

Liz B. Decker:
Hey baby! I gotta major favor to ask of you. I just hope you'll do it.

A Native Americano:
What's up?

(Liz takes another huge drink and gets up from the sofa she was sitting on with Mack the walks over to Norm. She takes a breather and says with courage and hope.)

Liz B. Decker:
Seeing as I don't think Orton's gonna be able to go, would you mind terribly to Freebird Rules this and step in for Orton until next week when we get a better idea on how bad Chris got hit?

(Norm looks at Liz and just rubs his temple on his right side. Liz then gets in his left ear and whispers something and when her face is seen, Liz smiles big bites her lower lip.)

Liz B. Decker:
So babe, what do you think?

(Liz looks at ANA like an eager school girl as ANA is looking at her and Mack.)

Taylor Andrews

(Taylor Andrews steps into the room in her ring gear with the Universal Championship held up on her shoulder, folded up and she makes her way to the bar behind the sofa propping her title up in the middle, then bends down to grab a Heineken from the cooler and takes a seat on the right barstool crossing her legs like a lady and takes a drink of beer.)
I say do it ANA! You're the Owner, so no one can stop you and plus Orton is a no show, even they he showed up last week for this weeks show!!

(Taylor rolling her eyes around and laughs, then drinks from her beer.)
Best not to think about why he pulled that move as it only hurt us as a team.

And where the hell have you been, champ?!

Fucking off since my opponent ain't a threat to me considering he is salivating over those 6 Star Tag Team Titles. Maybe I outta make sure to sit ringside and make sure them titles stay with IXF!?!

Well maybe you outta just replace me, so I can chill back here and enjoy my just desserts!?!
What's her name, Mack?!

I don't know yet nor do I care if I ever know, Tina?!

You two want us to go, so you can have the room to yourselves?

Naw, we good Liz, I'll behave myself and just wait for The Triad to try something with my crew.

I'll drink to that.

(Mack raises his glasses and sips his whiskey as Taylor drink from her beer and Liz enjoys her own drink.)

Da Gangstas

(Back to The Triad's room where Samantha sits between Rob and Scorpion grinning.)
It doesn't matter if ANA officially replaces Orton, The Triad is at a point where we can't be stopped. Chris dropped the ball anyways, so cut your losses, accept the defeat that will inevitable and bond back together to come back and try to take the titles from us. We'll be waiting for you. The three of us are the future of the tag team division here in SEF, this is what The Triad was made for. You guys do not have to worry about anyone else, not Mark, not Frank, they are here for us, yes, but the three of us are taking those 6 Star Tag Team Titles, and history will be made. Even Scorpion respects what all three of you have done to establish those titles as THE Tag Team Titles of SEF. Rob and I do, but I don't speak for either one, I just know. Right Robbie?

(Samantha elbows him in the side and Rob with a headlock to his partner.)
We're gonna enjoy this Texas sized Deathmatch and bring those titles home!

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