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'Juggalo' Johnny Blaze Debut

Started by Tim Stone, September 24, 2023, 09:55:34 PM

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Tim Stone

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Date Posted:03/03/2010 12:43 AMCopy HTML

Role play title: You clicked it
People featured: Read and see for yourself
Achievements: EF'NW employee
Next match: vs.
TBCB: Anyone who wants to try
OOC: Controversy makes me comfortable.  MMFWCL!!!!!

Warning: If you're scared by obscene gestures and bad language then get the fuck off here now.  Click the little damn X in the top of the screen and run along and play on the short bus.


Entrance not needed right now

{The following is a r/p by "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze}

With the recent signing of Juggalo Johnny Blaze to the new and up-and-coming federation, EF'NW (Extreme F'N Wrestling), Johnny felt out-of-place among the faces in the company but felt at home with the "extreme" aspect of the company.  With traveling around the world working the Independent scene with various companies, while unsure if he would be booked days after joining, Johnny went on the companies website and looked up the next live event.  He read where they were having the next Wednesday night event, Extreme, that would take place in Sheffield, England.  He then read about the pay-per-view that would take place in three (3) weeks in Tokyo, Japan.  As he loved the Japanese culture, he still wasn't sure when he would be booked on the a show card.  He was undecided on going to Japan and watch for himself the EF'NW up-close and interact with the roster.  As he went throughout the day, he would get text messages from close friends as they heard about his signing with EF'NW through their website and various news media that got a hold of the news.  His phone began to buzz as he had a text message coming through and then it beeped as it finished sending.  He looked at his phone and opened the message and it was from EF'NW about the event in Sheffield, England.  As he read the message, it stated that he was invited to come to the event.  His plane ticket and all fares would be paid and even lodging.  He smiled as he wasn't used to the companies he worked for doing this for him.  He closed the message and put his Blackberry phone in his pocket and got up from his office chair at his desk and walked into his bedroom and his closet and began picking out his clothes to take with him on the trip.  He wasn't sure how long he'd be gone, but packed enough for a few days and of course packed his wrestling gear.

{An hour later}
After his suitcase was packed, he double-checked and made sure he had everything that he carried on himself (necklace, bracelet, watch, ring, and sunglasses.  A few days before, he was sent a shirt with the EF'NW logo and wore it along with his faded jeans as he pulled his suitcase out the door with him.  The sun was beating down towards his front door, so he pulled his sunglasses that were hanging on his necklace and put them on his face.  He pulled the door closed and locked it and turned to walk towards his Red and Black Ford Mustang that was parked in front of his house on the cemented drive-way.

As he placed his suitcase in the backseat of his car and sat down in his seat and started his car and began to drive out of his driveway and onto the street.  He programmed the built-in GPS on his touch screen dashboard to the nearest airport, Philadelphia International Airport, on 31 miles from his home in West Grove.  During his drive, he touched the screen on his dashboard and the dashboard lit up with a red light glowing around the dash and radio buttons began appearing on the screen.  He touched a button and it beeped and the button faded as another screen popped up.  The screen was that of a radio with the XM logo on the bottom of the screen and the radio station in bold letters in the middle of the screen.  He pressed a button on his steering wheel to adjust the volume of the radio and continued to the airport.  He could see planes flying overhead and as he looked down the road, he could see the airport straight ahead.  Looking down at his speedometer, he didn't realize how fast he was going as the 31 minute trip only took about 27.5 minutes.  As he pulled into the airport parking lot, he knew that he had to leave his car behind as there would be a car at the airport waiting for him.  He drove up to the front door of the airport as a a valet waited on him to park his car.  He got out of the car and the valet held the door open for him to get his suitcase from the backseat.  He thanked him before walking over to the valet booth and the manager looked at Johnny's drivers license and gave him a ticket for his car.  He then signaled for the valet to drive his car and park it in the waiting area.  Johnny watched as he drove away and then turned to walk inside the airport.

{In The Airport}
He wasn't sure where to go but there was a huge flashing board in front of him as he walked inside.  He looked for his flight and the gate and walked in the direction and pulled his suitcase rolling behind him.  As he had time before his flight was leaving, he stopped at a drink machine on his way to his flight gate.  He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small amount of bills rolled up in his pocket and pulled out a $1 dollar bill and put the rest back in his pocket.  He put the dollar bill in the machine and pressed the image of the drink and soon heard the drink hit the bottom container.  He reached through the flap on the bottom of the machine and pulled out his bottled drink and took off the lid and took a sip.  The caffeine refreshed his thirst and he twisted the lid back on the bottle drink.  He continued walking until he reached the gate where he was to be.  He walked to the desk where a girl was standing in a uniform behind a computer.  She looked up at him and asked...

Can I help you, sir?

Yes, I think you have a ticket for me.

The attendant looks at the computer and is ready to type in his name.

What is your name?

I think it's under Johnny Blaze.

The attendant types in his name and pulls up his ticket information.

Yes, here it is.  Looks like everything's paid for.  If you'll put your suitcase here on the baggage line, I'll print your ticket.

As he puts his suitcase on the baggage line and it goes through a x-ray tunnel machine, the attendant prints his ticket and hands it to him.

Your bag will be taken care of but your flight leaves in a couple minutes.  If you go down this hallway, you will see your flight attendants and they'll direct you to your seat.  You'll need this as well.

She prints up a sheet of paper and folds it in half and tears it.  She hands Johnny one half of the paper. 

You'll need to give this to them.

He takes the paper and thanks her by nodding his head and walks down the hallway towards the plane.  He sees at the end of the hallway, the flight attendants standing there to welcome those boarding the plane.  He reaches them and hands an attendant the paper and she looks at it.  She then tells the other attendant and Johnny is pointed in the direction of his seat.

{Minutes later}
With everyone had boarded the plane, Johnny is in his seat and plugs in a headset that another attendant handed him, into the arm of the chair and listens to the television that is mounted inside the back of the seat in front of him.  He begins to stretch and looks at his watch.  He sees that he still has hours ahead of him until he arrives, so he catches an attendant walking by with a cart and asks for a blanket and pillow.  She hands him one of each from her cart and he thanks her before putting the pillow against the wall and covers himself with the blanket.  After a few minutes, he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

{Hours later}
He arrives at the airport in Sheffield, England and is woken by the sound of a bell and followed by the captain of the plane coming across the intercom.

Please stay seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.

The intercom cuts off and minutes later the captain comes back on the intercom as the plan begins to stop.

Let me be the first to welcome you all to Sheffield, England.  Please exit the plane in a single file line and thank you for flying Delta Airlines.

The intercom cuts off off again as Johnny stands to his feet after unbuckling his seat belt.  He watches and waits as the people in front of him begin exiting.  As he walks down the steps of the plane, he follows the line as they walk inside the airport.  They walk down a hallway and to the baggage line where the bags from the plane rotate around to be picked up.  He walks over to the line and waits for his bag to come around.  After a few seconds, he sees his bag slowly coming towards him.  It reaches him and he picks it up and sits it down on the ground.  He pulls up on the handle and turns to leave as his suitcase rolls behind him.  He looks around at where to go and leave the airport and sees a man standing holding a sign with his name on it.  He walks up to the man and they begin talking.

Yes, sir?  Are you Mr. Blaze?

Yes, that's me.

I'm here to drive you to the Sheffield Arena.

Oh, okay.  Thank you.

He was unsure of who the man was but didn't complain as he didn't have a way to get around anywhere.  So he pulled his suitcase behind him as he followed the man to his car.  He thought that he would get into a basic small car but instead he sees in front of him a long stretch limousine parked next to the sidewalk.  He smiles and stands still and the man walks over to him and reaches for his suitcase.

May I take your bag, sir?

He lets go of the handle of his suitcase and the driver takes his bag towards the back of the limosuine.  He taps the trunk and it opens and he places Johnny's bag inside and closes it.  He then walks over to Johnny and opens the passenger side back door.  Johnny nods at him and steps inside and sits down.  The man shuts the door and walks around to his door and sits inside and starts the limousine.

{Inside the limousine}
Johnny sees a built-in television in front of him and a mini-bar as well.  The driver lowers a window behind his head and looks at Johnny through the rear-view mirror.

If you don't need to stop anywhere, we'll head to the arena.

No, I'm good.  Thank you though.

Well, sit back and relax.  I know the flight was long but the mini-bar is fully stocked and the remote for the television is in the arm of the seat next to you.  And if you need me, there's a button on the remote that will flash a light up here for me.

Thank you but I'll probably just sit back and relax.

Very well.

Johnny leans his head back on the cushioned headrest so the driver rolls up the window and they begin the drive to the arena.

{Minutes later}
They arrive to the arena with Johnny still resting.  The driver pulls into a parking space a few feet from the arena door where the wrestlers and production trucks are parked.  He looks at the time and lowers the window and sees that Johnny is still resting but gets out of the limousine and closes the door.  Johnny hears the door close and he wakes up and looks out the window and sees that he's at the arena.  The driver had gone and pulled out the suitcase from the trunk of the limousine.  He then opens Johnny's door and Johnny stretches before stepping out onto the ground.  He then stretches again and looks at the driver.

Why didn't you wake me up before now?

You were tired and looks like you could use the rest.

Thank you.

You're welcome and here is your bag.

He hands over the suitcase to Johnny and he extends the handle which exposes the roller wheels on the bottom.  He shakes the driver's hand before leaving him and walking up the ramp leading to the door of the arena.  As he walks up the ramp, the driver is back in the limousine and pulls into a parking space.  As Johnny reaches the door, someone from the inside opens the door as they see him walking closer.  Johnny walks in and thanks the individual holding the door and sees a table off to his right side with arena staff sitting behind the table.  He walks over to the table and he looks down at the table and sees VIP passes and a book and pen.  A female staff member speaks up from behind the table.

[Female Staff]
Yes, sir, how can I help you?

My name's Johnny Blaze.

[Female Staff]
Are you scheduled tonight?

No, but I did bring my gear if needed.

[Female Staff]
If you're not scheduled, what I can do is take your name and give you a ticket in the front row.  I'll get a hold of the EF'NW management and do you have your license with you?


He reaches and pulls out his wallet and shows her his wrestling license.

[Female Staff]
I'll need to make a copy of this if that's okay with you.

No, that's fine.

She takes his license and turns around and makes a copy and hands him back his license.  He puts the license back in his wallet before putting it back in his pocket.

[Female Staff]
Since you're new here, I put you in the records for EF'NW and that way next time all you'll have to do is sign your name.  In the meantime, if you're needed, we'll come and get you but enjoy the show.  Take this pass too so it'll let the others know.

She picks up a VIP pass from the table and hands it to him.  He puts the pass around his neck.

[Female Staff]
I'll call to have a security guard walk you to your seat.

Thank you.

The woman picks up her radio and calls for a security guard to escort Johnny to a front row ringside seat.  Seconds later, he sees a security guard walking towards him.  Johnny looks at the woman.

What about my bag?

[Female Staff]
If you'd like, what I can do is hold your bag here.  That way if you need it, you don't have to go far for it.

That's fine.  Thank you.

He hands over his suitcase to the woman and she places it next to the wall behind her.  He turns around and walks with the security guard as they walk down the hallway towards the arena curtains he could see in front of him.  As they walked closer, he could hear "A New Level" by Pantera playing over the arena.  He knew the song and started moving his head to the music.  The security guard looked over and him and chuckled a little.  Johnny noticed it and stopped and even laughed himself.  They reached the end of the hallway and the guard pointed to the right and they turned the corner and walked down the hallway.  Johnny could see an opening leading to the arena floor with an individual standing wearing a "Staff" shirt.  The security guard told the staff personnel what he was doing and the individual let them pass through.  The proceeded and walked through the opening and was now inside the arena.

{Inside The Arena}
Johnny looked around at the sold out crowd and could hear them screaming and cheering as the music was still playing.  He followed the guard as he was led to his seat in the front row.  He was shown his seat and thanked the guard before sitting down.  The guard walked off and Johnny turned and faced the ring in front of him and saw the ring announcer in the ring ready to start the night off with the first match.  As he heard the music begin to fade away, the timekeeper rung the bell and the ring announcer began to talk.  He heard the announcer begin announcing the first match.  He didn't know who it was but saw as females began walking to the ring.  He didn't know anyone but noticed someone that caught his eye.  He wasn't sure if she saw him, but he saw her as she walked by him to get inside the ring.  That was Megan Sorrow.  The first time he saw Megan Sorrow was when he signed his EF'NW contract as she was walking around as was the rest of the roster, but she was the first person that he saw.
Tag Team Match
Tina & Vikky Lynn v. Amy Summers & Megan Sorrow

After the tag match, the live camera panned across the ringside crowd as one of the ladies were on the outside floor exiting the ring.  As everyone waited for the next match, a EF'NW interviewer had been called to the ringside area to find out why Johnny Blaze was at ringside.  As Johnny saw the interviewer and camera man walking to the ring and towards him, he stood up and waited for them to walk to them.  As they stood on the other side of the railing, Johnny jumped up and sat on the padded barrier that separated the ringside area and the ring itself.  He lifted the microphone from the interviewer to his mouth and started to speak.

You want to know what I'm doing here?  Well, let's get this out there right now.  I'm tired of sitting at home and hearing about this guy saying that he's better than everyone.  I don't hold no punches so it's real simple, if you want to see how good you really are then I'll be happy to step in the ring with you and make you eat those words.  But to the rest of the roster, Johnny Blaze is now officially part of EF'NW and if you want to find out what I can do then you know what to do.  MMFWCL!!!

He signs off by forming a pitchfork with his hands and then goes to sit down as the camera begins to move away from him and fade to a black screen.

{The preceding has been a r/p by "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze}
Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere coincidence.
Tim Stone

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