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universal6 star tag team

The Devil's Dream Team-The Devil's:Messenger/ Saint

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 24, 2023, 10:02:21 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:28/02/2010 5:35 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
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I'm walking down the hallway and go into the locker room. There isn't many people there but Steve Weigel, Johnny Camaro, and Drew Stevenson. I yell over to Weigel. "Weigel, I got a message for your little buddy Booby. Tell him, to lay off this Emo thing, it is retarded."

"But you are a fucking emo boy."

"Ooooh, shit.....OOOOOOH, Shit!!!!" Johnny jumps up.

"Did..." I hiss at him slowly, "...please tell me you didn't just do that."

Weigel glaces around with a Pfff, what's wrong with this guy look on his face and says "Uh, yeah. I mean, look at you."

I smile. Just a bit. A smirk more then a smile. Slowly, I advance towards him. "I get it, okay. Black clothes, combat boot, dark look, and all that, that means I'm an emo. You see emos at your daughters school and they look like me and you assume I'm an emo."

I continue to advance towards him, the smile shortening along with the distance between us.

"So, the question is, where are my Bauhaus CDs, huh?" Johnny is holding me back forcing me out of the room.

"Bad day?" He asks.

"What the fuck do you think!"

"So you've heard, Nikky just calm down. Go to the weight room and use the punchin bags, don't go after him. Don't give him the satisfaction of getting the result he wanted."

"You're right man, thanks."

After nearly busting open Steve I go to my private room. I pull out my video camera and set it up. It's promo time.

"The Predators get a new member, it's all over the news. In the paper, it's the headline-The Predators get their balls as Mack joins group.- though my partner Gabe had a point by pointing out that Mack is only using you all. He's like Randy Orton and the Predators are like Simply Priceless. But if you all want to be jobbers that's your choice."

A devilish smirk creeps across his face.

"Booby, this part is for you and only you." I say mocking James. "This isn't for Mack or Weigel. Just you. You want your title shot cashed in next week, that is fine, but if you really want it, it will be by my rules. My rules are simple, Curbstomp Match. Like I've said before, this is usually between 6-10 opponents but you want pain. If you want pain, lets face it, ain't nothing more painful then fallin off the top of the stage. If you think you got the balls to be 50-100 feet in the air come tell me, otherwise you'll have to wait 'til WrestleX. As for my titles, they are all staying right where they are."

"Turning my attention to Weigel. You sent a challange to myself and Camaro, to which I have to say, Are You A Retard? Ya, ok, I'm goingto accept your match." He says in a sarcastic tone. "But seriously, you expect us to accept to a No DQ title match, you just got Mack with you, and you think to challange us. Well Fuck You! I'm not a idiot, and I know that Mack will screw us so my answer is no! In fact we're thinking-since they are our titles- on giving Stevenson and Rayo the PPV match. We're still deciding on that so The Predators better be good or else it's going to the new found team."

Nikky says making sure he makes his point.

"Also Steve your stips were stupid. And that's all I have to say about that."

"Gabe, on Extreme, me and you are teaming up and we will dominate. We can win this if we continue to see I to I. Quick tags and double team moves. Gabe, I'm looking forward to teaming with you. Now lets got kick ass. Peace."

The Camera turns off.
TBC: Anyone


Johnny Camaro

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Re:The Devil's Dream Team-The Devil's:Messenger/ Saint
Date Posted:01/03/2010 9:18 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:

"James, you fuck up. You major fuck up. How could I not see this coming. It's such a good setup right? How could you not help yourself from doing it? But I'll get to you later, now I'm singling out The World Champ Shane Mike."

Nikky once again is in his private room for promo making wearing his casual attire and a pair of sunglasses.

"Mike, Yes I am rookie of the year, but just like last years, this rookie will stand out. Besides, I already have the two singles titles and the tag titles and this is...thheeee 4th month I've been here. Personally, I think I'm doing just fine. And as I said to Weigel, Mack you will interfer and that's something I cannot take that chance."

Nikky takes off his sunglassses and hooks them on his shirt.

"As for Booby. It feels like I'm fighting with a subborn 12-year-old retard. What's the word for that....Oh, The Miz. Really? Really? Damn dude, just...no. Just like you he's completely oblivious to the fact that he's a piece of shit on the mic and no skills in the ring. James the fact that you've made it this far is beyond me. But whatev', that's not the important part. The important part is the fact that even after politely asking you to stop you insist on continuing. I can see what you're doing though, and it isn't working."

He says, stating the obvious.

"One thing I'm really confused with is why you're trying to make all the decisions. Are you the owner? Are you the Tag champs? Are you the 'Nited States champ? No. So why you're trying to be Mr. High and Mighty is just dumb. In fact, all you have is a #1 contendership. So following Newtons law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, you will not get your title shot next week. You have to wait til WrestleX to fight me in a Curbstomp Match. As for the Tag Titles, we're still questioning who the shot goes to."

Nikky gets ready to go.

"James. Weigel. Predators. You keep fucking up and it'll bite you in the ass, as proven by our match getting delayed. When you get ready to retort, just think about what you say and pick your words carefully. Show Done."

The Camera turns off

TBC: Anyone


Johnny Camaro

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Re:The Devil's Dream Team-The Devil's:Messenger/ Saint
Date Posted:03/03/2010 8:44 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message: 

"Beer me a HoeGaarden!" Nikky is hanging at his house watching some SEF reruns that are on TV with Johnny and Megan. Johnny tosses him a Hoegaarden and Nikky cracks it open. "There truely isn't a better sound then the sound of a whole gaarden of hoes." He says and takes a drink.

A clip on the TV shows the match between Bethany Sorrow and Nikky Venom at Apocolypse last year. You can't see the TV in the camera though. "I remember that match, she may have had cancer but she still put up a hell of a fight. RIP Beth." Megan puts her Hoegaarden on the coffee table in front of her and hugs Nikky's arm. He kissed her forehead and smiled. James and Weigels latest promos air back to back and The Infection all shake their heads in disappointment.

"Guys, Bobby has been talking shit about me and trying to get in my head but it's all for not. James, he says neither of us make the stips or matches, and normally that would be correct. But since EFW does't have an owner, it looks like the decisions are in the hands of the champions. I have the 'Nited States and the Tag titles, you have nothing. You say I have won both my titles by flukes. Hell, I could've gone another hour against Double D wannabe, but RED decided against over time to don't play that shit. You've seriously need to become good at research. Clearly your botching the spot." Nikky rewinds the show to an angle of just Bobby's face. "James, you keep bitching about not getting a title shot due to Mack. I don't know how closely you've been paying attention to my promos, but I haven't talked about Mack interfering since my first promo, talk about your Selective Hearing. Bobby this is why I'm not giving you your shot, not to mention the disrespect you keep showing me. You keep being all bitchy and rude, and I'm continuely extending the wait for our match. I said this before and I'll say it now. Be nicer and maybe you'll get the title shot.."

Johnny looks to step in. "And to end off your rant about James I've got to add my two cents on this. Booby, you talikng trash about us doesn't count as 'people talking backstage'. Ass." Megan gets up and grabs her beer and takes a sip before placing it back down and clearing her throat. "So true JC. But I got to talk about my opponents. Tina and Vikky Lynn. Vik, you try too hard to be that heartless bitch when just like everyone else in the womens locker room you will fall to me." Nikky kisses her and she hugs. "Tell it the way it is Sorrow." Nikky says. "Amy, me and you had our...problems as of recent, but I will not let that get in the way of a win. Besides, our problem brought me and Nikky closer together. That's not to say I forgive you by any stretch of the imagination, but as I said earlier, Extreme is about beating Vikky and Tina." She takes a drink and tosses th bottle over to Johnny since it's empty.

"Ah, hells ya." Johnny says feeling the epic-os-id-ness of their three part rant. "The best part is the fact that all we need to do is pick apart each member of The Predators, which will be quite simple. Weigel has a kidnapping charge we can go on and a charge for cheating death. Mack, all we need to do is get his wife over to see what he's doing. And James, eventually he'll snap and beat one of us, and that's called assualt and battery. Now of course we've been trying to be the 'good' guys and girl, but we have our back up plan. Basically, Preds, you better fuck off because you no long run the show. You no longer are the dominent force here."

"JC, Mack mentioned how he won the Grand Slam in two months, what are your thoughts on that?" Nikky asked him. "Yippe, that's actually a long time to go without it, especially when you sleep with the ex-boss mong other women." Johnny retorted. "Besides that, Bobby keeps...bragging? that I won my titles by flukes, that may be true, but everytime I defended the International title against anyone and I won, I certianly proved that I deserved the titles I have. So you keep commenting on that, and now I'll start making you guys look stupid." Nikky adds. "That in it's self isn't one of those stupid moments but here's an example. During their last promo, Steve and Amy must have been smoking the peyote, as they kept calling James his parther. talk about your bunch of idiots."

Nikky mutes the TV since more Predators bullshit is airing.

"One more idiot point out, the fact that Steve says he's been taking care of his women, and I wasn't. Are you mentally retarded? But whaev' I'll let that one go. Although Amy, I have to bring this up. I've come between you and Megan? Hells no, you came between me and Megan. So Amy, fuck you! Peace out y'all."

The camera fades out with them going back to their show.

TBC: Anyone


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