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Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky

Started by Midnight, September 24, 2023, 10:23:57 PM

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Date Posted:02/03/2010 11:42 AMCopy HTML

Chris was walking down the hallway when, he is attacked by Vikky from behind. She takes a lead pipe and smacks him on his skull causing him to bleed profusely. Vikky then drags Orton by the leg and positions him onto a table that was not far from where he got attacked at. She then grabs a ladder, sets it up, climbs it to the top and leaps off it, doing a frog splash monto Orton, sending through the table itself. The table breaks under him and Orton himself is knocked out cold. Vikky rolls off slowly and then speaks to him.

VK: You give no answer Chris, so I gave you it myself. You will fight me in a street fight at Wrestle X for the European title. You will lose, I will break you and spine. You will bleed for me and I will end career, like I did for Randy when I broke his legs in several places. You not survive pain. American swine!

Vikky then gets up, brushes herself off and then spits on his face. She then walks away smirking as the scene fades out.



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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:02/03/2010 2:25 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:

Chris Orton gets attack by Vikky

Security Guard


No One!!!

COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007

(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.

The scene shows real Chris Orton not hurt, walking past everyone who giving him a ugly look, so a security guard started talking to him,

Security Guard: You recover quickly!

  Chris Orton: Huh?

Security Guard: We just saw you get attack by Vikky Lynn, so how did you recover so quickly?

Chris Orton: I wasn't in the area just now, because I was in the parking lot getting something from my rental car.

Security Guard: Well, everyone was talking about the attack, and we wonder if you were alright.

Chris Orton: You see I am standing here very well, so I guess Vikky Lynn trying to make a statement using a fake me to get my attention, so if she decides to attack me again will have to deal with you guys.

Security Guard: We will walk with you to your locker room.

Chris Orton: That's fine with me!

Chris Orton walks with security to his locker room, and they arrives as one of security guards goes in comes out finding no one inside. Chris Orton goes in and locks the door, and lots of security line up to protect Chris Orton locker room making sure Vikky Lynn doesn't attack real Chris Orton.

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:02/03/2010 8:03 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



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Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky


Who knows?

None .. yet!

Just trying to get started .. hope u don't mind J




Chris Orton throws his bag down on the sofa as he rolls his shoulders and wonders about all the crazy chicks that have recently arrived when a security guard opens the door.


SG: Um Mr Orton .. there's someone ...


The security guard turns away from the room as he speaks to someone standing right outside the door and then nods his head as he holds the door open wider for that person to walk in. A beautiful brunette brushes past him with a smile and enters the locker room. She winks at Chris before turning back to the security guard and speaking with him.


LD: It's fine .. I'm sure if Mr Orton objects .. he'll let you know soon enough


She gently closes the door and turns to face Chris who is looking at her with a wary expression. Lacey gives him a dazzling smile as she walks closer towards him, holding her hands out in a calming gesture.


LD: Hey .. it's okay I'm not here to start anything. I just wanted to say "hi" is all.


CO: Who the hell are you?


Lacey quickly steps up to Chris and holds out her hand which he takes without thinking.


LD: I'm Lacey Daniels .. I just signed here and came to Sheffield to check everything out. I saw the shit that happened with that German bitch Vikky Lynn and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did she really think that people would fall for that? Dumbass!! Like you need those kind of distractions when you've got your match with Rayo coming up which .. by the way .. I know you will totally win. So I was wondering if you'd like some company? I'm more than happy to keep an eye out for Vikky whilst you get ready.


Lacey smiles up at Chris who is still holding her hand and waits for an answer.


TBC: Chris Orton


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:03/03/2010 12:37 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:

Chris Orton gets attack by Vikky

Lacey Daniels

Replying Back!

Lacey Daniels only!

COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007

(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.

Chris Orton shakes Lacey Daniels hand, and he ask her if she would like to sit down, so she nods sitting down close to Orton. Chris Orton looks at the time seeing he got plenty of time before taking care of business with Rayo, so he started talking again.

Chris Orton: Since I got plenty of time before taking care of business with Rayo, how long have you been wrestling?

Chris Orton lay back on the couch, and he looks at her waiting to hear what she got to say.

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:04/03/2010 5:37 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky


Who knows?

None .. yet!

right back at ya! :)




Lacey smiles to herself as she subtely moves even closer to Chris and starts to twirl a finger in her hair.

LD: How long have I been wrestling? Well it feels like forever but professionally since I was 21. I started training when I was 16 though, just got caught up in it with a friend from school. You might have heard of her Nattie Neidhart? Yeah she hooked me up with her uncles who pretty much taught me the basics and then another one of her uncles, Bret? He took me under his wing and taught me all the things I really needed to know to get ahead in this business, if you know what I mean.

Lacey winks at Chris with a smile as he nods his head and smiles back.

LD: I've worked my way up through the indy's and now here I am .. ready to break the big time.

Lacey leans forward slightly, shifting her body so she's facing Chris and reaches out a hand to touch his arm which is resting on the back of the couch.

LD: So what about you?

TBC: Chris Orton


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:04/03/2010 12:42 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:

Chris Orton gets attack by Vikky

Lacey Daniels, Rayo

Replying Back!

Lacey Daniels only!

COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007

(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.

Chris Orton catches Rayo cutting another promo, but he doesn't feel cutting another promo, because he said what he wanted to say even if some people are predicted him to win.

Chris Orton: This Rayo kid really making a statement to convice people that he going to pull a upset victory over me, but he needs to understand I am not a door mat for someone to step on to make an impact. Back to your question, I been wrestling all over the world, but I feel people misjudge me for using my brother finisher that's why I'm displaying new finisher, because I'm sick and tired people talking about me using my brother finisher. If you need any help or advice will help ya out, so it's almost time for me to head to the ring better start heading to entrance to the ring.

Chris Orton gets up, walks to the door, opens the door. Lacey Daniels gets in front of Chris Orton, and she is smiling wanted to tell Chris Orton something before he leaves, so he waites to hear what she got to say.

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:05/03/2010 4:43 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky


Who knows?

None .. yet!

right back at ya! :)




Lacey smiles seductively at Chris as she puts her hand on his chest making it obvious she's flirting with him.  

LD: God I know exactly what it's like to constantly be compared to someone else. Everyone thinks that Nattie is all that because she joined WWE and I'm the wannabe friend who lives in her shadow. It makes me sick! I'm here to prove I'm every bit as good as she is and then some .. and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to do that, if you catch my meaning.

Lacey slowly strokes her way down his chest as she smiles up at him.

LD: So this new finisher of your's ... maybe I should come to ringside with you sometime to see it up close and personal ... what do you say?

Lacey leans in and tilts her head slightly, waiting for Chris's reaction.  

TBC: Chris Orton


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 



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Re:Chris Orton gets attacked by Vikky
Date Posted:05/03/2010 11:11 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:

Chris Orton gets attack by Vikky

Lacey Daniels

I'm ending this roleplaying 

No One!!!

COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007

(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.

Chris Orton stood there seeing Lacey Daniels head on his chest, so he knew maybe she wanted to hook up with him entering his locker room, and he started talking to her again.

Chris Orton: My new finisher is called "Put Down!", and when you see it everyone will be amaze how I display it in the ring, so if you want to come down ringside that's fine with me let's go!

Chris Orton and Lacey Daniels walk out of the locker room, and they make their way to entrance to the ring, so who knows what going to happen between these two.

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