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universal6 star tag team

[The Ticket To The Cage]

Started by Rayo, September 25, 2023, 02:23:10 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:07/03/2010 4:37 PMCopy HTML

Open scene Belfast, Ireland. In a few nights Extreme will be held at the Odyessey arena in front of a sold out crowd. The setting is outside with a strip of resturants and shops parrell on both sides. In the middle is a huge walkway which is currently swarming with Irish and some who are visiting much like the EFW superstars. There is slight rainfall, couldn't even classify it as drizzle but it's visible enough to notice on camera. The camera just follows on down the long wide pathway. Each time passing a bystander they look in confusion. Some even say what's up and start dancing to get on camera. The crew then turns right and stops infront of a Coffee house. They look up and down at the structure and then proceed to head in. It's pretty empty, theres a few irishmen enjoying coffee. The camera cuts to the left side to see Rayo sitting by himself enjoying his coffee. He sits unmasked reading a magazine. He looks up to notice the camera crew and greets em.

Rayo:"Orale holmes' I didn't see ya walk in. I been here for the better part of the morning. I definetly joined EFW at the right time esse', We traveling all over the world. First England, now Ireland..shit is insane plus I'm not too recognizleable out here in the city so I can enjoy my coffee in peice and really site see around this place without getting hassled. I mean it's cool to sign autographs and be a kids hero I'm always down for that but a traditional wrestler like me likes to reflect, especially with big match ups coming up, and in a few days Drew and I have pretty important match, but I'll get to that in a little bit."

Rayo takes a sip of his coffee and leans back into the backrest of the booth seat.

Rayo:"I'm sure Orton is pretty pissed. I don't blame him either and to be honest I didn't like the way our match went. It had the makings of being an epic battle. I could tell Orton had took his intesity up a notch, as did I. Despite my words against him and me ridiculing him for using his younger brothers moves he's not a former world champion for nothing. The man has skills. Do I still believe I'm better? Of course I do I will never doubt my ability. Yeah I earned a three count victory over the man. However I had some unwanted help. That kinda pissed me off I'm not gonna lie. I don't like help or interferences even if it is in my favor It's not honorable. Vikky Lynn has some obsession with the European Title, I guess she wants to impress Shane Mack. Win some gold for the Predators. Well if yall saw Extreme then you'd know that the European title is something I want as well so were going to have to settle that soon. However I got other plans, and clearly so do management. Drew and I teamed up two weeks ago and I guess since were from the same circuit of the big three BUD/W2K/PWT we co existed pretty damn well. Mopped the floor with Shadow Dragon and Azreal. Now in our second match teaming together were in a number one contendership match for the EFW tag team titles. Basicially a match to win a ticket to the grandest stage of them all. Wrestle X..."

Ray sits up from his resting position. Looking straight at the camera. Thinking about Wrestle X hypes up The young chicano.

Rayo:"Millions of people are going to be tuning into Wrestle X. Its the companies superbowl. I guess management can see Drew and I holding those tag titles and you know what? I can too..Drew Stevenson the greatest technical wrestler today and me Rayo the highflyin' innovator. We compliment each others style so well. Thats how we got rid of Shadow Dragon and Azreal so easily. To be honest I'm not too worried about our number one contendership match. My opponents? Steve Weigel and Johnny Camaro. Two guys who arent tag team partners, in fact I'm pretty sure they don't even like each other. Camaro is co-holder of the tag titles. If he gets the pinfall then he chooses who goes to Wrestle X. How can Camaro and Weigel co-exsist? I just don't see it happening. Two seperate crews teaming together spells disaster if you ask me. I see this week's bout as a guranteed ticket to the Wrestle X cage match. Seems like there is drama in both camps and now they have to team up together? To face the likes of Drew and I? Com'on you do the math esse'. Theres nothin stoppin us at Extreme. Wrestle X here we come haha"

As Ray's laughing a waitress comes over to the table and pours more coffee into his cup.

Rayo:"Thank you beautiful"

She smiles as she walks away and Rayo proceeds to add sugar and creamer. Once he's stirring he continues to speak.

Rayo:"You see neither Camaro or Weigel really got this match on there mind. Weigel just proposed to that new chick Amy Summers. You really think holmes' is thinking about this tag match? Hell na he's thinking about his marriage with is bigger deal then any tag title. He's thinking about devoting his life to this new woman he loves. He's got planning to do for that. Thats a new chapter in his life. Trust me the tag titles, and this match at extreme is probably last on his priority list. I'm sure he'll come on and camera and say otherwise. He'll give the world yet another pointless obnoxious rant about he's gonna fuck us up and smoke a joint to try and inhance the bad boy image. Same thing we get from Weigel everyday. Not really impressed with the guy to tell you the truth. I have yet to see something Legendary about the man.

Other then the fact hes getting married, his group the Predators already seem to be having some issues. I guess his boy Mack didn't like the way Weigel tried to step up as the leader. The plan to take over EFW seems to be dying down alittle early. What Weigel needs to realize is he's just a pawn in Shane Mack's chess game. He may have been using the name Predators before he joined with Mack but it's pretty obvious whose calling the shots. So now he's got a wedding, tension with his group, and the number one contendership match for the tag belts. There's no telling where his head is. Which doesn't bother me one bit because I've only got one thing on my mind and thats going to Wrestle X and winning those tag titles with Drew. First we gotta beat a tag team with more problems then wins...shit I say bring it on."

Takes another sip of coffee.

Rayo:"Then there is Johnny Camaro He seems to be going through some drama himself. Well mostly his tag team partner Nikky Venom and his girl Megan Sorrow. But of course he ties into that. So now there is tension in Camaro's camp as well. That fact of the matter is. These dudes is clearly unfocused. Name a tag team that doesn't co-exsist and unfocused that wins matches...exactly there is none and at Extreme it will be no different. Camaro's real partner is putting his United States title on the line so you know Venom ain't thinking about helping Camaro in the tag match when he's gotta worry about Bobby James. You see what I'm saying now? This week's bout is designed for Drew and I to rise above and win that shot at Wrestle X. It is what it is."

Rayo smirks as the camera fades out.

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