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The Real Predator Speaks Out

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 02:34:20 PM

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Date Posted:08/03/2010 3:53 AMCopy HTML

Sitting back in the limo thinking, Shane Mack, the man of the hour, the man with the power, heh, oh yea, now it's a rip on Dusty, but if its true, why not say it? Heading down the road now and Mack just stretched out, World Title lays next to him and he looks all casual as he says.
I have never been one to make people believe I don't make mistakes, just many have no sense of reality, no sense of humor, or just no sense at all and don't get me. Not a damn one of you morons get me whether it's the fans or anyone on the roster, hell, very few people get me at all, very few get it in general. And I know, I should explain it right? Well I have, many times for many years, some just will never get it, so I speak out not to any of you, but to you Steve and you Bobby, mostly Steve. Ya wanna break up what could have been a good thing, ya wanna let your ego get in the way, fine bro. I mean sure, I got an ego, but ya see, I earned my ego around here long ago, I got a reason to have one and it don't matter who hates me for it, they all have to respect me or they won't last one fucking second here!
He pauses, still calm and says.
So what if I shot the truth about you not being a legend, oooh, so what? Ya shoulda told me ya were, said fuck you Mack, cause why care right? Ya let me get to. Ya let the truth sink in and ya shoulda ignored it, turned it around and made what you said the truth. Now your just another whining bitch trying to play all kinds of tricks, running into cars, desperate as I said...DESPERATE!
He shakes his head in disgust as he continues.
Ya do crazy shit when ya go that far, but ya los focus, ya go blindly not knowing who it is, just hoping ya get the right one, but ashamed you got put down in the process Steve. Yea, there was no fake Steve hanging around and you know it pal, so if you ever think you will have a chance against me, you better own up, accept the truth, and get over it real quick. You started to weave a tangled web and if you continue to do so it will only see you get tied up more and more until your trapped, nowhere to go, no way to get free, nothing left for you to do except die!
He gets a blank stare as he says that, then snaps out of it and smirks saying.
Your career that is, you will be finished, but then, maybe you already are? Maybe you don't have what it takes to stand on even ground with me? Maybe you have to make up stories, make up shit to make yourself seem "good"!?
He grins big now as he looks down to the title and looks back up now.
Ya better realize you'll never be as good as Shane Mack because only I am...GOOD TO BE! And all you others are just another nobody wishing they could be somebody! Yea, look at that worthless prick with a huge ego, Mack is such an asshole, he needs to be put down, but who can do it, he's too good, so good we have to make excuses that he uses stroke, that he abuses "power", that he has no talent yet without me...
He trails off, pausing for a few seconds and now coldly says.
Without me boys and girls, there would be no Extreme Fucking Wrestling! Hope ya understand the context of what I say and don't just go by the words I say, but if ya don't get it, ya just don't get it! Now Bobby, hope your listening and well man, if ya wanna keep this shit going, you can find me, call me, whatever, we'll talk, but I think The Predators are no more and it would have to be something else. But hey, maybe ya can convince me otherwise. Maybe you got Steve's back, so talk to me if ya want to salvage anything, but you and everyone, especially Steve better realize that the real predator is right fucking here, Shane Mack, and I ain't laying down for anybody cause quite frankly, I don't have to!
He smirks all cocky like and brings his hands down with a crotch chop, then slaps a hand to his title and nods at the camera. He makes a cut motion and so now the view fades out. So no more Predators, unless Bobby can convince Mack or he brings it back, recruits some members. But what about Mack, is he done with a stable or is this just the beginning?


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