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You Know Noth-ing!!(Extreme)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 02:39:38 PM

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Date Posted:08/03/2010 1:03 PMCopy HTML

It was almost noon when we caught up with Vikky who was training in the gym and getting ready for Extreme against Tina and Lacey. Lacey had some pretty harsh words to say about Vikky but this didn't anger her one bit, it made her laugh. Vikky was lifting weights and toning up her muscles and making sure she was flexible for in the ring. An unknown german male walks in dressed in his military uniform with the swastika on his arms of his sleeves. He walks up to Vikky who was on a weight bench, lifting 200 pound weights when he barked orders for her to stand and salute.

German male: Entstehen Sie!

Vikky set the barbell back down on the rack above her face and quickly stood at attention, arm outstretched and saluting.


German male: (smirking) I am pleased. You have done well for self. In our home country, everyone is talking about how proud they are of you. This Lacey and Tina you face have no chance against you.

Vikky nods.

German male: Come! We have much to discuss.

Vikky and the german male figure walk off from the room and head for outside to the awaiting limo. Once outside, they get in, vikky getting in first then the german male figure, and have a seat across from each other. The german male figure speaks.

German male: Tell me Vikky, I want to know Lacey. What is about her that makes her angry with you?

Vikky shakes her head and then folds her arms in front of her size 40DD chest and sits back as she talks.

Vikky: She is nothing Meier. She rambles and make no sense in what she says. She spouts about the past with our deceased leader when she knows nothing of it. Everything she says is trash.

Meier: I watched her promo. She makes me laugh. She is comedianne..nein?

Vikky: She makes me laugh too. She should be act in comedy. She tells funny. And acts funny.

Meier: She has no clue Vikky about our leader. He would have not had you killed. Everyone in our country knows that he went after JEWS not germans. Something she not get straight in her history. You are blood born german Vikky and proud Nazi. She tries hard to impress everyone with her wits and her beauty but she is no beauty queen. You have the makings to take title from Chris and grab victory for our country. You know you have the chance to win against the spineless Orton.

Vikky hands Meier, her former military teacher, a beer while she talks to him more.

Vikky: What is it with american women Meier? They call me slut because I slept with Shane Mack. Not that it bothers me, but it makes me laugh they call me names that have nothing to do with match.

Meier: She is threaten by you Vikky. You are discipled, vicious and your skills in ring are unmatched. Your presences makes them nervous. You struck fear in them and they try to hide it. Shane Mack is respected in our country. He is hero because he speaks from heart and not from testicles. He good man.

Vikky then privately speaks in german to only where Meier understands.

Vikky: Ich habe die geheimen Regierungsdokumente betreffend Megan. Sie werden über zu Ihnen nach dieser Versammlung gefaxt werden. Wir müssen mit ihr und Fund sprechen, aus was sie um ihre Eltern weiß.

Meier: Nicht noch Vikky. Es ist zu bald. Ich werde unser überlegenes fragen, wenn wir mit ihr sprechen können. Geduld. Nur Fax über den Dokumenten Vikky und wir werden von dort gehen.

Vikky salutes Meier before she gets out of the limo. The limo pulls away slowly and then takes off out of the scene. She sees the camera and then smirks.

Vikky: Lacey,Tina, You swines will know the pain I inflict on you. You will scream for me and learn who is leader. Lacey, you know noth-ing of our history. Your first mistake was telling me I would die by our leader, when I am german born. My family was brought in by our leader Hitler because we possess things that pleased him. He enjoyed our family. We proud of our heritage and being nazis. You may not be of America, but you talk like the american swines they are. United States is and will always be weak. You start wars with countries they mind business and yet where was Canada. They do noth-ing! Your country is cowardice. HEIL DEUTSCHLAND!!(salutes in her Nazi style)


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