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I Know More Than You Realise! - Lacey rp#2 (Extreme)

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 02:46:13 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:09/03/2010 6:20 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Triple Threat .. No Threat More Like!Triple Threat vs Tina & Vikky LynnWho knows?None .. yet!Good luck y'all!


Scene opens
Lacey is relaxing in her bubble bath as she watches the TV which shows Vikky Lynn's latest promo regarding their upcoming Triple Threat match on Extreme. She laughs as Vikky falls into every trap she has set, she's only been here five minutes and already she's under the skin of the German bitch. She takes a sip of juice and smiles.

LD: Oh Vikky, Vikky, Vikky ... honey, if you weren't as dumb as shit I wouldn't love ya half as much! See there I was not a week ago, a no-one, a complete an utter newbie .. so green Kermit wanted to fuck me and now ... well now I got me a promising relationship with Chris Orton and a feud with the most stupid woman in EFNW ... yeah, that's you Vikky! All because I knew what buttons to push .. how to get the reaction I wanted. I laid the bait for you Vikky and like the greedy bitch you are, you just ate it all up! Ha .. I love it!
Lacey chuckles to herself as she blows her bubble bath from her nose.
LD: Okay not that I have to justify myself or anything but truth be told it's you who knows nothing and me .. well I know a hell of a lot more than you realise cupcake. So let's start with ...
Lacey leans forward, close to the camera and whispers conspiratorially: For those of you with an IQ of 50 look away now ... boring ass history lesson coming up ...
LD: Okay first off why would Hilter love you because you were German born? He was born in Austria? Anyhoo .. he would have destroyed you eventually because his "New World Order" would have been Aryan only .. that's blonde hair and blue eyes in case ya didn't know ... yeah, Vikky I'm talking to you! Oh yeah and Hitler didn't just kill Jews, oh no he killed non-Jewish Poles, Communists, Soviets, Jehovah's Witnesses, Aventists, homosexuals and the physically and mentally disabled ... oh yeah and about 5.3 million Germans died during the war so I guess he didn't have any problems killing them either? As far as Canada being involved with the war ... well we were there from the start in 1939 as we're part of the British Commonwealth. Oh and don't worry if you didn't get all this Vikky ... you can always google it!
Lacey laughs as she leans back to the camera: Okay boring bit done!
LD: But you know what Vikky that has absolutely nothing to do with our match at Extreme so why the hell am I even bothering to get into this pissing contest with you ... because it's like you and lil Herman said, I'm funny! Yep, I like a good joke as much as the next hot babe ... and you well listening to you I could laugh all day. What you should really be doing instead of being such an arrogant bitch, is actually doing some research on your opponents. See you seem to think that this match is a walk in the park for you when you have no idea what you're letting yourself in for. You really think I'm threatened by you ... really?
Lacey laughs and shakes her head in disbelief.
LD: Oh boy! Listen sweetie .. let me give you a little heads up. I have trained for years, under one of the most successful men in this industry .. in fact he's so confident in my abilities and skills that he hand picked me as his protégé. I have been tutored by the best of the best and now when I'm hitting my peak ... you're about to come face to face with me .. you know if you weren't such a irritating little shit I might actually feel sorry for you but as it stands I just can't wait to smack the smugness off your face. I'm going to enjoy teaching you the real technicalities of wrestling and picking you apart piece by piece. This is going to be a master class in how to destroy and humiliate your opponent ... taught by yours truly. Yeah I know Tina's gonna be there but if she's got any smarts at all .. she'll stay well out of my way. She's just there to make up the numbers as far as I can tell .. the real battle is between me and Vikky and it's gonna make headlines around the world and that ain't a threat ... that's a promise!
Lacey smiles as she soaps one arm.
LD: Oh und Vikky, wenn Sie wirklich genug stumm sind, zu denken dass you' bezüglich der einzigen Person, die Deutschen sprechen und verstehen kann. Sie sind wirklich so dumm, wie Sie schauen!
Lacey laughs as she turns her back to camera.
End of rp2  

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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