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What Do I Have To Learn?

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 02:48:50 PM

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Date Posted:09/03/2010 12:33 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
What Do I Have To Learn?
Shane Mack
Roleplaying for "Extreme"! Good Luck Mack!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
With one day away from "Extreme" going live, the scene shows Chris Orton inside "Hell In A Cell" looking around seeing no one can enter and soild steel cage all over the ring. Chris Orton decided to discuss one thing Mack continues to address about Chris Orton, so he address this one thing Mack always mention.

Chris Orton: Shane Mack, I been hearing you saying that I got a lot to learn, so I want to ask you what do I have to learn, because I don't need to learn a damn thing from you or anyone else. It seems like you want me to learn whatever I say is going to come back haunting at me, because you believe there no way I can beat you, so you want everyone to believe the great Shane Mack has no weakness. Every wrestler has a weakness deep down I know what makes you weak, because you are in some kind make believe world where you think as great as you are will be enough to beat me inside "Hell In A Cell". Tomorrow night on "Extreme", you and I step inside this "Hell In A Cell" fighting to see who is the best period, and you think you are coming out a winner, because you still believe I don't have what it takes to beat you. I'm coming into this match to win, and I am more ready to take you on like I never did before, so I'm going to make a promise to you at "Extreme". I'm going to give you a fight like before push you to your limit make you earn a victory over me, because if you pull any bullshit tricks or have people get involved deep down I know you just scared to lose to somebody who might be a little better than you!

Chris Orton has a dead serious look on his face, and the scene faded black.

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