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An Extreme Promo - US Championship

Started by Bobby James, September 25, 2023, 03:04:48 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:10/03/2010 12:45 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
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{{ A narrator is heard " Sometimes you must hear a mans words and realize that what is said should be held against him. A plan of action must be made. To take a stand is what is right. Stepping forward and righting a wrong. Giving people the justice that is required and taking the revenge a necessity. They will know just why they deserved the punishment handed to them. And the men who want to talk the talk in due time will know that a swift response will be their penalty. They will know that the men and the group that is standing in their way does things just one way. The hard way. Just like the saying goes its either their way or the highway. But its not that simple for these men. The highway is not an option. It is only their way. Their is no highway. You talk the talk and you pay it with a beating. You can crawl away and lick your wounds but know that its gonna be your memories that will remain. That is the way it has been in the past and that is the way it is for The Predators now. You mess with the best you fall just like the rest. Soon the narrator fades out as the camera starts to focus on the outside of a locker room with a faceplate that reads " The Predators ". Smokey McWeed is appearing to be very nervous as he shakes a little and clears his throat before he looks around. The poor guy just doesn't know what to do. Letting out a subtle sigh he tries to knock on the door but just then it is quickly opened. Michael is taken back for a moment and looks a little surprised as Bobby James just looks him up and down and shakes his head in disgust. James peeks his head down the hallway and looks to the left and then to the right. Then he looks back at Smokey and quickly motions him in. Following him without hesitation as he motions at a wooden stool and mumbles with his back to him to take a seat. Of course he does as was told of him. Just then the camera centers on a fat security guard who for some reason has like five empty McDonalds bags and is working on his sixth bag. The guard is engrossed in the documentary named " Super Size Me " about fast food chains and the effects of a man who ate nothing but McDonalds for breakfast lunch and dinner for a whole month. The guard himself is noticed to be holding a Big Mac in one hand and at least ten to fifteen fries in the other while he is literally gorging himself on hamburgers and fries. McWeed looks shocked at him and what he is eating. Bobby just shakes his head as he steps past him and grabs his bottle of water and opes it up to take a drink. Looking at Bobby a little confused and he just raises his shoulders as if to say he has no idea either..... }}

" Smokey McWeed " -- Uh dude you know that " Super Size Me " was made to show people how unhealthy eating fast food all the time. You understand that right?  I mean shit I get the munchies but that's ridiculous.

{{ The guard looks over at him as if he was a little confused as he still has a few fries sticking out of his mouth. }}

Hungry McHungry -- Uh I get hungry when I watch it.

{{ Smokey just slaps himself in the head and rubs his head for a moment. }}

" Smokey " -- But um... the guy who made the movie gained like eighty pounds in one month from eating nothing but that stuff. Do you really want to go get like that guy?  How are you gonna guard Bobby?

{{ He just turns back and continues to watch the movie as he takes another bite of the Big Mac. }}

" Hungry McHungry " -- I like greasy shit I cant help that. It taste good. Its my friend ok. I ain't got no problem. You understand that! I can quit whenever I want to. See!

{{ Soon he is tossing throws the fries onto the carpet of the locker room and just then his eyes get really wide as he pushes the black coffee table out of the way and gets onto his knees. Just then he scrapes up the fries and starts to shovel them into his mouth like an Ethiopian who just received his first piece of food in a week. Both Bobby and Smokey look at him quite shocked. }}

" Smokey " -- Uh wow ... hmmm I just don't really uh know....

" Hungry McHungry "  -- Shut up! Just shut up! I don't have a problem! I'm not an addict!

{{ Soon tho McHungry looks down at himself and at the fries on the ground. He quickly looks at the table where there sits five empty McDonalds bags. Frantically he looks back at Bobby who just mouths out " I don't know ". Putting his hands to his head as he starts to lightly cry. A few moments later he has composed himself as he takes a seat back onto the couch. Bobby takes a seat next to him as he grabs the five bags and tosses them into the wastebasket. The guard looks over at him and wipes an escaping tear from his right eye. Just then he offers him a hamburger but Bobby rolls his eyes and shakes his head no. }}

" Hungry McHungry " -- Don't say it.... I know I have a problem Bobby. I'm addicted to this stuff. I cant help it. It tastes soooo gooood. You don't know man. It makes my taste buds come alive. Its like I can feel and see better when I'm on it. You don't know man you just don't know.

{{ With that said McHungry breaks down again and leans his head on Bobby's shoulder as he again breaks down into tears as he looks down at him a little scared it seems like. Bobby pushes Hungry off of him and rises to his feet and motions for Smokey to follow him. Bobby opens the locker room door and just as both men are leaving the room McHungry yells out at them. }}

" Hungry McHungry " -- Bobby! Don't leave me Bobby! You need this stuff to Bobby!!! Bobby!?!?

{{ Bobby looks back at Hungry who is now placing the hamburger that Bobby denied into his mouth. Smokey looks shocked. }}

" Smokey " -- Uh what was that?

" Bobby James " -- He's been that way for the past week or so. That damn movie. Its uhhhh I don't know. I just don't really know. We've tried. He needs help. I mean he's a family friend so I got his ass a job but shit hes going from bad to worse.

" Smokey " -- Yeah. Ha Ha......

{{ Bobby stops McWeed short and shakes his head no. }}

" Bobby James -- You don't have the right to laugh. You have an addiction to. A few of them actually that I can think of.

{{ Smokey shakes his head in agreement. }}

" Smokey " -- I'm not an... never mind Bobby. Lets just get with the here and now.  Last week you and Mack lost.  But tonight it is the Texas Bull-Rope match with both Mack or The Predators banned from ringside as well as The Infection.  Which means Gabriel , Johnny Camaro and Megan Sorrows can not leave their locker room.  Not to mention Steve Weigel trying to have you and Mack arrested.

{{ Bobby nods yeah. }}

" Bobby James " -- I know alot of people have been asking alot of questions about why he did what he did. People were saying this and that. Weigel I just don't know about him.  Its funny he said he ran with The Predators in the beginning.  But see it wasn't like that it was more like he was a tag along. He would always try to one up one of us or bitch about how he couldn't get to the top spot in the federations we were at.  So he would leave with his tail between his legs. The older brother to Joe Daddy for sure but not in his or my league.  Then he comes out and rats on Mack and me.  See me and Mack are still strong and very much here.  He likes to play dirty well I can too but right now I'm just too worried about my match with Nikky Venom to concern myself with the antics of Steve Weigel.  Hell the man hardly ever knows himself.  So tonight Nikky much like that guard in there.  Your gonna bite off more than you can chew. But whatever I'll see you tonight.  Nikky tonight we will be tied together.  You understand that don't you?  No escape.  Just me and you with nothing but a rope between us and your title on the line.  Good luck...

{{  The camera fades out with James sneering. }}
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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