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Now Your Just Pathetic ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 03:12:08 PM

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Date Posted:10/03/2010 8:49 PMCopy HTML

So now Chris Orton has to resort to lies, wow, what a fucking surprise! Someone can't stand toe to toe with Shane Mack and has to resort to lies! He never once said that Chris could not draw, Mack never said Chris was completely worthless! He simply stated what has been proven in this companies history, that NO ONE has outdrew Mack, no one has ever out performed Mack, no one has had the balls to step up and try to be a bigger star...NO ONE!
Not a single damn one of you in this long ass history of this company has touched my legacy, but I never said no one has come close!
This place has seen many men and women step up and become big stars, they were talented, they drew, Chris Orton was one of them, but more than Mack? That has never happened! Chris Orton needs to realize that Mack has never been down on the guy, he never trashed him, he simply stated all facts...facts Chris Orton refuses to accept because he feels insecure about not having the passion inside him, not having the talent inside him to reach Mack's level. Now he has to make up stories, say that he is the bigger star, Mack wants to reach his level and that is just a fucking laugh and a half! Anyone who knows this companies history knows the truth and what Chris spoke was far from it!
Chris Orton has never carried this company on any fucking body part of his!
He came here in 2006, but never stayed for four years! Chris Orton came in for a while, did ok, then he left, came back and left and came back again, so his tenure is more like three years, at the most. Still a good timeframe, a nice start to trying to reach Mack's level, but now Chris, now you better work harder, you better learn more, gain more skill, become more talented and then maybe one day you will be on the same level as Mack and it will be up in the air as far as who is the most likely to win. Now of course, underdogs can win, but only when underestimated and Mack underestimates no one because for so many fucking years he was the underdog, a small man in the world of giants, but one of the most technically skilled, one of the most high flying, one of the toughest brawlers, Mack went through hell to prove he can wrestle anyone in this business and win or lose, he is on their level. He proved that years ago and he hasn't forgotten what it was like unlike many! So Chris, shove your lies up your ass and get straight before Extreme, before the only truthful thing you said, the biggest match of your life happens! Get your head straight, get focused or you're a dead man. You will not survive against Mack if you continue to believe those lies, pathetic lies!
He already can't win, but he better hang in there with me!
There was never any disrespect except for on your end Chris. You disrespected Mack by lying all the those times you claimed to be the bigger star when not near a goddamn soul compared to Mack, talked about who the hell you were. Anyone who is anyone that stepped into this company always targeted Mack, whether he was a champion or not! And whether or not the fans loved or hated him he always continued to garner more respect from them than anyone else and sometimes, like now, many find that hard to do and it is. Mack has earned a level above all others in this company and rightfully so, for anyone else who put in what he has, who gave what he has, every night from the beginning to present day and continue to stand out among the entire sea that is the locker room, they would garner the same. Fact is, no one else has done what Mack has, if so, there would be a huge question of who would win, the odds would not be stacked in one man's favor, there would be intensity in every fan, biting their fucking lips and that is why we need more people like Mack around here or perhaps Mack should just give it up and let the lower levels be the top level?
Suppose I could do that huh, maybe no one can ever reach me, maybe I became too big, but ya know what? So fucking what?!

Its not Mack's fucking fault no one else wants to give what he gave to reach this level, its all about choice and he chose to stick it out in a struggling company and help it became one of the most constant places of competition among the entire circuit, there is no company bigger than this one among all the rest on the circuit, but this place is no bigger than a select few others. The thing is, the same goes for back on previous big circuit for indies, there was never a steady big three, there were far more than three that made it all to the same level, as big as they could get which really is superior to one mainstream tee and ay joke of a company.
And that boys and girls is a shoot! Dispute it all you like, but you cannot prove it to be a lie for not everyone will agree the same way and until its unanimous, it cannot be true!
And Mack don't argue that any one company or several are or were the top, he simply stated that until everyone agrees unanimously on which ones are, no one knows and it is true, but many won't listen, many can't the handle the truth, that in itself is true! And so Chris Orton, you can continue to spread likes like some cheap whore to try to make some dolla or you can speak from the fucking heart, soul, mind, whatever label ya wanna put on IT, until ya speak from it, for real, until you step up for real and give half of what Mack has or does, your not going to be World Champ anytime soon and that son.
That is another shoot and I got plenty I can ramble off, but fuck it, your ass ain't worth anymore, its now time to make sure you get the point, ya get the truth knocked right down your throat!
We now see Mack standing in the back of the arena in front of the company logo on the barbed wire mesh fence backdrop and suddenly he snaps a kick up and just like the view fades to black! As quick as we saw him he ended it!

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