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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

One Summers Eve ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 03:33:15 PM

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Date Posted:15/03/2010 12:52 PMCopy HTML

Starring the infamous one known as Lil Stick Wiggle and his usual partner Tammy Summers, both bare a very striking resemblance to the companies own Steve Weigel and Amy Summers, no relation to Tammy though, or are they?
The scene is set inside of a bedroom where Tammy is on her back, a very usual position she is in and even when Steve is, er, Stick is not there. So Stick is wiggling his Wiggle in, what one he can wiggle, Amy, er, Tammy is faking orgasm after orgasm, popping bubbles with her gum and rolling her eyes here and there when suddenly a foot comes into view connecting to Stick's jaw knocking him backwards and down to the floor outta sight. Stepping into view is the man who wishes, the copycat straight outta dub-ya two kay, it is Lame Daddy Smack. He sports a pair of black shorts and grins, then turns to Tammy who's eyes go wide as he drops the shorts and proceeds to pound her harder than a jackhammer, a genetic jackhammer, nah, fuck that, no offspring here. Tammy actually does orgasm, her screams echo, her nails rips a pillow to shreds, her cunt gets stretched out more than the grand canyon and what's flying over puts a 747 to shame, so how's that for flexing nuts, bitches?! So then after a few hours Lame Daddy Smack stops as Tammy is done, she can't move and just lays there like a zombie only pretty well content and not trying to move, well, she can't. Smack just smacks her ass and pulls up his shorts, then turns to Steve, er, Stick who is sitting on the floor against the wall all glum. Smack kicks him and Stick jumps up only to get bitch slapped down, but then another foot comes into view connecting to Smack's jaw and lays him out flat. The foot belongs to Shane Mack who sports the typical grey tee and blue jeans, sneakers, blah, blah. Stick looks at him and Mack just smirks, then flicks him in the head and he falls down knocked out, what a bitch! Mack just turns to Tammy and raises a brow, smirks, and just laughs, backs out of the bedroom and the view widens now revealing this to be a porn set. He does a crotch chop to them all, then pulls the camera away from the set and grabs his World Title slapping it over his shoulder. Mack brushes his hair back and smirks, then says.
Ha ha, what a comic relief that was from the same ol' shit, but now Steve, Gabriel, and you all other cheap chump morons, here we go. Steve, you at the end of Extreme did it, ya knocked me down, ya grabbed my title and then ya got taken out of the ring because remember son, it's the Predatorsss and you ain't it, you ain't ever been it, your just a broke ass bitch with no hope left to reclaim what minor, insignificant glory ya once had. You're a nobody who wishes he was somebody, you're a dreamer and the problem is, your dream isn't near what I live every goddamn day for years now. I didn't just put in a year or two in one place, I made the fucking place and I dare you to try that, I dare ya Steve, give half of what I do because boy, you can't handle it and it's the truth. You're a dime a dozen like every other cheap trick wannabe that rolls in here while Shane Mack is a stand out, one of a kind, unique, the true predator among all of you and it is why I am not losing to come Wrestle X, the pay per view after, naw, I just don't have what it takes to come up a loser like you Steve. Some constantly whining punkass puke piece of shit who always talks the worst, gets all caught up in his own self drama, eh, and now making a fatal mistake. Steven, ya got no hope left, maybe ya outta just end it all, oh, wait, ya tried and ya failed that, damn son. Guess that just makes you one big, flat, fucking failure at everything, just a useless, hopeless, worthless idiot!
Mack just laughs and shakes his head in disgust, then says.
Tag Team mayhem this Wednesday night when it's the real Predators facing the first time team of Wiggle and Gabriel Brooks, it's a fucking joke is what it is! I ran down Steve enough, well, enough for what I want right now cause lets face it, a guy could go on for hours talking about how worthless Weigel is. He's nothing, no value. Fuck the basic value of human life, Weigel don't apply to that. Gabriel, eh, he's just a no name bitch who's not about to make his name off of mine. Wrestle X is approaching son, its coming quicker than Wiggle at a wiener roast for blind faggots!
He gets a laugh out of himself again, but just continues.
Gabe, your gonna find out who Shane Mack is in a couple weeks, well thirteen days I suppose, whatever. Deathmatch, me and you, this belt on my shoulder, my World Title, my fifth Wrestle X in a row, hell, every big pay per view of every year this company existed I been at except the first, but I wasn't even aware of its existence until a couple months later. Anyways, the first was WrestleMania, yea, a WWE rip off, but the event itself was not, it was far from it. A DOGG Fight main event between three of this companies best ever. Myself and Rapid going for Johnny X's World Title. One hour of true hell inside a cell littered with weapons, the man with the most falls at the end would win and that man was me! By one fall I believe it was, a match to the end, a brutal match, a classic match and without those two men and myself all giving everything we had in us, it wouldn't be the classic it is. That was '03, so now on to '04, another rip off name SummerSlam, that was a our big event that year and I wrestled Matt Matlock in a Prison Yard and we did good, we had a rivalry, but as great as I shined and made Matt look good, his ass never could handle the big time, the top spots, he just couldn't carry his half of the match. It was still regarded by many as a good match and I have no problem taking more of the credit because I fucking earned it, after all, where is he, who is he?
Mack just smirks at the truth and says.
Now for '05, eh, battling my own wife Whitney Marret for the real battle of the best at SummerSlam, still was ripping off that year. Ike I said though, the actual shows were far from a rip off and the match Whitney and I had, a DOGG Fight, it was another true classic, I had many that year from the best of seven hardcore series with Sandman to my feud with my wife, that match stood out and win I may have done, but have myself pushed to the limit by my own pupil, that was great! Now in '06 was the year Wrestle X was created and first the very first event I got the opportunity to once again carry Matt Matlock. He came and went from the company between our two big matches and never changed, never gave half of what he could, not near half of what I did. It was Prison Yard rematch and well it was a great main event, it was sad to see Matt not learn a damn thing and just get carried again and never earn anything more than just another face on the roster. The next year, '07, it was a step up cause I got to face an ol' friend, Michael McMoney, in a Hardcore Hell match where the two of us battled like raging pit bulls on coke all night. McMoney tried, he out forth more effort in one night than Matlock ever did his whole career, but it wasn't enough and he tapped that night, but in a classic that will never be forgotten!
He just smiles and says.
Now '08 was a rematch for McMoney, but also a rematch for myself. A month prior I lost to him, lost a title, so we settled it at Wrestle X, it was McMoney's chance, his time, he was stepping up, but he failed to do so and after that he was gone, faded away, never did no more. The match was a classic, it was good, and like all the rest and all the future, Shane Mack outperforms them all. In '09, last year, damn near one year ago I face my best friend of all time in this business, Viper, and he gave me my first loss at the grand event going into its fifth anniversary. There is however one problem with that match and that is the fact that I held back because for that match, the winner was forced to retire. As bad as I want to win big matches, I aim more for performing at a level above all others, so whether I win or I lose any match, nobody on gods green earth can ever, honestly say they outperformed Shane Mack and that my friends is a fucking shoot!
He just grins and says.
I admit defeat, Viper won, he was the better man and not the first time he ever beat me, but sadly it is our last match due to last years accident!
Mack just stares off past the camera in a trance almost, but snaps out fairly quick and just grins, then says.
We had a classic, we had a show stealer, we did great and every year Shane Mack wrestled at the biggest event we have had and every year Shane Mack stole the show and this year is not gonna be any different. The main event will be showcased as just that, the biggest match there is, no one has what it takes to steal that thunder, not with my name on the marquee! Gabriel, you don't have what it takes to fil my shoes, to hold this title, to represent this company has the best! You put in a few years, even off and on like Chris Orton did, you'll get rewarded or ya can fucking finally step up and win it on talent like I have every fucking time, however many it has been. Oh yea, I lost it many times as well, right?! I make no bones, no excuses, I need not spread no cheap lie like all you so called superstars spread your legs like the cheap whores you are. Shane Mack is not god, he is not satan, he is not unbeatable, he is no super being entity who can cast bolts of lightning from his ass and reign down supreme over all the land. Shane Mack is simple the only, real superman of wrestling, he is the real Predator in this business, and he is the only one who is Good To Be!
He spreads his arms out now in a cocky pose to motion how good he is, then drops his arms doing a crotch chop, catches his title and slaps it against his shoulder, then just walks away off the set, the camera following him as he disappears from the room, then the view just fades to back.

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