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universal6 star tag team

Opportunities don't grow on trees.

Started by Drew Stevenson, September 25, 2023, 04:48:32 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:22/03/2010 4:18 AMCopy HTML

//. Opportunities don't grow on trees.

"Eight men in one ring? Just the way that I prefer it."

The camera starts rolling live recording backstage. There are people standing around talking, cameras recording various things but the person who currently had the spotlight on him was Drew Stevenson who just so happened to be  featured in the Main Event this week at Extreme. The black hardcore logo was positioned behind Drew as he sat there on a barstool looking ahead which featured a cameraman aiming the lens directly on him, everything rolled perfectly as Drew sat there wasting no time in speaking, he had a few things to get off of his chest.

"This week on Extreme, you have eight men stepping into one ring. You have the past of EFW, the present of EFW and the future of EFW all in one ring brewing it up in what is looking to be quite a hellacious eight man tag match. You have the tag team champions, you have the EFW Heavyweight Champion, you have the challengers, hell; you pretty much have everything in one environment. So as I sit here right now thinking and looking over everything, I notice that Rayo and I get the opportunity to pull out a win over the tag team champions heading into Wrestle X and if you know anything about this industry then you know perfectly well that going into a big title match with all the momentum on your side is key to victory. Because to put it simple for you, momentum in leighman's terms means to have the edge and as I sit here knowing that we have the opportunity to roll into Wrestle X with yet another win under our belt and people talking, I begin to get Goosebumps because you know something? Many these days either believe that yours truly is washed up, is a never was or can only capture championship gold in a promotion where he has had former success. I heard those remarks and I sat back at my home in Missouri and I thought, what can I or what should I do differently?"

Drew reached up lightly scratching his cheek, he continued to speak.

"I decided that I needed to step-up my game here in this company and to shut up the doubters, the naysayers. So upon thinking about that, I received a call from EFW about this week's edition of Extreme and I had noticed that I was booked in the Main Event right alongside THEE EFW Heavyweight Champion, Shane Mack."

Drew cupped his hands together as he positioned them down into his lap and kept on talking.

"I admit; I hold a lot of respect for the guy as he has been around this company pretty much forever. He has beaten them all, he has accomplished it all and yet here he is still going out there on a weekly basis in-order to add prestige to the EFW Heavyweight title and quite frankly, just to compete another day. Now I know that Mack isn't my opponent for this week but I would like to touch up on my main opponents in Camaro and Venom. Two week's ago? Johnny and his odd partner in Weigel had the opportunity to put down Rayo and I yet Johnny just couldn't pull it out in the end as he had said that he would. I'll give them credit where it is due, they went out there and they fought a VERY valiant fight but you see? I was hungry and Rayo was hungry and we formed one HELL of a team in that ring and at Wrestle X will be no different..."

He shook his head continuing.

"... I see this week as the stepping stone needed in-order to put those tag straps around our waist because if we beat you guys this week? I know it and you know it that we'll be inside of your head and I love hearing the sound of that because if you know me at all or anything about me then you know first hand that in title matches? I step-up to a whole new level. I get in that mental state of mind which leads me to go out there and to start putting on a wrestling clinic that you'll NEVER forget. I normally don't go as far as to declare victory but, I can't deny that the chances are looking pretty good with the champion on our side and I'll be the first to tell you guys that, you better bring one impressive performance if you intend on walking out as the winner because while I can't speak for Mack or Rayo or anybody else, I can tell you first hand that I personally plan on stepping into that ring this week and doing what I do best..."

A smirk curls up along his face as he continues.

"... WRESTLE!"

He gave a slight nod as he quickly continued.

"Now speaking of last week, Johnny Blaze. Brother, when you decided to kick me in the groin? You signed your own death certificate. This week I am coming in and I am not leaving without a victory. So you better try harder this time because if you try to kick me in the groin again then well? Don't be too surprised if I break your leg in half. You get the opportunity at redemption; I get the opportunity to cement my EFW legacy so all in all?"

The camera pans in on his face.

"It's looking to be a great day, for me anyway."


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