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Extreme rp 2 - Whiner? -- Thanks I'd love a Chardonnay!

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 05:13:51 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:24/03/2010 11:51 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Whiner eh? .. Thanks I'd love a Chardonnay - Extreme rp 2vs Megan Sorrowmmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Vikky LynnNone .. yet!good luck megan! let's rock it :)


The scene opens with Lacey sitting backstage, on a table covered with a Wrestle X banner. She still in her uber short shorts and Chris Orton t-shirt. She smiles at the camera as it moves in closer. Lacey holds up her hand to stop it getting in too close.

LD: Yeah I know you wanna get up close and personal but I ain't that kind of girl, so back it up a little there buddy.

The camera moves back a bit as Lacey smiles.

LD: See unlike some chicks I could mention ... Vikky Lynn, Megan Sorrow .. I don't like to share. Vikky obviously likes to share her lady-garden with anyone who takes a passing interest .. Shane Mack, that monkey man she's hanging out with now ... and as for Megan Sorrow .. well she obviously likes to share her man .. just ask Amy Summers.

Lacey snickers at the memory of Amy kissing Megan's man, Nikky Venom.

LD: Now Megan called me a whiner but if memory serves me right .. she was the one whining and begging Nikky to give her a second chance after the whole "Amy Summers" incident. I don't whine about things sugar-pie, I state facts and the simple fact is I should be at Wrestle X in a match for the Women's title ... something you know full well. Wouldn't you be pissed if something you worked your ass off for was snatched away from you by a cheater?  And yeah I mean you Megan Sorry-Ass! After all it was you who screwed me out of winning the No 1 Contenders match, right? You proud of that Megan? .. Make you feel good about yourself? .. Well I guess it makes sense to eliminate your biggest competition early so that you don't have to face her in a title match.  Well I guess it backfired on you because now you have to go one on one with me on Extreme .. just your bad luck I guess.

Lacey smiles and tosses her hair over her shoulder.

LD: Your mistake Megan is to think that I'm all talk .. you think that because women have threatened to cripple you before and is hasn't happened, that it won't ever happen .. big mistake honey, huge. See as I said before I state simple facts .. I didn't say I was going to cripple you just that it would help my cause to get a match at Wrestle X if I did. And now after you're bitch fest I might just do it for the sake of it .. see the difference between me and all those other lame-ass skanks is that I can back up what I say. I not only talk the talk, but I walk the walk .. something deep down inside you know is true! And guess what,  after tonight you'll have the injuries to prove it. I'm glad you've been to hell and back because that's exactly what I'm planning on putting you through, so you know what it feels like to have someone fuck with you and your dreams.

Lacey scowls as the camera moves closer.

LD: So I guess when you're lying in your customary position, flat on your back .. after having me kick your ass all over the ring ... every muscle in your body aching ... wishing you'd just kept your mouth shut ... you can always comfort yourself with the thought that you've got a title match at Wrestle X. Somehow I think Vikky is gonna win because the shape you're gonna be in, it's gonna be a cake walk for her. You think you're gonna show me as a "sexpot whiny little whore from Canada" ...

Lacey laughs.

LD: Poor me .. you say, poor you I say because cupcake I'm gonna show you up in front of the world when I make you eat your words. This victory isn't yours by right .. it's mine to take and I am going to enjoy watching you eat my Sugar Kiss! This is going to be a real eye-opener for you and everyone else who's watching .. I'm going to show the world why I should have been included on the Wrestle X card and why you should never underestimate me or count me out! I am going to beat your ass to within an inch of your life and that's not a threat honey .. that's a promise!

The camera fades to black as Lacey smiles.

End of rp

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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