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Promo for Extreme & Wrestle X

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Date Posted:24/03/2010 2:49 PMCopy HTML

Things are picking up indeed this week with Wrestle X four days away and still we have one show to go, tomorrow night, Extreme F'n Wrestling airs live in China showcasing the name of the show for sure proving this company is still at a whole new level! And the man who perhaps is mostly responsible for being the backbone, the conscious, and the heart of this company stands by now in front of the typical backdrop, logo behind him on the barbed wire wrapped mesh fence. His World Title lays on his right shoulder as Shane Mack has his hands on his hips, a grin on his face while he wears the jean look he sports often. Mack just begins, fuck the build up, he creates his own opportunity!
So Gabriel, ya get all pissy cause I called ya a name ya feel I am myself, but the problem, what the fuck are you on? I want some!
He grins real big and laughs, then says.
Naw, but man, when did I ever call you gutter trash? I recollected and although I admit that I have not reviewed my last promo, I am pretty sure it was never said, I gotta do the old ape deal on that one!
He scratches his head now, then lowers his arm to hold his title up and smirks before saying.
Anyways son, I think ya need some help, I think ya need something, but if its this World Title on my shoulder, ya ain't gonna get what ya need cause ain't no one prying this title away from me. As far as friends in this business, you know nothing about my true friends in this business cause I have them, but like many people who reach the top tier level like I have, friends are few and far between because jealousy drives people apart. I have fucking tried my whole life to please as many people as I possibly can, but I refuse to lay down and hold back just because somebody ain't as good as I am and unlike your partner Chris Orton's bold faced lie about me and respect, what I just said is a real shoot!
He gets a slight grimace, but still calm and cool as he says.
Now speaking of ya Chris, yea, you tell me I don't respect any of you on the opposing team tonight, but when did I ever disrespect you? Because I speak real facts unlike some people who claim to around here, because I go out and I actually do work harder than anyone else? That is not disrespect! I have gave everything in me to this company, to this whole business because I love it and I earned my top level here, I have the right to tell it like it is and it is true, like it or not, Shane Mack is in his own league. Some go all humble and I tried that, for a few years I just brushed it off, I shook it away and refused to acknowledge that I was in my own damn class. Doesn't keep people from talking shit though, whether your humble or cocky, people will always talk shit, lie, run you down if they can't handle the truth. Not everyone of course, but that point is irrelevant. Fact is Chris, your talking out your ass a lot nowadays, ya think cause ya held the World Title your over, but Chris, your far from it son. If you were that over, if you were that big, as big as I am, you woudn't have to lie about your popularity and hell, popularity doesn't even mean you're the greatest, so what gives? You really care that much about what people think of you? If so ya outta take a page from me and stop, accept who you are and work to be better, gain more experience and reach my fucking level cause from day one of you showing up here I wanted you too as I have anyone who stepped into this company because being on the same level means better competition and that means better matches and an overall better show. I never once downgraded you and said you suck, told you that ya didn't deserve to be World Champ, I simply spoke what was true of what happened when ya were champ, that's all. You couldn't handle the truth and now your pissed off at me for it, so Chris, get over it and get better or go home and give it up, but you continue to lie, especially concerning me and I'll send you home in a fucking body bag and that ain't no goddamn metaphor!
Mack still calm, no anger, just a seriousness to him, wow, unusual!
Enough of Chris, he needs to get in tune with reality if he's gonna preach like what he says is true. Anyways, Gabriel, back to your ass, ya fucking chump, oh no, no, should I say gutter trash cause after all, I apparently called you that right?
He smirks now and just shakes his head.
Ya don't get it, like Chris Orton ya just don't get it, but honestly kid, despite ya never beating Chris, I did not however say ya couldn't beat him! And ya know, ya keep going back to '05 when your leg got broke and ya mention Thriller, but ya target me more. The problem is that Thriller was the man responsible, he is the open that fucked up and caused your accident. I have never fucked up in this ring and put somebody on the shelf, not one time have I ever done it for real! I've made it look that way before, but that was for different reasons and I am sure everyone knows why too. Thriller was a good talent, but he slacked off and he broke your fucking leg and I would be pissed too, but ya keep telling me I caused it and well I could argue in your favor because yea, Thriller was my boy at the time, a good friend and a guy wanted to reach the top, much like you! Ya came back from it though, ya overcame it and you're here today stepping up somewhat, your putting in effort like Chris Orton does, but the problem is its not half of what I put into the ring and that's a fact and that is why I am at a level no one else here is at!
He pauses to take a breath, then continues.
Ya do learn from everyone ya step in the ring and you will learn a great deal this Sunday, I will learn some things as well and that is another reason I am where I am, because over the years of constant competitors coming in here, many different wrestlers, I got to work with them all and soak up their knowledge. I am open minded enough to do just that as well, I soak up knowledge like a sponge, pick brains, and I use it to my advantage in the ring by being the greatest performer there is. For sure in this company, arguably among the entire circuits I have been apart of as I admit, there is a lot of great talent out there, but finding who is truly the best, never gonna happen. Too many people to try and work together for it to happen, so that is why I stay here cause I need nothing else from any other indy company, but the WWE, well, ya all know my feelings already, so enough. Gabriel, tonight and Sunday your gonna have opportunities to soak up so much knowledge and I hope ya absorb it all and keep on aiming for me and reach my level to actually take this title from me. I hope Chris Orton continues to try and do it as well as Camaro and Venom, I want ya to rise up and be great because that just makes it all better in the long run! I care for this business, I love it, absolutely love it. Nothing lasts forever, but if you can pass your knowledge along and keep people striving for the top tier level and striving to create a new level ya can make it last quite a fucking while.
Mack lowers his left hand into his pocket now, then pats the title with his right and smirks.
I would not be embarrassed at all to lose to anyone in this company and for you to say I am gonna be embarrassed Gabriel, it shows me you lack confidence in yourself to beat me because for me, it doesn't matter if I lose, I am still bigger than you. Same goes for Chris Orton and anyone else on the roster, I don't need to win, I just do cause I am good, it is truly good to be Shane Mack!
He gets a big cocky grin and laughs, then says.
Ya can use the old cliché line of the future is taking the old guard down all ya like, but that in itself is old and also, it really don't fit us. I started young in this business and here I am at just little under thirty with the experience to go anywhere, even the big time, the only one big time, WWE, but, we'll see if that happens! There are lot of good indy stars out there all striving for the same. Its why more bigger companies are needed, its why the nineties was such a great time for wrestling, options! But that's not the story of the moment, that's not what is at hand, that is not what is about tonight or Wrestle X. Its about holdin on for me huh Gabriel and yea, I already said that before anyways! I will never fail to hold on, my grip will never slip on this business and not on this title either, least not in the next couple months!
He just smirks casually and says.
How can I know when no one knows?
He just shrugs and says.
Maybe I don't, maybe I will lose, but ya know, eh, I won't lose because its as I said, ain't no one here reached that point yet and if they have, well then boys and girls, prove it!
Mack turns now to walk off camera, flashes his smirk at us, then walks away, nothing big needed, just the man cutting something worth a damn and now its over, for now! Things are definitely hot now, this week, Wrestle X coming up on us, its gonna be insane, its gonna be great!

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