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I have beat the odds!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 05:16:58 PM

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Date Posted:26/03/2010 11:05 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I have beat the odds!
 Johnny Camaro,  Steve Weigel, Lacey Daniels
Here is my last roleplay for "Wrestle X", so good luck to my challengers!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Wrestle X" live from Tokyo Dome, the scene shows lots of people inside Tokyo Dome almost a sell-out, so the scene change showing Chris Orton sitting down with his girlfriend Lacey Daniels. There a huge pop reaction heard from the fans seeing Chris Orton, because he very famous around the world, so he started speaking about his match on "Wrestle X".

Chris Orton: Lacey and I were talking about my upcoming match against Johnny Camaro and Steve Weigel, and we talk about the odds are not in my favor, because I don't need to be pin to win European title. I face every challenge and block my whole career, so this triple treat match is nothing new to me, because I have always defend my title against very best in this business walk out a winner. I have beat the odds in any type of match that I have been in, because I accept any challenge rather it's my first time trying or showing everyone just how good I am in any type of match.

Chris Orton stops talking, fans chant "Chris Orton" name really loud", and Orton continues on speaking.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Wrestle X", Johnny Camaro and Steve Weigel face a fighting champion, great wrestler, the best in this business, one of biggest stars in the company, and best looking. Lacey Daniels calls me total package which I have to agree, because I have everything I wanted my whole career mutiple championships, beating the best talent in the ring, and hottest woman in the world. I bet every guy wish they had what I had, so this is not about me more why you people pay to see me, because it's seems like everyone wants me gone from Extreme F'N Wrestling, but everyone needs me to save this company going out of business. I'm the reason everyone comes to our events and selling out every shows and pay-per-views. I'm going to retain my European Title, because who I am and what I can bring to the table, so I do respect Johnny Camaro and Steve Weigel, and I know they will come at me with everything to win. Like I said, I have beat the odds came out a winner, so Lacey and I will walk out from that curtain declaring ourselves as the most dominant couple, because we are greatness!

Chris Orton smiles, looking at Lacey Daniels, smile at her, about to kiss, scene show something else.

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