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WrestleX gets Infected! (Nikky Venom)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 05:29:49 PM

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 6:06 PMCopy HTML

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Nikky VenomMegan SorrowDrayo and Bobby JamesCURBSTOMP MATCH!Thanks for the banner Liz
X.Vicariouly, I live while the whole world dies.X
X.WrestleX gets Infected.X
Nikky is sitting in his locker room he calls Sancturary (DSS' old locker room).

"At WrestleX I face Bobby James for my US title, do I think I will win? Hells ya! And when I'm done winning my own creation,me nd Megan Sorrow will celebrate our title vctories. But lets talk more about my matches. First I have the cage match against Drayo. Johnny has basically covered that one, but I would like to touch up on it. First off, Drew Sevenson has been about as active in the hype for this match as I have. And I have nothing bad to say about you, you're a good man. All I'm going to say is that we will retain our titles because we're more expirenced as a tag team and we can read eachother very well. We know when either of us wants a double team or help. That's why we are going to win."

That's a truth.

"But turning my attentions to Booby James, there is no way in hell that you will beat me. You are in my playground and I have been in many of these matches. You have been in none, I know everything about this match and you know nothing. So tonight, when you step out and look at me in the ring, you will relize what shit you got yourself in."

Hells ya.

"As for what you said about how I will beat you, though it can be that easy, I want to make you bleed and I want to make you retire for good. I'm fed up with the shit that you have said, and tonight I'm making it stop. And so you will have something else to talk about. Booby, you comment about how I'm a 'emo' well tonight that's another thing that will stop. You won't have any room in your promo for that, you will be too busy talking about how I had a 'fluke win' over you at WrestleX. Well that won't be an excuse because if you don't bring your A game, that's your fault."

Ya Ya!

"Boobs, you say I was handed my US title, well if you can remember back I wanted a rematch. I wanted sudden death but Management screwed me out of that, so don't bring up that shit. Besides, Dogg was actually a tough competitor, you aren't. Dogg actually knew how to fight, you don't. So don't tell me that I shouldn't be holding this title, I much rather prefered taking the international for myself!"

Damn Diamond Dogg.

"Also, would you stop with your 'insults' they're weak. One doesn't even make sense. 'When god said bitch you answered?' I'm not a female, nor a dog. Idiot! Also what's with your phrase "Toss it all at me. Toss The Ladders. Toss The Chairs. Toss The Tables....... Even Toss The Popcorn Vendor And His Buttery Fat Wife At Me!!!" That's just retarded.

Hells ya

"But Booby, I have one question for you. what are you going to do when I send you to the depths of hell? Who will save you? Not me bitch! Where's the stop but..."

And with those words just off the video stops.
Disclaimer: This layout is made by Nightingale FX at Shadow Illusion Designs for the use of anyone. If you are caught claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and fed to the dogs. The designer and the person using this layout is not sponsoring any real life people and events. It's a mere concidence.
This banner Was Made For The Infecton by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you want your own email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

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