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From the Ashes and Ruins of betrayel...The Soulless One Once again arises seekin

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Date Posted:31/03/2010 3:04 PMCopy HTML

...:::HellSpawn The Soulless One:::...
Roleplay Title: From the Ashes and ruin of Betrayel...the Soulless arrises seeking Vengeance...
OOC message: HI!.... Hope you like :)

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.... and if you believe that bullshit I have some dry swampland down south that I'll sell to you dirt cheap. Fame is fickle....even for the greats in the sport of wrestling. Away from the limelight and from center stage....the fans memory slowly slips away from the past .Truth of the matter is the fans don't care about what you did....only about what you are currently doing for them now. And I should know. During my time in the sport.... I had lifted it to all new heights.... I was one of the most despised individuals to ever enter the halls of the MSN circuit. I was the man millions across the world...loved to hate. The very rafters of arenas would shake from the intensity of the crowds boo's. My inner circle was a literal who's who in the sport. Alone and together we paved a blazing new trail into the annals of history in the sport. Our matches legendary. Our feuds even more so. My wife and I were a power couple in and out of the ring....greater then that of Paul and Steph. For they had rules they had to play by...where as we did not. So much gold found it's way around our waists, That we'd run out of wall space in our office to hang them, and had to find a 15 watt bulb for the room...for the glare of any other wattage  was just too blinding. We'd had a great career....and then came along the birth of our son. It was then I'd made the decision that it was finally time to hang up the boots and retire.... After all I'd earned it. Paid in full was that account with all of the blood I had spilt in the ring....for the fans benefit. But do you think they remembered. You think what I had done was valued by them...You think they remembered my great deeds. Hell no. Instead they went forth and praised others...more recent newcomers....men with half the talent I had.  Calling them greats...legends...Icons.... BULLSHIT!!! They were hollow shells  compared to those that that came before them. Hollow shells because they lack the true heart of the sport for greatness.  Yet here the fans were...cheering ...lesser...more mortal men. Living in a world of acceptance of less..... satisfied with ground beef....instead of longing for the steak served yesterday. They had become satisfied with the flavor of the moment....a bland vanilla.  They had forgotten what was.... Forgotten me.....The fans weren't only fickle....but a disappointment. Allowing the very sport I had spent a career building to towering heights ...to crumble into it's current state of ruin.  And for that sin..... I had no forgiveness. I will see them in hell....and in MY Domain...they will pay the price for their sins...
 However their betrayal was nothing compared to what was to come. The coming of what to me was to be the ultimate of betrayals. There is an old saying.... "Only your friends will stab you in the back.... for they are the only ones you will allow close enough to do so." .... Sigh.... Oh how so true... and painful is such a saying.  First by my own kin...my own brother as he turned his back upon me.... angered that I would not sign upon the tag title contract.... the belts once again within our grasp. And then...the ultimate betrayal....by the very one whom I had left the ring for.... My precious Becca.   Without a visible enemy for her to face within the ring..... without an outlet for the soulless bitch I had spent years turning her into in the ring..... she chose to turn upon the most accessible target....Me and our son. Her inner anger needed a target...and I was it. The fights began slowly...becoming more physical as time passed. I knew inwardly I guess...that it wasn't me she was lashing out at....but her inability to adept to a life without physicality and brutality. After all I was having to deal with that myself. What I could not forgive her for however.... was her choosing herself...over the life we had worked so long to build together. Choosing a fat little contract and leaving, instead of staying by my side where she belonged.... Here final words still burn like a brand upon my heart.... scarring the tissue deeper with each remembrance...
 "We're as OVER and Done  as your career. GOD...you are a SHADOW of the man whom I met..... Where's your fight...your drive Lee?  I want THE SOULLESS ONE...NOT some dried up has been shell of a man.... You lay there playing with Damian with wrestling dolls reliving the past....not MAKING the present...."
 " I told you Becca..... there is nothing left for us to prove. Why can't you simply be at peace...be satisfied..."
 "With what....THIS. Look at yourself....satisfied, what the fuck does that mean. The man I married wasn't satisfied unless gold was around his waist, and his hands were soaked with his opponent's blood..... GOD what I would give to have THAT man back..."
 And with that she had slammed the door. Little did I know then it would be the last time I would see her. The bitch didn't even have the decency to show at our Divorce hearing. Just her high priced attorney showed...and gouged me for half of my life long earnings. Taking me for quite a ride..... Well almost anyways.... At least I still kept our wrestling school.....the place where I met......well let's not get ahead of our selves just yet.
 The writer of the blog pauses a moment. Pausing and remembering those words spoken just about a year ago... However this time around instead of a look of pain crossing his face...a look of evil intent  and a sarcastic smile crosses his face..
 "With what....THIS. Look at yourself....satisfied, what the fuck does that mean. The man I married wasn't satisfied unless gold was around his waist, and his hands were soaked with his opponent's blood..... GOD what I would give to have THAT man back..."
 He mutters to know one in particular.....
 "Silly ....Silly rabbit. Have you learned nothing in our travels upon the road. Expect the Unexpected...and be careful of what you wish for.....it just might come true...."
 His fingers begin flying across the keys of the laptop as he continues to type his entry into the blog.
 Becca..... My dear sweet Becca. I hope you are paying attention my dear. Of course you are.... but even if you are not, we both know word will reach you. Understand this...and understand it well.  What is to come... in the coming days....will be your fault. Bones will be broken and bodies shall be crushed. And as the victims lay at my feet, drowning in pools of their own blood....it shall be you, whom is held responsible. Awakened ....the monster has been. That which had been dormant for several years....now seeks blood. And it is your fault. You asked ...and you received. However this time...the monster is uncontrollable.... the monster is not blinded by your lies and deceit. But then again you already knew that...didn't you. You knew ...nay.... you feared that fact didn't you. Question is my dearest...what exactly was it that tipped you off?  Was it the burning down of Maria's family home..... the battered broken body of your brother  found in the park..... or the dead lifeless body of Kindred left upon your porch that tipped you off ????
 It was their blood that was spilled in payment for your sins. However,.... truest...that bill is FAR from being paid off.  More bloodshed is yet to come.... all in the name of a debt owed by you.... The very rumblings you heard as of last nights pay per view are true..... The soulless one has indeed been reborn..... Baptized in pain by your betrayal....The soulless one now resides within the walls of E Fn W.
 Know well Becca....My victims are your  betrayals sacrificial lambs. Their blood is upon your hands....  Sleep well in that knowledge my pet.... In the knowledge that it has been foreseen, foretold...and forewarned.  They are nothing more then....yet another victim of the soulless one..
 The figure clicks the mouse on the post button.... a female voice behind him speaks out as he closes his laptop...
 "It's time"
 Spawn stands up, straightening his suit jacket.  when he doesn't speak she continues...
 "You're not chickening out are you...having second thoughts....cowardly thoughts?"
 Spawn spins around in a flash. In a blur of movement his hand is upon the woman's throat and hoisting her into the air. His voice a low growl as he speaks...
 " Don't EVER question my motivation!!!!!"
 The woman does not struggle. In fact what she is doing is rather odd by normal standards. For she wears a smile upon her face. It is almost as if she is enjoying having Spawn's hand around her throat. His eyes burn intensely as he glares at her...
 " I did as you asked...did I not.... Paid the price thee asked of me...."
 The woman nods slightly. Spawn gains his composer and lowers her to the ground and releases his grip.
 "Then I have proven myself sevenfold. Do not forget your place woman. You may have been instrumental and the rebirth of the Soulless one....but it was I whom first taught you what it was to be soulless."
 The woman looks down at the ground. Spawn gentle takes her chin and raises it so that her eyes meet his gaze.
 " Do not fret. I have not forgotten the journey we have started upon, nor the goals at hand. The pain continues to consume....the blood thirst still thrives.  I remember the fact well that not only did she betray me....but as your teacher she betrayed you as well. They will pay...ALL of them will pay for her betrayal."
 The females face is filled with anger at the remembrance of her own pain...
 "Then I guess we should linger no longer...the time is at hand to introduce E F W to that which will become it's nightmare."
 "That it has indeed. We shall continue this discussion later.."
 The two head off towards their debut.....
 --- Debut as seen ---
 B****** By Rammstein hits the sound system as the lights lower and pyro goes off. This is it..... FINALLY....the moment the whole world had been waiting for since the pay per view. The return of the SOULESS ONE to the world of professional wrestling. However quickly the cheers of the thousand of fans would quickly turn to boos as no one emerges from backstage. The boos get louder as time continues to go by with no appearance. Finally the arena screens flicker to life and we see what we believe to be the soulless one dressed upon a chair in an expensive white suit. The reason we say believe of course is because his face is hidden in the shadows. A figure...female in nature can just barely be made out standing behind him. A gasp escapes the crowd watching from the true Spawn fans. The reason for their dismay...that the rumors are true. For it was quiet evident that the form bore no resemblance to that of the soulless bitch's. Slightly smaller and more feminine was the figure behind him. Spawn's face, baring his trademark grin was cocked slightly to the side... just barely visible. His tone was flat and even as he spoke...
 "What???? After over a year of being left to rot within the abyss of pain by you useless, spineless bastards...you think I'd grace you with my presence. LIVE and in Living color.....I think not!"
 A loud chorus of boos fill the arena. Spawn pauses. Closing his eyes as he straightens his head. After taking a breath he releases it slowly, before opening his eyes and continuing.
 " It will take a much...much bigger payday for that to happen. Course you all will probably have to go out back and dig up that coffee can containing little Johnny's community college fund to do it...but face it...that little inbred child of you and your first cousin would have flunked out anyway...where at least I am worth the cash.."
 Spawn pauses as if knowing...and rightfully so I large chorus of boos follow his remarks. While he pauses he takes a moment to straighten the sleeves of his suit jacket. Then holds out his hand before him as if studying his manicured nails....
 " EFW huh..... E F'n W......or in this case....F'n EFW....a shithole in a world filled with shitty companies and talentless hacks...."
 Again the crowd voice their displeasure. Spawn draws in a slow breath.
 "Then again it shouldn't surprise me.... it's not like the good old days...back in the days of the MSN Circuit when companies like my own were around and owners understood the true meaning of competition and entertainment. I shouldn't be surprised by the fact that clueless owners and talentless talent have caused the sport to spiral to such an all time low that even quilting shows beat them in the ratings."
 Again The crowd is not pleased and vocalize their discontent. Spawn lowers his hand as he shifts his position upon the chair. He glares intensely upon the camera as the figure behind him places her hand upon his shoulder.
 " Allow me to introduce myself.... Since I know the basic IQ of EFW fans IQ wouldn't register even when it is all combined together. I mean you all seriously are dumber then rocks""
 Another negative reaction from the fans. It is probably a good thing that Spawn wasn't in attendance. Most likely had he been so....it would have been raining Styrofoam cups by now.
 " For those of you that have been living in a cave.... The name is Lee Spawn. HellSpawn.....The soulless one......"
 He receives mostly boos...but their are a few cheers...scattered out amongst the crowd. Coming from the long time Spawn fans.
 " And now....for the million dollar answer....the answer to the question that has been on everyone's mind since Wrestle X......Why am I here...and why did I show up at wrestle X ??????  Why...why...why.....why?????
 Spawn pauses as he scratches his chin as if in contemplative thought. he does so for several seconds in silence, his head cocked slightly to the side, exaggerating the gesture. lowering his hand, his eyes narrow as he stares into the camera...
 " Why...because I could...and because I can....that's why!"
 He pauses for a half second, then continues
 " See I COULD come out here like the hacks of today...demanding title shots...... Spouting off my many accomplishments....."

Scrunches up his face as if in thought...then just as quickly returns to his expressionless look
 "Well...no I couldn't.... I mean I could but these camera guys cost a fortune and I am not going to take THAT much time...... spouting off that list would take as long as reading the list of the nine eleven victims.... course unlike them...my life means something"

Jeers from the fans follow...
 " No.... I will not be like today's talentless morons and do something like that. My many reigns as champion are well documented.  I've been in the business long enough to know how things work. The bookers but some helpless idiot before me...... I leave him in a pool of his own blood and bile....chain of events repeat until finally no other victims remain to throw at me other then some poor smuck wearing the gold thinking he's all that is placed before me. Then the supposed champion realizing only to late that I hold his very mortality within my hands... It's always the same story... but I will tell you.."
 Spawn pauses as a slight smile crosses his face...
 "There is something rather satisfying.... in those few milliseconds before I bust the former champion open....those very seconds that they realize that all hope is lost....and they shit themselves....that is rather rewarding...Because it is only then that they have something in common with all of you fans out there...sitting in your own shit..."
 A huge chorus of boos fill the arena. Spawn smirks slightly as he continues....
 "Instead of doing all that....let's make this about the boys in the back. The helpless victims within the walls of EFW. Very simply boys.....take note of the words spoken here tonight.  For I am only warning you once..... Step into the ring against me..... and you will pay for your mistake in the form of broken bones and spilt blood. While you can not hinder my journey to reclaim greatness...you can speed it up and save yourselves great pain. Instead of placing yourselves in harms way....risking high hospital bills or even the ending of your careers.... think of yourselves. March down to ownerships office right now.... and save yourselves by telling them...... Fuck this....I'm Not getting in HIS was.....you don't pay me enough to be a paraplegic.... you want a sacrifice...then sacrifice the champ cause I ain't doing it..... HELL NO.... "

Spawn pauses, straightening up slightly.
 " Quicken my rise to the top....saving yourself at the same time. That is the only way thee will gain salvation.  It is inevitable that I shall gain championship gold around thy waist. Why should you suffer?  Why should you pay such a costly price for what is meant to be and can not be stopped?  Live to fight another day.  Do your research...come to respect and fear that which is meant to be feared.... For nothing but bodies litter the path I have traveled.  Understand full well that I have no patience or forgiveness for foolishness and stupidity.  For if you step into the ring against me..... hindering and delaying me along the path to that which I seek.... you will only find pain awaits you. For the soulless one shows no mercy. Consider this your one and only warning.... Thus it is written and so it shall be...."
 Spawn slowly lowers his head. It remains bowed for several seconds before he raises it....
 " Still here are you..... (sighs). never satisfied with what is...always wanting more. Such is the way with the cockroaches  called fans.  Fine, one last warning...prepare for what all is none...the world that is E F'n W .... will be turned upon it's heels, upside down. Now.... Let me guess.....you wonder about the beautiful creature residing behind me.......I should just let you all rot in the juices of not knowing...allowing it to fester within you until you burst......but (another sigh) like the pests you are.....you would hound and hound me until finally the only way for relief was to let you know....  I think I will spare myself such aggravation...."
 He gestures slightly with his right hand. The figure moves forward into the light and.....
TBC: ...By Storm....

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