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Still Going Strong ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 05:44:46 PM

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Date Posted:02/04/2010 9:59 AMCopy HTML

The glitz and glamour of Wrestle X is all over, the hype has died down, the event has been shown and what a show it was, for no company can rival it besides one, true, worldwide, mainstream one, but naturally that is the case. And so the road to Wrestle X starts all over, its begins again with Extreme next week showcasing Mack in a similar match to what he just went through, a ladder match, the way to win a Deathmatch. He went through hell and out Gabriel Brooks through hell at Wrestle X and respect grew, talent grew inside of Gabriel and acknowledgement was shown. Now Mack must face Johnny Camaro, a rematch for Camaro from when he first showed up in the company, but at Wrestle X we saw Steve Weigel interrupt the celebration of the end of the main event with a cheap shot to Mack making a statement that he wants him bad, he wants the title, but Gabriel would drop him in a show of respect to Mack. Now what does this mean for next week? Will Weigel be ready to make another statement or will Mack and Camaro tear down the house and show the world why this is Extreme Fucking Wrestling?!
Its been five days since Wrestle X and so its been enough to heal the wounds sustained at Wrestle X, the only problem is, Mack took one day off from wrestling as the company gives Monday's off and he was right back to working shows and will continue to do so until next Monday. His head still has a small bandage on it, his ribs and back bandaged up as he wears no shirt, just a pair of faded blue jeans, his feet bare, his hair brushed back, some facial hair trimmed up and growing in along his jaw line as he just sits back in a chair in his house over in Japan as were still there through next week, he breaths in and out a few times, deep breaths and looks to the floor, thinking, then his head slowly moves up and he just smirks as he begins, again!
Man, the Dome was on fire, Wrestle X was...
He looks off into the distance, out a window where some sun shines in creating that ray of light showing even the finest dust and minerals floating through the air, then turns back with a look of pure passion and says.
It was good to be here and I'll never be able to repay these fans who made me, no matter what I do, no matter how many times I come back, I owe everything I have to this country, well most of it I suppose. Credit is given to the Dungeon, to Mexico, I learned how to work there, to wrestle, to fly, I picked it up quick, but I was a fucking novice when I got here and now look at me, one of the top stars of any circuit, one of the kings of the indies and most definitely the top star in this company!
He stands up now and walks, well, limps a little, into another room, looks like the kitchen. Nothing fancy, just a small wooden table, oak perhaps, a nice stain to it. Mack opens the fridge door and pulls a bottle of Sapporo out, closes the door and pops the top using a bottle opener mounted on the wall. Mack leans against the counter now and takes a swallow of beer, then grimacing he moves forward and sits at the table, upright and looks up saying.
Gabriel Brooks, you know what happened at the end of the show, you know what I was showing you, so I need not say anything to you except two words...Thank You!
He lifts the bottle taking another drink, then sets it down and says.
Now Johnny Camaro, full of talent and potential to be great and were not far off from the rematch of your career. Me and you in a ladder match and you wanted no title on the line, just to prove where ya stand and that is fine by me, its your choice. You and your partner both went through your own hell Sunday, two match each, Nikky may have endured more of a beating, but you both busted ass and tried. Thing is, I went through one match that gave and received more than any of the rest, the match that made Wrestle X and I suffered worse, but I got the most as no one here can lay claim to being better with any sound of truth. Not to say no one ever will be, not to say no one can beat me, just saying, I continue to defy, to go against the grain, to be a true one of a kind and not just your regular ol' individual! I went into Wrestle X less than a hundred percent like I do for every damn show I compete in and now I am at even less, but I still give more, its just who I am, the way I am, that is Shane Mack and this why I remain in a league of my own because I work harder than anyone here at what I do and if ya wanna dispute it, do it, but ya better prove it too!
Mack gets up from the chair now and scoots it in, then lifts his bottle and swallows down the rest. He turns to the sink rinsing it out and turns it upside down to drain in the drainer, then just limps back into the other room, the living room it would be. Mack sits down on his sofa and leans back getting comfortable and says.
I hope you step up like Gabriel did Johnny, I hope more than you and he do it, show me what ya got, prove your worthy of someday being the champ, THE champ, Wednesday night is your night to do it, so ya better be ready. You know I don't et up or hold back, I just give my all and carry everything I can which is always more than I need to, well, not sometimes as I been in the ring with some people who do need it. You don't though, so prove it, to me, to the fans, to the company, to everyone!
Mack slowly lays his body down now and waves us out saying.
I'm done, so scram Sam!
And he just shuts his eyes now, the camera backing up out of the house, the cameraman shutting the door and then we just fade to black leaving the man to rest up, just a little, he deserves it, he earned it, with his schedule, he has nothing left he needs to do!

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