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The Hunger. A Blog for Extreme.

Started by The Rocket, September 25, 2023, 06:01:16 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:04/04/2010 7:49 PMCopy HTML

So here we are. It's been one week since Wrestle X took place and everyone seems like they are healing up from all the battles that took place. I on the other hand am sitting inside a hotel room with all of my things and thoughts and just thinking about everything that's happened this past week has made me...I'm not sure of the word I'm looking for right now but it's the same as when a Lion is about to pounce an animal and eat it for dinner, I guess the word that I'm looking for is hungry.


A problem in todays society that no country on the globe can seem to get under control and it's not for lack of trying. The United States alone sends millions of dollars to different countries everyday just to feed someone somewhere.

However, I'm not talking about the type of hunger that can be satisfied by a juicy steak or a piece of chicken. This hunger can only be fed by a rather large fifteen pounds of gold and leather. The hunger that I am talking about is the same piece of meat that every person in this company should be after. That piece of meat could only be summarized by calling it what it is, the World Heavyweight Championship. 

In this business no matter what company you're working for it's not only my belief but, the belief of some of the greatest men to ever compete in the squared circle, that you should want nothing more in this company then to call that Championship your own. Once you take possession of it then it becomes your main goal in life to protect that Title and make sure it remains in your possession until someone bigger and badder comes along and knocks you off your block. If anyone in this company knows about what it means to be a World Champion they should look to themselves and to either myself or one of my opponents on 'Extreme' this week, Drew Stevenson.

Drew has known what it means to be a Champion in every company he's been a part of. Can the same be said for myself? The answer is No. I know what being a Champion means because I've been the World Champion only twelve times in many different companies around this world. I've performed everywhere under different names or alias's but never have I faced someone who is as big a name as Drew Stevenson. I cannot tell you how many times we have been in the same company and I have wanted to face him one on one in any kind of match you could possibly think of and at the F'n Rumble this past January I got the chance to show Drew not only who I was but, what I was capable of and this Wednesday night on 'Extreme' in Japan from the very famous Budokan Hall I will again show Drew and Gabriel Brooks who I am and just what I can do.

Gabriel had gotten a piece of me the night that I made my debut in this company and it's a little weird that not only won the Rumble but, also went on to face the Champion and lose the match only to gain respect from Shane Mack because of the death match the two had at Wrestle X. I think that the two people in this match that I need to worry about the most are Drew and Gabriel, knowing what I do know about both of them, you've got to think that the winner of this match is soon going to be considered for a title shot at Mr. EF'nW, Shane Mack in the near future and the only person that can walk away from this match with that in the back of their mind is the very same man writing these very Words, The Rocket.

I am the only man in this company who seems hungry enough and wants the opportunity to become World Champion. Drew seems content with where he is in his career and Gabriel has come off of a match that could very well define his career for several years to come but his problem is that he just came up short of taking the brass ring and running away with it. Had I been given that chance Gabriel was I would not have only walked away from the match with the World Championship belt in hand but I would also have Shane Mack's career in palm of my hands to do with whatever I felt like doing with it and had it been up to me, I would more then likely would have thrown it in the trash the second I won that Title, It's nothing personal. I'm just in this game to get that which is most valuable to me and that is that Championship and I dare whoever wants to be the next person to lay in a hospital bed next to Salman Van Dam to get in my way and watch as everything they've worked for to a point come a dead stop.

Wednesday night, I prove not only to the people inside the ring with me but to the entire world why I should be considered as the next number one contender. Plain and simple, I did exactly what I said I was going to do at Wrestle X and if that was any indication of what I am capable of doing to someone then every man and woman in this company better wake up from whatever dream land they are in at this point in time because once I am in the position I know that I will be in soon enough people will have no other choice but to take me and my words very seriously.

The End.

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