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Date Posted:11/04/2010 2:06 PMCopy HTML

And so we go to the news desk where Shane Mack sits with his hair slicked back, holy hell batman, look at the shine and not just on his extra large forehead from the receding hairline, but hair itself, what kinda gel did he use? Anyways, He wears a sports jacket over a tuxedo t-shirt, what the fuck. Ok, so he has something important to say now and his eyes are bugged out, well kinda, even though their also red as fucked and glazed over like a day old donut. Ok, so ANYWAYS...Mack brings to us the latest, greatest, well maybe not greatest, ah fuck, here is Mack with news.
This just in folks, my god, I cannot believe it, its so, so, so, um...
He scratches his head and pulls a joint from under the desk taking a long drag and you hear Julie's voice shout out from off camera.
Ya damn dope head, report the news!
Mack looks up and lowers his hand, grins and exhales smoke now, then goes back to what he was reporting, whatever it is.
Oh yea, yea, so um, what the fuck is wrong with dope anyways, what the hell?
Again Julie says.
Nothing, but stick to the news reporting first, your getting off topic.
Mack just shrugs and says.
But its so bland, blah, fuck, anyways folks. I have reports here that one Bobby James and one Steve Weigel are really not that big of enemies, as a matter of fact it has come to the attention of many individuals close to the two, who want to remain anonymous, that Bobby and Steve are linked to each other in many ways, many intimate ways, but alas, it is all just rumor at this point, but news despite that fact.
He cracks a smirks now, but gets all straight faced and straight laced and says.
But yes, Bobby and Steve, K I S S I N G in a tree, yea, ya all know how that little rhyme goes, how it plays out, how the future children of Booby Jackoff and Stick Wick will look!
He gets a grossed out look on his face and his eyes now go wide, then Mack turns and bends down making puking noises. He sits back up and wipes drool from his mouth, then tries his best look straight again and says.
So anyways, what was I saying?
And so Julie reminds him.
The bit about Bobby and Steve, rumors of them being linked together, c'mon Mack, this was your idea!
He just grins big and pulls a huge ass spliff out sparking it up now, inhales deeply and after like a minute exhales and looks all calm, doesn't give two shits and just says.
Ah fuck this shit, I never was good playing someone else unlike any of these cheap trick fags around here, I always been too good at being myself, being real and spitting the truth. But hey, who am I to disagree with rumors that could be true, after all, anyone will believe anything when its said enough times!
He gets a big grin and takes another hit, then we see a hand reach in and take the spliff. Mack waits and exhales, then says.
Alright, fine, I'll finish up. Um, oh yea, I'm done, lets go smoke!
Mack stands up wearing no pants, just a pair of black jersey style shorts, hmm, interesting when combined with a sports jacket and tuxedo shirt, wonder if he did anything besides weed? He heads around the desk now and tosses the jacket off, then grabs the spliff and takes a deep hit, turns in front of the camera blowing the smoke into it and says.
Man, I just owned 'em all and did a promo that didn't even say shit!
Mack walks off laughing now and walks with him lowering the camera and says.
Your fucking crazy, now pass that thing!
And then the view goes to black and its over now.

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