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You have very much to learn about me. Extreme #167 RP II

Started by The Rocket, September 26, 2023, 10:01:53 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:14/04/2010 3:47 PMCopy HTML

There is always something to be said about a person entering a building for the very first time. During the week of Wrestle X I had never before performed in Japan but, when the lights went on bright and all was said and done I came out the man and have since come out the victor since Wrestle X. Some would say I am in the middle of a rebuilding portion of my career and they would be correct, I still don't know where or how high I will go In the SEF and that's nothing more then me telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

So when I entered this stadium where they mostly play basketball, I simply sucked it up and made my way to the backstage area where all the 'locker rooms' are and when I got to where I was supposed to be the sight before my very eyes was a little disconcerting. All the lockers looked like they hadn't been changed out in decades and the overall perspective was just that of a dirty, unkept place that is being used for a stadium. It's nothing like walking into Madison Square Garden in New York. That arena isn't called the 'Mecca' of arena's for nothing. It is the be all end all arena where legends are born. 

This is hell.

I go ahead and set my things in my little locker space and sit down and simply take a look around the room. Pretty soon people like Johnny Camaro will be making their way into this building so I begin to change into my gear and begin preparing for tonight. The first round of the World Championship tournament, I go up against Johnny tonight to move on to the finals next week and that could be the starting point for all of my dreams to be realized. For one year straight I had the same recurring dream and that is of me standing inside of a wrestling ring with my family standing all around me and cheering for me as I have just become the brand new World Champion of some company but the only thing that changes about this dream is that the company logo keeps becoming less distorted then it was the night before until finally I believe that the Company logo will be that of the SEF. 

Now I know what I was having is a dream and probably not what the future might be in just a few short weeks but, damn it I intend to make this dream come true and I plan on doing it by any means necessary. 

Once my gear is on, I begin pondering what I'm going to say in the promo that I'm about to cut for tonight's show. I begin walking down the hallway and go into a room that the production staff has set up not just for me but, for anyone to use since we are a little bit limited in this stadium. I take a seat in front of the camera and I begin with my head in my hands. As the begin rolling I look into the camera and begin to speak.

The Rocket saysEarly this morning I got online like I always do before 'Extreme' to see what my opponent that week has to say about what I've said about them. I sat and watched Johnny's little promo and the things he was spitting out making his own ego look bigger then the person he really is was all that i got out of his promo. He doesn't WANT this contendership or NEED it like I do, he's simply looking to add another piece of hardware to his list of accomplishments. The reason I called you a kid is because I am ten years older then you are, I am sitting on thirty-five years of age and twelve championships to the single and lasting reign you've had as the World Champion of failed Company.

I continue looking into the camera as the quiet begins to get to me.

The Rocket saysSee I have worked people with a failing company and I have been doing what you have for the past seven years the only difference about us is that while I am a twelve time world champion who knows about this business probably a little bit more then you do is that I doubt highly, that you are going to win this match tonight much less cripple me in the Center of that ring.

I stand up and show all the scars I have all over my body.

The Rocket saysI am not some old man who needs to use a fucking walker together around. I have been in more brutal matches and faced some of the most brutal competition this circuit has to offer. Tonight, you will be the one who needs to be helped to the back by a stretcher. Tonight, you will be the one who's championship dreams go up in smoke. Because tonight when the ending bell of the match sounds and the winner is announced, you will finally be at The End of the championship road.

As I continue to stand I look back into the camera and close this session.

The Rocket saysAnd those are words that you can bet on. Tonight, the winner of this contest will be The Rocket and there is really not a damn thing you can do about it, little boy.

After saying my closing line, I make my way to the door and exit back to the locker room area. I feel really good about tonight. The hour in which a man can either rise above all the doubt in the world and become like a god is almost at hand.

The End.

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