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Livin Large

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 10:46:55 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:30/04/2010 10:45 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 10/7/2007 3:56 PM
Justin2020Katana20Rodgers20Banner.jpg Cena & Eve v picture by kristinbenoit97
Livin Large
Justin & Jade
Mack&Julie/ most everyone else
Next victim
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Titles held
Read their bios plz
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Lacey will enjoy this most
56WindermereEdmontonAlb.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

{We open on the house scene above located in the exclusive Windermere Estates in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada- 56 Winderemere Drive to be exact.  Jade is standing in the driveway in leather jacket and jeans.  She smirks and waves the camera crew into the driveway.  The interviewer and the camera crew get out with their mouths open, trying to look everyway at once.}

Jade:"Yeah, that's the way I used to be too.  {she rolls her eyes} Sometimes its hard to believe that I was ever so poor.  Living like this is now second nature to me.  {The sweet purr of a car is heard and a black aston martin v12h pulls into the drive with tinted windows.  She rolls her eyes as Justin gets out of the driver's side and walks around to the passenger side} "If only I could have some privacy."

Interviewer:"Then why do you let them stay here?"

{Justin paused as he looked over the hood of his car as he helped Katana out of the car.  He leads her around the car, both of them dressed very couture as opposed to Jade.  Katana has her lips pursed and a hand up in the air about to say something}

Justin"I got this, babe."

{Katana tossed her hair and then slung her Prada backpack over her shoulder}

Katana:"Fine, but I got next.  Save me some for when I get done with my Ethics paper."

{Justin snickered}

Justin:"You should cite this as a personal study."

{Jade growled annoyed}

Jade:"What do you want? I'm trying to cut a promo here."

{Justin snickers}

Justin:"Oh, showing off in front of your crib, right?"

Interviewer:"We're not from MTV, we're from SEF but I guess we could highlight Jade's home since we're here."

{Justin scratches between his eyebrows with his middle finger}

Justin:"Yeah, so, um, Jade.  Why don't we run a little promo on the history of the house.  You know, like when you bought it, how much it set you back, and all."

Jade:"Well, hmm."

Justin:"Could that be that its because this is the first time you stayed here?  How bout the red tape that I had to go through just to get you in here and then I come back from the airport picking up Katana,  and you're sitting back pretending this place is your's?  Oh, no, see this is my mom's house.  It cost 1.5 mil when my Uncle bought it for her back in the day.  Property values skyrocketed since then.  In fact, {he points behind the camera} if you go back that way on the next, Windermere Wynd and its the old section where my grandfather lives.  Then you're talking big bucks then.  {he pinched the bridge of his nose.} "I was trying to keep this low key.  {he winces at her} No, I don't mean Low-Ki the wrestler.  I meant the bank it costs to live here, how much my family is worth.  I thought it was important and then my aunt, uncle, and baby cousin were killed.  Things like the Benjamins don't mean the same to me as they did three years ago.  I guess it means more to you since you didn't grow up with it but to straight up lie.......{he smirked and crossed his arms} Run these things by me and I won't burn you so bad.  Now if you're pissed that I outted you on camera and want me to drive you to South Central Edmonton, I'm sure you can stay at the Econolodge or one of those hotels in your budget....{he slaps himself in the head} What am I thinking, they don't rent by the hour.  Maybe you should find someone else to stay with.  I think it would be best because if you come in this house, I don't think you'll make it to Extreme or this fantasy match you want to have with Lacey because Katana will tear you apart."  {he shakes his head and starts to say something when his phone rings} "Sup, TJ, {jade gets this glazed mark look on her face}  Yeah, I know.  I've seen the promos, girl is pissed.  I can't reign her in but Katana wants too.  {he chuckles about something he says} "I know. Give my love to Nattie."  {he hangs up}  "Wipe that stupid look off your face.  You've met famous people before.  You've met Inoki, Ultimo, get over it.  {he shakes his head}  "You know what, {he holds his hands out, fingers spread, palms out} You know what.  I think it would be best if you hung out with Mack.  He's got a lot of years in this business.  Hopefully hanging out where you have access to Whitney and Julie, they can knock some of the green off of you.  For now, I'm done.  If this gets on the air.  Lacey is going to laugh her ass off so you best be prepared.  She's not the only one.  I'd watch your back if you take a walk in the Danger Zone anytime soon."  {he flashed a peace sign at the SEF crew} "I'm out."

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