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Slave To The Grind ----- Mack's Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 27, 2023, 06:30:05 PM

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Date Posted:05/05/2010 10:37 AMCopy HTML

A dark, damp gym somewhere...somewhere unknown, water can be heard dripping from a faucet somewhere, but the only light comes from a single bulb hanging over an old ring making a sort of spotlight cast down over the figure of Shane Mack who stands relaxed, eyes closed, dressed in his wrestling gear, SEF Title around his waist and soon the silence is replaced the sound of Skid Row's SLAVE TO THE GRIND and then the lyrics kick in.
You got me forced to crack my lids in two
I'm still stuck inside this rubber room
I gotta punch the clock that leads the blind
I'm just another gear in the assembly line
oh no
The noose gets tighter around my throat
But I ain't at the end of my rope 'cause
I won't be the one left behind
Can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind
Tear down the rat racial slime
Can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind
Get it?
And now just the music plays, Mack's eyes open and he looks dead fucking serious, determined, focused, hell bent on being the best. He brings his hands up hooking his thumbs on the top of the title belt, then we hear the lyrics again as the song continues to play.
A routine injection, a lethal dose
But my day in the sun ain't even close
There's no need to waste your prayers on me
You better mark my words 'cause I'm history
Yes indeed
You might beg for mercy to get by
But I'd rather tear this thorn from my side

I won't be the one left behind
You can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind
Tear down the rat racial slime
Can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind
They swallowed their daggers by turning their trick
They tore my intentions apart brick by brick
I'm sick of the jive
You talk verbal insecticide
Mack rocks his body a little to beat, he lets it flow through him and his eyes close once again, then we hear.
They swallowed their daggers by turning their trick
They tore my intentions apart brick by brick
I'm sick of the jive
You talk verbal insecticide
I won't be the one left behind
You can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind

Tear down the rat racial slime
You can't be king of the world
If you're slave to the grind

I said slave to the grind
Slave to the grind
Slave to the grind
Slowly the music fades out and back to silence, back to the dropping of water, and Mack opens his eyes back up, his hands still rest on his title and he simply says.
Chris Orton...perhaps the man who in all of SEF's illustrious history has the most potential of anyone. You could be one of the best this company has ever seen, but having the potential to do so means you have no yet done it. This Thursday ya got the man one on one, its you and me one more time Chris and you better be as determined to win as you were the last time in the Hell in a Cell match we had, you better be even more driven to put Mack down or else its gonna end as it always has and Da Shows Ova!
Mack steps forward now and leans on the ropes, then speaks again.
You don't want that and honestly bro, I don't either, I want competition and until you or anyone else around here steps up I got none and it fucking sucks! Maybe just maybe its time for Mack to hang it up, at least in SEF?! Maybe I outta be moving up instead of forward, well, moving up and forward, but I wasn't meaning to be technical about what I said. Fact is, no one poses a threat to me in SEF, but I am World Champion, so how do I go without compromising this belt?
He pauses, a questioned expression on his face and then Mack says.
Whether I just up and leave or take a fall to someone, this title is compromised as the best man wouldn't be holding it, so Chris, I'm fucking telling you right now, your beat me this Thursday, you put Mack down and make yourself, everybody who is listening, push yourself cause it don't matter how hard management can push you or even I can push you in the ring, if you don't push yourself to be one of the best, your never gonna be! People always complain that they don't have shit to work with, that they have less material and I say bullshit! Were all in this business because we have desire to be, wrestling is not just a fucking job and if it is to you, you don't belong and that's a real shoot! If you can't push yourself to make it, then your never gonna. Anyone who ever went through WWE with a shitty gig and complain that they were held down is a fucking liar because the truth is they just couldn't make it in the big leagues, they could not push themselves enough to stand out and the same applies for SEF or any other company on this circuit or another, you either have the talent to stand out or ya don't. You give me any goddamn gig and I will stand out, I always have stood out because I care, I love wrestling, I love this business were in, I love being inside of this ring and telling a story that very few can. Unlike what some people claim like that new kid Brandon Hartman, I really could wrestle my shadow, a mop, a broom, anything or anyone and my match would stand out as one of the best or the best. Brandon is a nobody who needs to prove it, now spew it! Shane Mack has proven he can go the distance and be the man. Everywhere I been too I done it, I made people take notice and stand in awe, so c'mon boys and girls, yes, all ya all cause this is SEF and no one is ever discriminated for any reason. All are welcome to come in and try to make themselves somebody, but remember, you better want to or like what may happen to Chris Orton again...Da Shows Ova!
Mack bends down stepping through the ropes and plops down on the ring apron now, rests his hands on his thighs and says.
So back to Chris now, well, what else can I really say about ya bro? Ya got talent, ya got some will to make it, and as noted, ya got unlimited potential, but most do who enter this business, have potential that is. This Thursday is gonna be a great match between us and I can only hope that step the fuck up even harder than ever before, I can only hope you bring your ultimate best to this dance and stomp all over the ring as if your own it because I'm a already gonna be doing that as I always have, so c'mon Chris, get off of Lacey, pull your shorts up and focus on what lies ahead. And don't even think about telling me to pull my shorts up cause son, I been living this lifestyle for years upon years now, fuck, ninety four to now makes like fifteen some years or whatever the fuck it is. Besides, my girls got each other to please one another while I step inside the ring and give everyone in attendance and backstage the best fucking show they have ever seen. C'mon Chris, push back, push harder, push me down the fucking ladder, compete with me, make me have to work my ass off harder than ever before, c'mon! No one this year has yet to push me hard enough to make me wonder, to question who is better, not a single person has done it because I got no competition. Be the first of the year to make me wonder, can I beat this guy?
Mack hops off the apron and steps closer to the camera now, then stands before it still dead serious and pats his title, then drops his arms and says.
Don't just lay by the wayside and let Mack beat ya, again, step the fuck up Chris, the same goes to everyone as I said, Weigele, James, Camaro, Venom, Daniels, Rodgers, Sorrow, Cage, the so called Hart's and Smith and whoever the fuck else comes into SEF, step the fuck up and put me down or follow the same suit as too many others have, end up another part of the perfect picture I portray when Da Shows Ova!
And just like Mack turns and bam, plants that super kick of his to the camera bringing the view to static and then it fades to black, but hopefully Chris Orton can overcome it, hopefully he can, finally, be the man and step the fuck up, or can he?

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