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universal6 star tag team

The Tempest Team, THC____Nikky Promo

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 27, 2023, 06:52:35 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:06/05/2010 9:26 PMCopy HTML

Panic In The Motorcity


The Devils Saint
"You have often begun to tell me what I am, but stopped
and left me to a bootless inquisition, concluding 'Stay: not yet.'" -Miranda/The Tempest

"Xanthus and Corez, what the hell are you two doing. You try to be fan favourites yet you are acting very dickish. What's going on in your minds? I've never met you, I haven't done anything to you and you have to insult me? Just because you've been faking your death for about 7 months doesn't really give you any right to say, well, anything! You assholes have no respect for anyone yet you expect people to love you? You try to be Stone Cold Steve Austin, and neither of you are him. You try to be bad asses that get over and you just can't. You are worst on the mic and no charisma and you have less then have the in ring ability of Austin. Stop trying! You are too hell bent on trying to be the next big thing that you don't care for anything except winning titles, you don't care that you are being unoriginal, uncharismatic."

 "The hour's now come; The very minute bids thee ope thine ear; Obey and be attentive. Canst thou remember a time before we came unto this cell? I do not think thou canst, for then thou wast not out three years old" - Prospero/The Tempest

"So once again someone must make fun of he way I look, and for what? So you can get the only jollies left in your lives. Can't you think of something else to masturbate to? Please you must tell me what your boring lives must be like. But I Digress, I may look dark and disturbed but you are something else. Corez you look like a crash test dummy grew a beard, your six pack turned to a 24 pack of rolls and your as ugly as an ass (donkey that is). As for Xanthus you've got long shit brown hair -which leads me to wonder- You think you're so fly yet you aren't. You are mister hardcore, but that is more of an insult, it means that you are an idiot that loves pain. I'm pretty sure that's a mental disorder. Well Screeeeew You!"

"...What seest thou else in the dark backward and abysm of time?" -Prospero/The Tempest

"In the abysm of time no one will remember you. Besides what about Johnny's challenge, will you give up what made you...over, for this title shot, will you give up your legacy for a title shot? Will you give it all up, the names, the gimmicks, the history of yourselves for this title? I expect an answer, but besides that we will actually help you if you accept. We will save you, with your current look, name, etc. the police will hunt you down for faking your death. We can help you! Just accept, be men for once. Just grow up and let your testies drop, when you do that you will see it's smart to accept this. Just delve into it, accept the match and save yourselves from your own hell. Give up the past and let us help you do it, so what's your answer?

"Shell, that's all I am right? That's all I've ever been. While you assholes were busy 'dieing' I was busting my ass trying to help this company grow once again. I was trying to bring get people in here to challenge me, and for once SEF can't do it. They just can't challenge me quite enough, you two douche fags are all mouth and no skill so why should I take you seriously? Because you won titles? Hell no, that was in the past, before your 'death'. Now you two are shadows of your former selves, just like the West Coast Connection, except they were challenging!"

"You claim that Johnny is bitchy, but don't criticize him before you are able to criticize yourself. 'We were screwed Johnny, the owner who tried to kill this company, Ric, who thankfully is ousted and no longer running the show, he fired us and stripped us of the gold, he did it to a number of people, twenty some I think it was and there was no reason for it except he wanted SEF to die, but couldn't pull the plug as he did not have full ownership, just majority. He's a fucking dickhead and Johnny, you are indeed a crackhead or ya just got your head too far up your ass to have a clue about what the fuck is reality.' If you look back there was  big 'incident' that happened, those people 'died' or atleast was 'taken'. So once again don't criticize us for your short-comings."

"THC...The Hardcore Connection, sounds just like a team I have faced before. I can't quiet get it...Wait I know, the West Coast Connection. Seems like this place is full of unoriginality. I've been saying this all promo long, you are unoriginal, and it's all ironic. This is exactally what happens in your promos, you go over the samepoint in different words. You say things differently so no one gets it but I do. I get it. I can see that your whole promo was about your being screwed. No other subject! See how stupid it is? You should."

"On Extreme, the Infecion will win and prove why we are the most dominent team in SEF history, we will beat you and crush you. Afterward, you will have a good month or two worth of tag matches just to face us once for the Tag Titles. Just like what I did to the International title, I will bring prestige to this title. I've done it wth everyother title I've held, now it's time for me to do it with this title. THC, good night and have fun with the short comeback you will have in SEF. Peace"

 The Camera Fades Away.  


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