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universal6 star tag team

Lucas and Knox promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 07:25:35 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:09/05/2010 8:01 PMCopy HTML

Andrew_Test.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
. . T h e   W a r n i n g . .
This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge!  I warned you!
. . T h e   R o l e p l a y . .
{{Scene opens in Hardcore Heaven.  Ash is going a few rounds with Knox who is doing really well.  Dusty is at ringside cheering him on.  Lucas is benching alot of weight.  Billy Squier's The Stroke is winding down on the P.A system to be picked up by Back in Black by ACDC.  Lucas chuckles}

Lucas:"Oh the irony."

{Dusty glances up to see the camera crew}

Dusty:"Oh you have no idea, Bubba.  We're being invaded."

{Lucas drops the bar back into its cradle with a clank and sits up.  Dusty comes over and hands him a towel.  He wipes his face and then follows her back to the ring.  Ash kinda salutes the camera before slipping out of the ring.  Dusty has developed a little bit of a smirk as she leans back on the ropes as Lucas steps over the top rope and gets in the ring with Knox.  The two lean forward and look at the camera.}

Knox:"Who knew the American military would move so fast to see me compete in SEF?  They sent duplicate copies of my DD-214 to SEF and to myself.  I guess they want to see if I'll have any similar impact on the sport that Bobby Lashley did.  Lashley was in the Air Force and the rumor is that if you're not an Air Force officer then you don't go to war, unlike the rest of the armed forces who actually have to pull the grunt work.  Now being a Marine we get the shit work.  We get the stuff that no one has the guts to do.  Then when you're in Recon, you get the fun jobs, {Dusty makes a noise and he tosses her an apolgetic look} ok, the dangerous kind of jobs.  My dad did it and I did it.  We did the back bone of the work for the U.S. military machine and we were good at it.  Now in SEF I get to put my different kind of skills to work, no not the b.s. that John Cena pretended he knew how to do in the Marine."

{Lucas snickers}

Lucas:"What about the Marine 2 with Teddy?"

Knox:"You know, I didn't even see it but I'm not going to bash Dibase.  I'm sure he did a much better job than Cena, not to mention that when the movie stopped filming did he stop playing soldier.  Cena still got this whole I'm wearing dog tags worship me because I played marine in a movie. {he looks at the camera very serious} You don't play marine.  You either are one for life or you just not ever.  Now on Extreme, I make my first in ring debut for the first time in years.  You know if not for our opponents this week I would have taken the job with Dallas SWAT that I was offered.  {Lucas frowned} No, not that Dallas SWAT.  I would be down and dirty and not on some reality show.  It's only one or two teams that do the show.  Like when Barry did a spot on the show because he was going to work Post-Katrina with his partner whats his face that was also from New Orleans."
Lucas:"What? I like the show."

{A few seconds where Knox just stares at him with a dark look.  Knox then turns back to the camera}

Knox:"You know I could actually care less about the titles THC.  {shakes his head}  I just want to beat on Corez until he bleeds.  He took my wife at an impressionable age, did all kinds of things to her, and then just drops her on her head.  Then three years later he decides to come clean with an explanation as if it was just a what was it that Hayden called it Loki?"

Lucas:"She said something like she saw it as a post it on a computer screen."

Dusty:"Yeah It was Sex N' The City.  It was done to Miranda I think."

{The men stared back at her blankly.  When Lucas turns away she gives a naughty little smirk to Knox who raises an eyebrow and then turns back to the camera}

Knox:"Yeah as cold as that whatever it means.  You took out your frustrations on a rookie.  I want to see you try to take your frustrations on on grown men.  You want to know what made her so quiet and depressed?  You should have asked.  Me.  I made her depressed.  I was never in the same place twice.  I was embroiled in the midst of two wars being shuttled back and forth between the two, being dropped in the middle of 'problem' areas.  Maybe if you'd actually listened instead of being jealous about what was going on then maybe you would have realized that people she'd grown up with were overseas fighting for a way of life that you take for granted Corez.  You and Xanthus.  Oh, I can't wait for next January.  {he and Lucas snicker.}  See the boys at DPS are going to be on you like crazy so if I were you?  My advice to you boys is to meet up in Memphis and drive to the big D.  You'll regret it if you fly."

{Lucas shifts his balance from one foot to the other}

Lucas:"If you show up at our family's school, Damage Inc, then you'll regret it.  For the entire time SEF is in Texas, {he smirks} then well let's just say that they'll be no THC or Impact X 'breaking it down' or lighting it up.  See what you people don't know is that our dads, and their crew are either Texas Rangers or members of The State Narcotic Bureau.  My dad happens to be with the Narcotics Bureau and let me tell you, his dog is a pain in the ass.  He once chewed up my wallet to get at hundred dollar bill out of wallet that had some trace narcotic on it.  Damn dog."

Knox:"Suck it up, Marine.  {Lucas snickers} "So you lost a hundred dollar bill, I'd be pissed that your Grandfather made you take a piss test. {he snickers at Lucas' obvious discomfort} "You'd have thought he'd test my Uncle Speirr for paying you with the laced Benjamin."

Lucas:"Don't you think that's why he's hiding under that bastard Jindal's protection in Louisiana.  Barry told me Buquet's been after him for the last two years, but he hides out in Jefferson Parish and Segal is on a power trip."

Knox:"That still kills me.  A movie star is the Sheriff in a major American city."

Lucas:"Hell, they made a movie star president."

Knox:"Yeah but Regan didn't take any shit. That's why his nickname was Ronnie Raygun.  Republicans don't normally play."

Dusty:"Okay enough with the Poli Sci 101."

Lucas:"You wanna talk Poli Sci?  Then here's a term you'd here in the Poli Sci where they talk about military.  Xanthus is going to be collateral damage.  He'll be taken out as an afterthought or a by product of the punishment that we have reserved for you Corez.  So enjoy the tag titles you recently won.  I noticed this is a non-title match.  Good for SEF.  They know we aren't interested in the tag team gold.  We are interested in pain."

{Knox nodded}

Knox:"Now you're focused, Loki.  Pain and, {they look up at the flat screen and start laughing} "I told you he had a darkside.  You think you know your brother so much better than I do.  Tell me that isn't dark."

{They look up at see Justin knock Bobby James out in a different gym somewhere}

Lucas:"Maybe he's coming around."

Dusty:"He might be but if you'd paid any attention to his match, then you'd realize that jerk punked Justin out after his match.  That's just pay back."

Knox:"It's about time."

Lucas:"He's still about the gold.  {shakes his head} "Poor kid has his priorities messed up.  Some things are more important than championship belts."
. . T h e   D i s c l a i m e r . .
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