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Shootin' Straighter Than You Can ----- Xanthus & Corez Promo

Started by Da Gangstas, September 27, 2023, 07:50:06 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11/05/2010 7:45 PMCopy HTML

Standing in front of a typical SEF backdrop again is Corez with Xanthus, both are wearing THC shirts with their newly won and rightfully restored Tag Titles hanging off their shoulders, both wearing loose blue jeans. Xanthus sports his usual dark glasses and Corez speaks first.
First things first, Knox, I was approached about what happened three years ago and I said already said, I dropped Dusty because she dropped me first. She failed to communicate, defend her all you want as you should do, but fact is son, two wrongs don't make a right. I never claimed to be in the right with what I did, I simply did it because she dropped me mentally and emotionally, she left me alone many fucking nights wondering, what the fuck did I ever do to her?! I didn't just carry her, but her bags, every fucking thing, I tried to talk to her, I asked, as I said, I poured everything I had into that relationship, I loved her and I got burned by her, so I want nothing more to do with her as indicated by not coming around to any of you, but naturally, you came to me! I was minding my own business, focusing on want matters, these titles, so if your not here for them, then your in the wrong place. You want to make me bleed, beat my ass, try it son and your gonna find out that the real rookie around here is you and your whole fucking crew! I don't give a shit where you have been, I've put in a few years with SEF and made myself one of the guys around here that is regarded as a veteran, not some no name punk like yourself thinking he's worth a damn because he's been in the military, because his dad or someone's dad is a Texas ranger, oooh, guess what Knox, Riot, Lucas, all you bitches, you can't keep THC out of anyplace we want to be in and as far as Impact X goes, that's Mack's crew and he's more made than you'll ever be, so don't fuck with him and us at the same time, you'll get annihilated!
He pauses and Xanthus shouts out now.
Why the fuck we gotta face these jack offs for anyways, not like their a credible tag team?
Corez just shrugs and says.
I know, should just been me and Knox, hardcore style too, but fuck it, we can whip their asses tag team style, then hopefully this bitch and I get to tangle one on one and he learns real quick that this is a mistake. And wher eteh fuck does he get off bashing us because we don't serve in the military?
Xanthus shakes his head at that one and says.
Just another bunch of gung ho, uptight airheads with no clue about reality. They think if your not in the military that your not as good as them, that your no hero, that we take life for granted. Bunch a fucking idiots got no clue as to who the fuck we are, so fuck you both in the ass and I'll be the one giving it to ya with my Singapore fucking cane, yea, ya probably would like that huh? I'll stick it up Dusty's little ass too and your fucking kid ya no good asshole, c'mon, test me boys, fight me, make ME bleed, c'mon ya punk fucking assholes!
He gets all aggressive right up to the camera and gets pissed now swinging around and kicking at a meta crate while Corez shrugs and shakes his head, then says.
Look man, not the kid and not Dusty either ok, settle down X.
He just picks up a trash can now and throws it at the back drop, then Corez picks up X's Tag Title and tosses it to him. Xanthus lays it back on his shoulder and says.
Knox, Lucas, it don't matter who your regular tag partner is, your facing two guys who define what tag team wrestling is all about, we are a better team than you as we have proven it far more than you have as you haven't had a match here even. So c'mon boys, keep on spewing your bullshit lies trying to bring my bro down, keep on telling yourself that you're a hero, keep on building yourself up to be this big and bad defender and come Extreme we'll break your ass down and make you look like the bitch you truly are. Bring Riot with ya if ya want, bring Dusty and the kid, bring them all down and we'll bust that many more heads!
Corez just shakes his head again and says.
Really man, the kid and Dusty? I mean, if Dusty wants to get in the ring, fine, but the kid, I don't even know if it can walk!
Xanthus just shrugs with no care and says.
So fucking what?! These punks want to spew lies to you, then lie even more saying you finally came clean when the truth is they came to you, they approached you and Knox don't know shit about what went on between you and Dusty. I know just as much as he does about that relationship because you confided in me bro, but I'll never know anymore than you and Dusty know and no one will. These bitches think they know when they have no clue. I can't wait for that military minded meddlesome bitch to step into our world, can't wait for all of them to enter our fucking domain and find out that saying it is far from doing it!
Xanthus is looking all amped up and pissed as Corez now says.
Knox, Lucas, the only reason this match is not for these titles is because you have not earned a shot at them. You not caring about them just means you probably won't earn a shot at them and as for beating me down, as stated by us before, its all about the size of the fight in the dog-
And Xanthus cuts him off.
Not the size of the dog! You can be the biggest pile of shit walking the earth, if shit could walk which it does after seeing you boys!
They both laugh now and Xanthus says.
In the end your still big piles of shit and we don't mind getting our hands dirty in order to clean up a little bit of shit messing up our ring. So bring all you got bitches, bring it all, bring them all and we'll clean it up and light up any fucking time we want and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it, so fuck you!
Xanthus does a crotch chop, then several really quick ones and grabs his nuts yelling.
He then walks outta view as Corez just shrugs and smirks, then says.
Once again boys, you wanted a war, you got a war and on Extreme blood will be shed from all four of us and a winner, well, no titles on the line, the first battle, yea, if you really think there is gonna be a clear winner at the end of our match your wrong, your dead fucking wrong because when you go to war with us, you better be prepared for worse than you ever saw on any other battlefield. You don't have to fly overseas to see people killed, families shattered, buildings blown up, to see war happening, you simply have to open your eyes and open your mind and realize your no better or worse than any of us, so grow up you sack of shit. I don't condone what my bro said about your kid, and even Dusty to some extent, but you came to me first, you wanted answers from me, well Justin originally, but you still came to me, so get off your trip and suck it up and like my bro said!
He does a crotch chop and yells.
Corez then smirks and catches his title slinging it back to his shoulder, then a Singapore cane comes into view cracking him in the ribs. Xanthus steps side to side going for a Russian leg sweep using the cane, but gets elbowed in the head by Corez who shoves him and grabs the cane cracking X in the ribs now, then lights him up with it and Xanthus looks crazed yelling for more, yelling.
Corez cracks him hard across the jaw and Xanthus spins around to his knees. He whips up and around looking insane, his eyes blank and he yells.
Corez cracks him on the side of his head and Xanthus stumbles to the side in front of the backdrop, then Corez charges and tackles Xanthus into the backdrop breaking through the fence. He pulls X out of it and up to his feet in a facelock and nails The Corez Effect on the floor. He then gets to his feet and picks up both Tag Titles, looks into the camera and says.
Now you may be thinking we can't work as a team after this, but guess what boys, we do this on a regular basis and ask yourselves this? If we beat the hell out of each other, what limit is there to what we will do to the two of you?
Corez pauses and Xanthus pulls himself up throwing an arm around Corez. Some blood comes from a cut on his arm he got from the barbed wire fence and he acts like its not there as he says.

There is no fucking limit, so again, fuck you. Now lets get outta here.
Corez hands him a title and says.
Yea, lets fly cause there ain't nothing left to say to them fucking chumps, probably a waste of time doing this as they won't get it like they didn't get my explanation of what happened, so fuck them, lets go!
Corez follows Xanthus outta view and that's it, just a destroyed promo set and now the view fades to black.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Shootin' Straighter Than You Can ----- Xanthus & Corez Promo
Date Posted:11/05/2010 11:00 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 11/25/2006 9:55 PM

____x.."Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon



Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

{{{OOC: Riot talks a bit about his match so if you are in his match pay attention}}}

{{{Knox is fuming.  He is going around looking for X and Corez....mostly X now.  Lucas and Riot are in tow.  Lucas is trying to talk him out of doing anything crazy.  Riot doing the opposite.  He finally turns and stops the all short}}

Knox:"I don't give a damn, Luke!!  You heard what he said about Emily!  She's not even three years old!  She's not apart of this!  She never has!  Xanthus had no right to bring her into this!  Dusty and I are grown ups!  We knew this would be a war with THC when we decided to come up here and raise some hell!  He wouldn't have even have known she existed if I hadn't got lost at the Saddledome."

Lucas:"I can understand wanting blood, it pissed me off too but in the ring!"

Riot:"Why does it have to be in the ring?  Do you not even understand what he was wanting to do to a child?  Corez was even trying to reason with him and couldn't.  {he brushes his hair back out of his eyes and looks almost insane himself} Xanthus needs to be put down like a rabid dog.  I actually don't mind getting blood on my hands. I'm used to it.  It makes me miss Northcutt's Fight Night down in the French Quarter.  {his eyes gleam with malice} if she was my daughter and not my niece I wouldn't have waited for either of you like he waited for us."

Lucas:"I think he brought us so someone could bail him out of jail."

{Riot looked between the two of them}

Riot:"Then why did he bring me along? I'm always the one accused of inciting, {he smirks} a riot."

Lucas:"Ha Ha, pun intended I'm sure.  Ok so maybe I'm here to bail the two of you out.  You don't think Extreme will be soon enough?"

{Knox grabbed Lucas by the shirt}

Knox:"Dusty will bail me out of jail.  What I need the two of you for is to keep that bastard Corez out of my way while I crack that fucking disgusting pedophile pervert's head wide open!  This is gone far beyond my problems with Corez.  I could care less that they think you and I think we're better than them because we were Marines.  I think we're just simply better.  If things go the way I want then Xanthus will never make it to the fucking show!"

{He finally released Lucas and turned to Riot}

Riot:"I understand your blood lust.  There are times when blood flowing freely like water are the only acceptable way to handle things.  I may have to do the same to Justin if he gets in my way on Extreme.  I actually enjoyed watching Sorrow bleed.  I didn't think I would enjoy it so much but....{he snickers} Jade wasn't walking to well the day after."

Lucas:"Shit, {Lucas shook his head} maybe we should just lock Riot in a cage with Xanthus and sit back with some popcorn.  {he raises an eyebrow} "Fuck Justin up to much and we'll have issues."

Riot:"You'll just have to deal with it."

{Knox pushed the two of them apart.  He opens the door of the next bar }

Knox:"Knock it off!  We're looking for Xanthus and Corez.  Xanthus isn't going to make it to Extreme."

{They enter the smoky room}

Riot:"There they are."

{Riot runs across the room and starts wailing on Corez, knocking him off his tool.  It only takes him a second for him to recover, fighting back.  Xanthus starts to help but gets blindsided by Knox.  Lucas gets in the middle of it two a couple of minutes of fighting before the bouncers jump in the middle of it breaking them apart.  There's a little blood here and there.}

Riot:"You fucking sick bastard!" {The Bouncers won't let them near each other so Knox wretches back and spits a major loogie on him.} "If I catch you anywhere near my wife and daughter I'll fucking kill you!"

◦թιηκ▫ქαղтąşγ◦ at DAF like what you see then click the link and request! Dont be a smart ass and decide to steal cause in the end you'll be the one looking steal once I catch your ass! Dont mess with me bitches!

Knox O'Bannon.xx___

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Da Gangstas

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Re:Shootin' Straighter Than You Can ----- Xanthus & Corez Promo
Date Posted:11/05/2010 11:31 PMCopy HTML

Xanthus is able to break free of the bouncers grip and leaps up delivering a spin kick right to Knox's face busting his nose and blood splatters. The bouncers rip Xanthus backwards against the bar and slug him in the gut trying to wind him. Knox tries fighting up off the floor, but the bouncers pin him down there as Riot is held back and Corez gets free holding his arms up, he was after all defending himself. He helps restrain Xanthus while one of the bouncers helps to get Riot and Knox out of here as does Lucas who Corez looks at and says.

Yo man, keep your boys in check. We were doing just fine chilling in here. Spare the lies and save it for Extreme!

Xanthus yells out now.


Corez gets him in a headlock now and wrestles him to the floor now and the bouncers drag the others out, then a couple come back in looking to escort them out. Corez gets Xanthus up and they run for the back door flying out of it and down the alley off to, to, fuck, only they know, but rest assured, they'll be at Extreme where the real action takes place!

***30 Minutes Later***

We find Xanthus and Corez sitting in another bar chilling and drinking some beer, Xanthus having a Corona while Corez has a Heineken and Xanthus says.

I can't fucking wait man, oh, but its better to do so, lay in wait, think, manipulate, lay a better trap, suck them in, then destroy, end their miserable existence!

He takes a drink and Corez just says.

Yea, fuck man, I'm beginning to agree with your way of doing things cause I'm sick of this bullshit. I understand defending yourself, family, honor, whatever it is you defend, but thing is, I only defended myself when approached by Justin in the first place, when approached by all the rest as well. I don't care if you happened up us cause you were lost, they all instigated and insisted I was to blame when really no one is to blame. Dusty lost feelings for me and I eventually lost them for her and I ended it, I dumped her. Get over it because I have! I battled head family three years ago and put them all in their place and now myself and my bro here Xanthus are gonna battle the family again and like last time, put them in their place, show them they started something they can't handle, they got a war they won't win because number one being that they started it and number two is, they had no more right to do it than Xanthus had to bring their daughter into this. As far as that goes, ya reap what ya sow, so you keep thinking your better and in the right and we'll keep putting ya down, putting ya in your place and proving your wrong!

Corez downs his beer and calls for another now as Xanthus nods in agreement and says.

Fuck them fake ass posers!

He drinks his beer and they just sit back shooting the breeze now as we zoom out leaving them be and soon the view fades away to black.

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