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U Want the Truth - U Can't Handle the Truth - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 27, 2023, 08:11:49 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:13/05/2010 6:16 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
U Want the Truth? .. U Can't Handle The Truth!w/Dynasty Divas vs Jade Hart, Steve Weigel & TinaChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championyeah i totally ripped off nicholson .. so sue me! lol ..


As Lacey turns to speak to her fellow Dynasty Divas her attention is caught by the promo airing on the monitor. She turns to face the screen and watches Tina and Mack with a scowl on her face. When the promo finishes Jade and Hayden start talking about how much crap Tina and Mack are spewing out of their mouths and Lacey holds up a hold silencing them both.

LD: Enough already! I am sick to death of all the verbal garbage already, we don't need to add to the heap!

Lacey turns to the camera.

LD: This on?

The camera moves up and down as though nodding and Lacey smiles grimly.

LD: Good! Now this little shit-flinging fest has gone on way too long, so this right here will be the end of it, at least on my part. Tina you say you want the truth ... fine!

Lacey swings her gym bag from her shoulder and reaches inside it and pulls out her TV title as she tosses the bag to the floor. She holds it up close to the camera.

LD: This right here is the truth! This right here says I'm a better wrestler than all of you and nothing you can say will change that!

Lacey throws the strap over her shoulder and holds it there with one hand as she smirks.

LD: Tina, you go on about how hard you've trained and how much you're learning and that my girls are nothing but fake blondes and how we shouldn't under-estimate you and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Right now you are both as bad as each other .. and Shane Mack ... really honey, I'm suprised you got pulled into this whole slanging match. I thought you were above that?

Lacey raises her eyebrows.

LD: Hmmm ... maybe you're not all you say you are? After my man kicked your ass last week maybe we should re-consider a lot of things about you? .. Anyways I'm getting sidetracked and someone who is as focussed as me doesn't do that. But while I'm on that train of thought ...

Lacey turns to Hayden and Jade.

LD: You know I love you girls right?

Jade and Hayden both nod their heads.

LD: And I really appreciate you coming down here and having my back but do me one favor and never, ever compare me to Whitney again! It's like comparing Bruno Sammartino with Bret .. different eras, different barriers to break through ... you can't compare, got it?!

Lacey has a very serious look on her face as Jade and Hayden look at each other and then back to Lacey and nod their heads again. Lacey smiles at them both.

LD: Good! It's just since I came down here I've been busting my ass to get somewhere and now I finally have I don't need stupid-ass fueds which get me no-where! I know you're here to help but it's a fine line and sometimes I think you don't realise when you cross it. 'Kay?

Jade: Sure, we get it

Hayden: We're just here to have your back Lace

Jade: Yeah sisters to the end right?

Lacey smiles.

LD: Yeah I know .. so we're good right?

Jade and Hayden both nod and agree as they all smile, all harsh words forgiven and forgotten. Like most sisters they share the freedom of being able to say pretty much anything to each other. Jade and Hayden both pick up their bags.

Jade: Look we're gonna go ahead and get some lunch ... we'll see you there?

LD: Sure, save me a seat.

The girls all hug as Jade and Hayden leave and Lacey turns back to the camera and re-focusses as though she'd almost forgotten it was there. She shakes her head slightly as though to clear her thoughts and an evil smile comes across her face.

LD: So where was I .. oh yeah .. at the truth. I am sick and tired of all this back and forth pointless name-calling ... my girls are bubble-heads, Tina and Jade are whores, Stevie Weiner is a loser ... whatever! Saying is one thing and doing is another! I am through with talking about how bad I'm going to hurt anyone who steps into the ring against me ... my record speaks for itself and tonight when I stand victorious once again, my actions will speak louder than anyone's words!

Lacey bends to pick her sunnies out of her bag and then pops it on her arm as she straightens up to walk away. When she reaches the door she turns back as though she remembered something and the biggest smirk stretches across her face.

LD: Oh yeah ... and that's not a threat ... that's a promise!

Lacey laughs nastily as she pushes through the door and slides the shades down to cover her eyes.

End of rp

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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