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Dynasty's Gonna Get Ya! - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 28, 2023, 08:40:38 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:19/05/2010 10:35 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Dynasty's Gonna Get Ya!w/Jade Hart vs Jade Hart & Megan SorrowsChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championsorry it's a bit late .. had a bit of a mare this week!


The camera opens up on Lacey Daniels standing in her hotel room wearing a black robe. She's checking her phone and laughing, she's obviously got a text she finds amusing. She shakes her head with a wry smile as she heads over to the sofa, tapping out a reply as she puts her back to the camera. Quickly finishing sending the text she drops the phone onto the seat and then slowly slips her robe down to the floor to reveal her in nothing but some sexy black lingerie. She turns to face the camera smirking as she casually runs her hands down her body lightly caressing herself, knowing how good she looks. Teasing a la Trish Stratus to Bubba Ray Dudley.

LD: ... Mmmm ... hey Stevie ... see something you like?

Lacey grins and turns and lies down on the sofa, on her side, one hand under her head.

LD: I know you do, see last week you tried to deny it but let's get real ... we both know that you crave me, you want nothing more than to get your hands on this perfect body of mine. Last week must have been a real thrill for you, me sprawled over you for 3 whole seconds. Best 3 seconds of your life I'll bet! But the simple reality for me is .. it was nothing more than a win, another victory in my record book. In fact if I hadn't thought holding a win over you would be so funny I definitely wouldn't have even got in the ring with you. See little Stevie Weiner ... last week is the closest you have ever been physically to me and trust me, unless we're in another match together .. it's the closest you will ever be. You want to talk about how Chris is a nothing but yet in the next breath you reveal how jealous you are of him, how much you want to be in his shoes.I bet you love to fantasize about our sex life, but keep your sick little ideas to yourself cos nobody wants to hear about your pathetic little dreams. You can't have it both ways Stevie boy ... deep down the real reason you got so drunk is because you know that really want to be Chris, ain't that right? .. ... Well too bad because you will never be him and you will never get this, so deal with it. Chris can put whatever he wants on the line in your match ... it's not as if you're exacly on the up now is it? I mean who here hasn't kicked your ass ... me, Shane Mack .. the list goes on and after Extreme this week .. you can add Chris's name to that list.

Lacey laughs nastily as she reaches down for the robe and wraps it back around herself as she sits up and gets a serious look on her face.

LD: So this week I'm involved in another tag match ... as if me and my Dynasty Divas didn't make enough of a point last week and we're facing Fake Hart and Megan Sorrow.

Lacey shakes her head arrogantly.

LD: I'm sorry but isn't Megan the sorry-ass-bitch I beat for this beautiful belt right here?

Lacey reaches down and pulls the title from the chair next to her into shot and takes a long lingering look at it before kissing it and placing it on her lap.

LD: I think Megan already knows that she's toast in this match, I've beaten her so many times it's almost starting to get boring but then .. hey, I'm one of those that can always kick a dog when it's down!

Lacey laughs nastily.

LD: And as for Fake Hart ... oh girl .. I would not want to be in your shoes this week. I'm bringing the real deal Jade Hart with me, my sister by another mister ... and you my sweet, are in deep, deep shit! She's been talking about nothing else but beating the living crap out of you. You certainly got under her skin honey and now, she's going to literally tear yours off your back! Woowhee it's gonna be an ugly scene ... you know what I would do if I were you cupcake?

Lacey leans forward to the camera and lowers her voice as though sharing a secret.

LD: .. I'd stay away, hide in a corner and get someone else to take my place ... someone like .. hmmm Dusty!

Lacey laughs out loud and then turns her head as her phone beeps. She scoops it up from the floor and reads the new message and smiles to herself and nods her head.

LD: About time! ...

Lacey turns to the camera.

LD: So Megan ... Fakie ... sluts united ... bring your sorry-wannabe-asses to the ring and the Dynasty Divas will show you how it's done ... how real women get the job done in SEF ... and when it's all over you can sit back in awe and hope and pray that one day you'll be as good as we are. Because babycakes ... you girlies don't stand a chance. We're gonna take you to school and take the opportunity to make examples of you and why people should never fuck with us ... and that's not a threat, that's a promise!

Lacey smiles sadistically as the scene fades to black

End of rp

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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