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to corez

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 09:03:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/05/2010 8:58 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
The Prodigy

{{Justin has a small bandage on the side of his head as the camera catches him in his locker room.  He's staring at the bandage in the mirror.  He starts digging around in Katana's make up case}}
Justin:"Hey Baby! 
{Katana starts to come out but grabs one of Justin's shirt and buttons it up before stepping around the corner}
"Where's the liquid bandage?"
{Katana walks in long legs almost hidden by the shirt.  She reaches into the bottom}
Katana:"Down here with the nail polish."
{He sits down}
Justin:"Fix me up.  I can't have this freakin' bull's eye on my head."
{He sits dow on the couch and Katana has to stand up to put the liquid bandage to close up the wound that he got from being hit with the 2x4.  It's not a big wound but butterfly bandages would be better.  She puts quite a bit and hands him a hand mirror.  He nods and then pulls her into his lap}
Katana:"You sure you should go over there."
Justin:"It's not like I'm going in for a stable application.  I came off as an asshole to Corez and that wasn't my intention."
Katana:"I know."
Justin:"So I'm going to go over there and talk to the whole stable."
Katana:"Do you think that's wise?"
Justin:"Xanthus is a bit off the wall but Corez and I have enough history that I think he might hear me out.  {he grins} Besides plus Shane Mack will be there and if things go down he'd kick all of our asses for killing his buzz."
Katana:"If you're sure."
Justin:"Look babe, the thing about Shane Mack is...if you don't start shit then there won't be any shit."
{he scoots her off his lap and starts toward the door}
{Justin turns, cocky thinking she wants a kiss.  She's pulls her hair back into a pony tail and slips into some juicy couture shorts, some Nike shox, and turns her back to the camera to take Justin's shirt off so she can put on a t-shirt.  She turns around and starts walking toward him.  The shirt has the outline of the state of Texas on it.}
Justin:"What are you doing?"
Katana:"I'm coming with you." {Justin frowns} "No.  You trained me to have your back.  You know damn well that after what Lucas did to you and years of battles with Riot, you know that I'm the only one you can count on to have your back in this zip code."
Justin:"Fine. {He opens the door and lets her walk through.  He shuts the door behind them and takes her by the hand}"I do trust you but as far as going to Impact X's locker room....I'd feel safer with you with me and even with them rather than leave you alone in here.  {they get directions and knock on the door.  Katana's a little tense.  He holds her face in his hands} "Relax.  You know Jade.  You could take her one on one and the other guys won't touch you if you just be cool."
{Jade opens the door and looks at them a little shocked}
Jade:"What's up?"
Justin:"I need to talk to Corez."
{Jade lets them in and glances appreciatively at the way both of their asses look in jeans.  Justin shakes hands with Mack.  Jade goes and curls up with Corez.}
Jade:"He wants to talk to you, Sexy."
{Justin turns to THC}
Justin:"Look, I came to you a couple weeks ago to ask questions.  I came off like an asshole but I was trying to end the heat we had three years ago.  I want to apologize for how I came off.  It wasn't my intention to be a dick.  I also wanted to give you a heads up about my brother.  He's gone off the deep end and he and are going to dance more than once tonight.  He's up to something.  I just don't know what.  I just wanted to give you a head's up that if I know him as well as I do then he'll try to come up with someway to interupt your match."

Da Gangstas

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Re:to corez
Date Posted:19/05/2010 11:00 PMCopy HTML

Corez just looks up and shrugs saying.

I'm over it dude, your fucking, whatever they are, is who me and X are gonna kill. This ain't no match were having tonight. The Prison Yard MATCH is gonna be what Mack gives us, but the Prison Yard FIGHT is what Knox and Riot got coming. I never held a grudge against ya, not even Dusty and she's the only one who hurt me, so yea, its all cool and Xanthus is an asshole, so just give him a swift kick or toss a bottle at his head!

Corez downs his beer and tosses the Heineken bottle that way. Xanthus catches it and just sets it down and says.

Fuck you bitch, I'll toss myself at ya and whoop yo ass ya little faggot!

Corez just laughs as does everyone else does and says.

Oh shut up and save it for beating off, I mean up, your buddy Knox!

He grins and Xanthus just flips his middle finger to Corez who grabs his nuts motioning X to suck him off. Jade grabs them and says.

That's my job!

Corez just grins and Xanthus looks at Justin and Katana saying.

So you two gonna stand there all day or ya gonna have a fucking seat?

Mack smirks and says.

Maybe if you moved your fat ass and let them sit down!

Xanthus leaps up and turns to Mack saying.

Well then scoot your ass over.

Katana now says.

Sit down Xanthus, Justin can be my seat, its what he's good for.

Justin just arches a brow and smirks as that gets a laugh, then Katana shoves him to the sofa next to Xanthus and plops down on hi slap, Justin's as Mack says.

See, shut up X, your as bad as that fake ass poser Camaro who still wants to be just like me, walking and talking trying to copy me, proclaiming shit about himself that is all me and he can only DREAM of doing, spewing his lies, walking around with his cheap ass replica of something he'll never have and now he claims his singing was better yet his promo was the most muted promo of all time!

Everyone looks kinda confused and Corez says.

What the fuck, how did ya find that info out?

Mack looks shifty eyed and says.

Well, I don't know, but it sounded good unlike his singing, did ya hear it?

Corez just laughs and nods yea as Justin says.

I sure did and it fucking sucked, besides that, weren't you making a point by rhyming some deep lyrics?

Mack nods yea and says.

Indeed I was, indeed I was, Camaro just doesn't get it, but he could, I think, beginning to want to retract anything good I said about him, then again he would just lie anyways and pretend I always bashed him. Johnny's in over his head tonight, a far cry from the first time we faced when he actually posed a threat. Now he just acts bitter and whines, like a fallen wrestler yet he never rose up anywhere because he never even gave half of what I ever did and that's a shoot! But anyways, we gotta little ritual before Extreme, helps me own bitches like Camaro even better!

Justin grins and says.

Yea, I get it, whatever helps, least its not bad for ya! We'll head out and let ya all do your thing.

Mack says.

Cool, take the beer with ya and stop in again if ya want.

Justin and Katana get up and head out now waving to the crew, then walk out shutting the door and the camera stays, Mack just grinning at the cameraman who obviously wants to get high too. The camera is set down and we fade to black.

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