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Shattered Reality Extreme 172 rp 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 09:10:07 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:25/05/2010 8:33 PMCopy HTML
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LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{{{Lucas, Knox, Riot, and a huge guy with long hair who looks a lot like the Wolf man are gathered around a pool table.  The mystery man is wearing a black t-shirt and leather pants.  The shirt has a bloody 13 that is slashed into a torso on it.  It's the official logo for Riot's tattoo parlor, 13 in the French Quarter.  He points at the camera with his pool cue and Lucas shakes his head}}}

Lucas:"No Lestat you can't shove that stick up his ass.  Although we should probably bring you in soon since someone thought it would be great if we all should be thrown into a match with Shane Mack.  All of the people in this match and they throw us in with the Riot wannabe."

Riot:"Stop calling him that.  {he lines up a shot and sinks the 4 ball} "He's nothing like me.  I on the other hand can sing but I was under the impression that this was Showstopper Extreme Federation for Wrestling, now Showstopper's Idol.  So Venom and Mack wanna have a sing off?  Maybe they wanna do a dance off next.  Wear some of those skimpy ass clothes that they always try to squeeze their fat ass whores into."

Lestat:"Damn man, {shakes his furry head} You sound like a bitch.  Hanging out with the Texas side of the family has turned you into a fucking little girl."

{Knox gets in between the two of them}

Knox:"Stop, we have more problems than you two having a blood bath match.  What's going on here is Impact X is doing this as a stable match.  Mack will take Venom out long before Extreme ever happens.  It's going to be us versus them and that's fine by me."

Lucas:"Sounds good to me."  {he reaches for his beer bottle and finds it empty} "DUSTY!  I need another beer."

{Dusty comes in rolling a cooler wearing a tankini.  Lucas grabs a beer and turns to get a bottle opener }

Dusty:"I'm not your servant Loki.  {She cuddles up to Knox in her swimsuit and whispering things he obviously likes} "I'm taking the kids to go play on the beach."

{Knox pulls her tight againist him, kissing her, and rubs her againist him}

Knox:"I didn't think you'd be able to move after last night."

{Dusty gives him a sultry look}

Dusty:"It's called yoga.  You should try it.  {she glances at her older brother and then back at her husband} "Did you talk to him? {he shakes his head}  "What are you waiting on?"

Knox:"I'll do it now."

Dusty:"K.  {she kisses him} "Bye."

{Once Dusty is gone knox turns to the other guys}

Knox:"What is your plan with Justin, Loki?"

{Lucas turns around and his eyes are kinda glassy}

Lucas:"He is out of his mind.  He needs to be put down.  SEF is just like everywhere else we worked.  They think Justin is soooo special!!!  They put him in singles matches where he doesn't have to prove himself.  He is in matches with the crap wrestlers so he can look good."

Knox:"I thought his first month he was in fatal fourway matches?"

{Lucas turned his glassy crazed look at him and Knox took a step back and crossed his arms}

Lucas:"Don't think I'm going to attack you.  I am not even going to mess with Dusty.  She's my baby sister and needs to be protected.  She's not like that little manipulative bitch Katana!"

{He looked away.  Knox and Riot share a look.  Lestat walks over to clap Lucas on the back}

Lestat:"Bitches always mess things up.  That's why I do 'em and dump 'em. I don't even see why people get married other than why you and Riot are taking the plunge.  Marry into the top wrestling family in the world and you have all this power, man!"

{Riot looked up and threw his beer bottle at his cousin's head and landed hard.  Lestat cringed briefly before turning and breaking the pool cue in half}

Lestat:"Which one of you threw that?  It was you wasn't it Knox?  You fucking punk!"

{Riot pushed his little brother out of the way and got in his bigger cousin's face}

Riot:"No, it was me.  I'm marrying Jade because I love her.  She's a sweet normal girl.  She's not one of those sick bitches that Synn hangs out with that you always seem to like to bang.  Hell, you get 'em in the bondage clubs in the quarter, beat 'em half to death before they can even get past blowing your jock.  She's a real girl.  You'll keep her name out of your fucking disgusting mouth."

{{The two start beating the fuck out of each other sending the camera flying off the tripod and going all snowy.
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison

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